That's Where It Is!

Home Run
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“Hyung, where the hell are you?” I heard Seungri’s frantic voice at the other end of the line.

“I’m on my way. Honest!” I specifically emphasized on the word “honest”to pacify my now furious friend.

“Well you better not be lying Jiyong hyung. Seunghyun hyung’s already boiling mad at you.” Seungri said.

“Don’t worry. I’ll get there on time. I don’t think there’ll be much traffic going there.” I told him.

“Just get your here, okay?”Seungri voiced out his agitation.

“I will.” I assured Seungri.

It is the much-awaited wedding of the alien Choi Seunghyun to the Bominator, Park Bom. As if I have any intentions of missing out this momentous day! Not in this same lifetime!

But dang! I’m running late again! Wait a minute! It’s not entirely my fault why I didn’t wake up early, you know. Last night, we had Seunghyun hyung’s bachelor party at his room at The Shilla Seoul. I was in-charge of the entertainment. I mean, I took care of hiring 2 strippers as a surprise for Seunghyun hyung, which he didn’t appreciate that much unlike my three other brothers (Seungri , Daesung and Youngbae) and myself included.

The three of us had fun watching the strip show while Seunghyun hyung covered his eyes with the use of the throw pillow.

Anyway, enough of what happened last night. Just so you would know, the strippers went home as soon as their show ended. So the five of us just tried to let ourselves get drunk with more booze for the rest of the night.

As I entered the church where the nuptials will be held, I easily spotted my friends near the altar. Seungri hurriedly walked over meeting me halfway on the red-carpeted isle.

“Didn’t I tell you that I’d be on time?” I told Seungri.

“Well you should be. We’ve been here for the past hour. Thank God that Seunghyun hyung’s too nervous to notice much about your lateness.” Seungri said as he accompanied me back to where the groom, Youngbae and Daesung had been standing.

“The wedding is going to start any minute now.” Seungri added.


“Quit pacing the floor, Bommie.” I told my best friend.

“You’re giving me dizzy spells already.” I continued to tell her.

Bommie stopped her pace in front of the full-sized mirror and examined herself closely.

“Eeeeeeeeeekkkkkk!!! Minzy!” I heard Bommie squeal in panic.

“What?” Minzy asked as both of us ran towards her.

“Is this a zit?” Bommie asked while she leaned closer to the mirror.

“Let me see.” Minzy said. Bommie turned to face her.

“Silly! That’s not a zit” There’s no sign of any zit or whatsoever!” Minzy tried to assure her.

“Oh. Well I thought I saw one.” Bommie calmed down.

“Bommie, you’re getting a little paranoid. You don’t have to. You look absolutely perfect.” I told her.

“Thanks! I’m sorry. I’m just a little bit nervous about this. I mean, it’s as if I’m feeling all sorts of emotions there is. I didn’t know that getting married would be like this.” Bommie explained.

“ Dara  unnie’s right, my dear. You don’t have to worry about a thing. You look perfect.” It was Chaerin who reassured Bommie this time.

“Thank you. All three of you, I’m really glad that you’re here. I wouldn’t know how I’d go through the last couple of months preparing for this day if I didn’t have you girls around to help me.” Bommie said and her eyes become misty.

“Hey, give no thought about it. What are friends for anyway?” I told her as I gathered her in my arms.

“Come on now. There’s no time for being mushy here.” Chaerin said and gives Bommie’s back a soft rub.

“Enough of this okay? You’ll just ruin your make-up. You don’t want Seunghyun opppa see you with your mascara running, don’t you?” Minzy said.

“Okay. I’ll stop crying now. And for your info, I have on a smudge proof mascara.” Bommie said as she gave out a soft laugh and fixed her wedding dress.


As the wedding march started I tried to look around me. I saw familiar faces as well as unfamiliar ones and on their faces was excitement about this celebration. I guess not as excited as my brother cause when I looked at Seunghyun hyung a couple of seconds ago, I could clearly see no traces of worries but relief, excitement and happiness.

I knew that this is the day that he had been waiting for a very long time now. And that after all the things that he and his soon to be wife had been through, I knew that this happiness that he is feeling is what he really deserve.

It made me think if I would ever find someone to share the rest my life with. Knowing the way I treated women in the past, I couldn’t help wondering if I deserve to be called a husband.

I may have mellowed my ways in the past few months but that doesn’t give me enough assurance that I will someday, somehow find a woman who is willing to accept me for who I am and who would share the rest of her life with a workaholic like myself.

