Mrs. Lee Who???

The next thing I hear was a beeping sound. I tried to get up and see where I was. I was in a hospital bed and the room was huge, obviously it must be an expensive private room. There was no one in the room only me. I couldn’t stand up. I was so weak.

I pressed the button to call the nurse in, immediately a doctor and a nurse came in.

“Yes Mrs.’ Lee. Do you need something? Does something hurts?” the doctor asked.

“What happened to me?” I asked her “Wait what did you call me?”

“Mrs. Lee? Ma’am you got in a car accident and I am sorry to inform you that your baby didn’t make it.”

“Mrs. Lee? My husband? Wait baby?” I asked her with confusion.

“Yes Mrs. Lee you were 2 months pregnant. There were so much blood lost and unfortunately you lost the baby” but I know that he wasn’t him. It was a different guy.

“But I was alone in my car last night” wait I remember one thing, there was this guy he was carrying me under the rain.But how did he know my name? I didn’t know that I was pregnant. I didn’t know how to react. I just felt my tears were slowly falling, though I didn’t want to have a child with the man who cheated on me for a lot of times.

“But he said last night that you were his wife. He went in the emergency room drenched under the rain, everyone was busy and no one was noticing him, he then shouted that his wife needs help.”

“Oh. So where’s his room again?”

“He’s in the next room”

“Can you please help me get up I would like to see my… husband.”

“Ok ma’am. I’ll just get you in a wheel chair.” She helped then got up and placed me in a wheel chair then we went to the room next to mine.

“Hi” I said to the guy lying on the bed, I remembered his face. He was the one carrying me. His left leg was on a cast.

“Hi, uhm honey.” He said to me.

“Thank you. I’ll call you when I need your help” I said to nurse and she went out leaving me with this stranger who said I was his wife.

“Uhm sir. Thank you for taking me to the hospital. I can't remember what really happened last night”

“It’s ok. It was totally my fault. Because of me you lost your baby. I can’t ever forgive myself.”

“It was an accident sir. It was nobody’s fault. How did you know i lost my baby?”

“They told me. Don’t call me sir, we’re the same age. By the way, I’m Lee Seungri. And you are?”

“I am Lee Hana. Apparently I am Mrs. Lee Hana? Good thing we have the same family name huh?” then we laughed a little. “By the way, why did you tell them that I was your wife?”

“I was getting scared already because blood was everywhere.  Everyone was so busy and I needed much attention so I shouted that my wife needs help. That’s how you became Mrs. Lee, though you're already a Lee”

“Oh. Well thank you so much Seungri-ssi for taking me here.”

I was released the next day but Seungri had to be confined for a few more days. I check in one of the nearest hotel in the hospital so that I could go back and visit Seungri for the next days.

“Do you live just near here?” he asked me.

“Actually I don’t, I was here on a trip but the accident happened on my way home.”

“Oh so where do you live?”

“Actually I lived in Seoul but I moved to Gwanju.”

“Really? My home town is in Gwanju! But why did you leave Seoul?”

“Because it’s just so chaotic there I mean being a fiancé of an idol it’s just so I left.”

“Wait so you’re really a fiancé of an idol? Who is it? Is it really me?”

I laughed when he asked that “We keep it as a secret. But since I broke up with him last night, I might as well tell you about him. He’s Lee Chang Seon; you might know him more as Joon. He’s from MBLAQ. I think you know them. We can keep this a secret right?”

“Of course! You can trust me! Yah I know them. Dara noona’s brother is from MBLAQ then. So I guess you’re familiar with who I am too?”

“Yes, I’m just used to it, seeing stars and celebrities. But I don't know if I could trust another star?” I said teasing him a little.

“You could trust me! I'm different from the other idols!" he said trying to redeem his self.

"But I heard that you're on the top 5 list of most arrogant idols in variety shows?" i said laughing at him.