“Yes. Who would be suitable for me then? Who could ever live up to my mood swings, my workload? Hmmmmm.” I thought silently.

And just as I was searching for an answer, my eyes landed on the most angelic face that I have ever seen in this face of the earth.

With her pale pink tube slim gown that well hugged her figure so softly, Dara glided the carpeted isle with ease. I saw her smile and just like always, my heart skipped a beat. I held my breath and give out a sigh.

“A beauty isn’t she?” I heard Seungri whisper over my shoulder.

“Huh?” I dumbly asked.

“He said Dara has finally turned into the beautiful princess that she is right now.” It was Youngbae who clarified Seungri’s comment.

“Isn’t it wonderful that such beauty unravels right before your eyes? Too bad you don’t seem to notice.” Seungri added.

“That’s what you think. I know that she’s far from the Dara that I’ve met three years ago.” Came my reply. Dara indeed is no longer the young, innocent-looking girl from way back but now a full-grown sophisticated lady, beautiful and y at that.

“If that’s so then why aren’t you making your move? Are you still hooked with that “masked lady” of yours?” Seungri asked quietly.

“Oh that lady is a goner. I’ve finally quit searching for her.” I told them.

Honest! I’ve given up searching for her after landing on nothing but the memory of our shared kiss on those two occasions,I knew I’d never find her. What am I suppose to do? Hold a party everyday just so I could chance on her again? I’d say no way. There are a lot of fishes in the sea. For sure I’d still make a pretty good bargain for any free ladies out there.

But then I came back to my thoughts a few minutes before this.

I’m sure I don’t want to get hitched with some girl who I don’t know and whom I don’t have special feelings for. So who am I to pursue then?

I took another look to where Dara was and saw her just about to take her stand at the other side of the pew.

“Oh God! She’s so beautiful! Have mercy on me please!” I said this as I looked at the holy image at the altar.

I couldn’t help but look at her again. This time, we made eye contact for a second or two. I know it wasn’t that long but it sure made me weak in the knees. And then she gave me one of her sun shiny smile that affected me pretty much.

“Be still my heart!” I thought to myself while I tried to softly rub the part of my chest where my heart lies.

The ceremony started and I just couldn’t be much happier. At least my attention won’t get too caught up with her. Although I knew that it’ll just be temporary cause the minute the wedding ceremony ended, I was back again at admiring her.

It was a good thing though that I didn’t salivate in front of everybody. That’ll be the worst thing that could happen. Imagine me, Kwon Jiyong, drooling over a girl in front of a crowd?

“Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!” I shrugged at that thought.

The wedding reception was held at the lavish garden of the Choi’s mansion that was graced with the presence of the who’s who in the business world of Seoul.

“Dara yah!!!” I called on to my best friend Dara who I saw entertaining some of the guest who started to arrive at the Choi Estate.

As soon as she faced me, I got a clearer vision of her Dara ‘s face lighted as she threw me one of her sun shiny smile. She looked simply divine.

I guess I’ve never really seen her looking so much like a lady dressed in her pale pink tube gown. I was admiring her from where I was standing and got literally rooted on the ground that I was standing in.

Then I saw her walking towards me.

I actually stated to panic. I don’t know why but I just did.

“What am I to say to her? Why did I have to call on her?” I thought to myself. Why couldn’t I have satisfied myself with just staring at her? Gawd! And so, as I gathered all my thoughts, I tried dealing with the situation the only way that I knew.

“Busy there, aren’t you?” I asked as I cleared my throat.

“Yeah, kinda.” She said as she smiled.

I helped her sit on one of the chairs that were beside us.

Just then I started to laugh. I don’t know if I was just faking it out but it seemed to have a different notion for her.

“What’s so funny?” She asked.

“Huh?” I asked dumbly. I still couldn’t help laughing.

“What?” She sounded irritated right now that she started to rise up from her seat.

“I’m sorry. It’s just that I..” I could hardly give her an answer as I battled as to why I was laughing. Silly but I still didn’t know why I was laughing either.

“You what?” She questioned me further.

“Oh I get it. You’re surely laughing at the way I look right?” She answered her own question giving me a dangerous look.

“Well,” I still couldn’t tell her my reason. I was still at a lost. This isn’t good, I feared.

“You’re such an you know.” I heard her squeal in anger.

“I’m sorry. I really am. But I must say that you are mostly right. The dress is really nice. But seeing it on you? Well that’s the kicker. I haven’t really seen you wearing such.” I blurted out of nowhere.