"Don't believe what they say! They don't know the other side of me yet. and i'll promise you that this would be our little secret. it's the only thing that i could do for you"

"Ok fine. i believe you."

"Yes! But why did you break up with him? Wow you were really going to marry him?”

“Our wedding is a month from now. I broke up with him last night I was talking over the phone while I was driving so I guess the accident was also my fault. I went to Seoul last night to see him but I saw him with another girl again. I’m just so stupid of giving him another chance. He cheated on me before and I’m just used to it. I just don’t know how I’ll tell our parents.”

“I guess your parents would understand, he was the one who is wrong.”

“But it’s all complicated, you wouldn’t even understand plus it's a long story” I said to him. I was really comfortable speaking to him. He was like an old friend to me.

“Well I’m confined here for days, might as well tell me everything right?”

“I guess so…” I said with a little hesitation. “Me and Joon oppa are siblings.”

“Wait? What? But I thought you were his fiancé? How could that?”

I laughed at his confusion. “I was adopted by his family when I was little and I knew that. We grew up together. He was my big brother even though he’s only 2 years older than me. When we were teenagers we fell in love with one another. Our parents first disagreed because people still believes that we’re true siblings. But Joon oppa fought for our relationship and even though it hurts to hear that I am only adopted it was the only way we could show our love for one another that’s why I agreed to tell everyone that I was only adopted, and then fortunately everyone accepted our relationship. But when he debuted we had to keep our relationship that’s why I went to Gwanju and left Seoul.”

“Wow…. Your story is just so… I don’t know… but wait does anyone know that you’re still here?”

“Yup I’ve called my friend. She's going to pick me up later. Don’t worry I’ll come back here if I can maybe tomorrow?”

“But I’ll be released tomorrow.”

“Oh so I guess I’ll just see you around then?”

“Come on I know your gonna miss your husband? Let’s exchange numbers”

We did exchange our numbers that day. My friends picked me up at the hotel and we were on our way back home again.

“What happened to you? I called your phone so many times! I’m worried sick about you” Eun-mi asked me. She was my best friend since we were in elementary. She knew everything about me and Joon oppa even my problems with him she’s the only one I told it too.

“Actually I was in an accident a few days ago.”

“WHAAAATTTT!?????!!!!!!!!!” she stopped the car at the side of the road.

“Are you ok? What happened? You look so calm!! Why didn’t you call me?? Does Joon oppa knows?”

“I’m fine. It’s just that….. I was pregnant before the accident… am I bad that i don't feel anything about lossing my baby?”

“What????????? What happened??” she was freaking out already. I told her everything even what happened before the accident.

“So how are you going to tell your parents?”

“I also don’t know. I know we’ve fought for this but I can’t take it anymore. He totally changed when I left Seoul, I don’t know if it was my fault. But I know that he also wanted me to leave Seoul, we’ve talked about it. I don’t know what I did to make him like that? I visit him ever weekend and he calls me every night then he does this to me? What did I do wrong? I just know that I love him and I don’t know if can still love him anymore. I’m just so tired of being hurt all the time.”

She continued to drive back home.

“Well, I guess you’re right. He’s also like your brother technically so like I guess it’s better if you just don’t get married to him.”


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b2utyjalene #1
I want seungri for hana hes shoo nice
givenidict #2
oh and good luck on your exams!!^^
hope u can update soon^^
asianFrustration #3
I wish you luck! I understand how bad that must good luck I hope you pass both at once :)! I can wait for an update as long as you do update, concentrate o your studies. fighting!
hi ;> new readers here ㅋㅋㅋ
Kianna #5
I love this story!!! Please update!!!!
HannahM #6
OMG! I love it!!
Update please
Sweetsailish #8
OMG. Haha!<br />
I love this fic.!<br />
<br />
But i hope Hana will end up with Seungri ^_^
Gosh I'm sooooooooo in love with this fanfic~ please update soon! ^^~
beeeaaaar #10
Update Soon .. ^^