Damn! Do I really have to say such a thing? Well fine! Blame me. I really didn’t know how to handle such a thing. I mean not with Dara. I’m used to seeing her dressed more casually. And I guess this is how I can only deal with things when it comes to her. It’s the only way I can deal with how I felt about her.

Call me stupid but it’s just the way I am when I’m with her. Pathetic I know. But that’s just it. I can’t let her know how I feel about her.

Which made me think.

“What do I exactly feel about her?” I asked myself but even before I could search for an answer in my head, I saw her storming away from me.

“Hey! Dee! I was just kidding! Honest!” I called her back.

“Yeah right, Jiyong! Save it. If you can’t say anything good,  please, leave me for the time being. I’m all stressed out as it is. Be a good friend and stay away from me for a while. At least until the wedding is through.” She said as she hurriedly swirled away from me meeting the newlyweds at the farther end of the grounds.

“Nice move Jiyong!!!” I blurted out in dismay.


“Damn you Jiyong!!!” I couldn’t help uttering to myself. It has been at least an hour now since that talk (was it even a talk that we just had?). Still he had me really boiling mad. As if he looked.

“Oh Gawd! Why does he have to look the way he does today? So damn delectable!!!” I swear! I wanted to convince myself that Jiyong doesn’t look any way better than I did but I just couldn’t lie to myself, could I?

A groan escaped from me. I was in too deep with this. I knew that. I have always known that I’ve been hooked on this guy ever since. Enough of the faking!!! As far as I’m concerned there’s no way out of this for me.

I know I’m not that much of a looker but does he really have to be so inconsiderate of how I’d feel? He’s my best friend for crying out loud!

Another groan escaped me,  this time I coupled it with a dagger stare towards the direction of Jiyong. When I saw him, I couldn’t be any more mad at what I had seen. He was again, back to his flirting mode. Jiyong was flirting with some of the girls (who I assume were daughters of some magnate that the Bigbang had known in business).

“ Dara unnie! Bommie is about to toss her bouquet. Let’s join the rest.” I heard Chaerin tell me.

“Oh, is it?” I asked.

“Come on. Minzy is already waiting for us to take our places beside her.” She continued to say.

“Okay. I’m coming.” I said and turned to make a last look at Jiyong.

Thank God that the girls had already left his side. His gaze turned to look at me and so I darted him the angry look that I had and turned to look away from him. But just before I did so, I saw him smirking at me. I walk a few more steps and turned to look back at him again. This time I stuck my tongue out to him. Then I turned my back and headed towards the other girls.

I wasn’t much to keen on cowering over the bouquet. For one thing there were a lot of other girls and I was just among the crowd so I just stood there beside my other two single friends. But the thing is, I saw Minzy and Chaerin send some kind of a signal to Bommie then I saw Bommie nod to them before she threw the bouquet.

The flower arrangement flew over my head and was caught by Minzy who rushed to my backside and in another second, I felt the bouquet land on my arms.

“Dara unnie!!! You caught the bouquet!” Chaerin emphasized.

“Yeah right! It was Minzy who caught it!” I said.

“Oh no I didn’t. I sure thought I did but when I was about to catch it, I must have hit it and it flew back towards your direction. Well it landed to you so technically I wasn’t the one who caught it. So it’s yours.” Minzy explained.

Yeah right! As if I didn’t know what they were trying to do. For sure Jiyong would be the one who’ll get the garter with the garter toss. Hmmmm.

And my guess couldn’t be any better for he had caught the garter. At least it seemed like it wasn’t planted the way the bouquet was with mine.


“Breathe Jiyong! Breathe!” I earnestly summoned myself.

I was having a hard time breathing so I loosened my tie and undid the first two buttons of my dress shirt. I pressed my right palm against my chest and rubbed it gently.

“Damn it!” I cursed lightly.

I slowly reached inside my suit’s pocket and got something out of it.

“Ahhhhh!!! My savior!”

I breathed in deeply and felt relief slowly seeping through me. So I hurriedly placed my inhaler back inside my pocket before finally proceeding towards the makeshift podium at the center of the Choi gardens.

But before doing so, I took a little side-trip to claim my partner.


A frowning Dara. An angry but still beautiful, Dara.

As I offered my hand to her, catcalls and whistles started to boom from the crowd.

“It’s tradition. We’re not about to break it, won’t we? The crowd is waiting, Dee.” I simply said.

“Whatever,  Jiyong!” I heard her sigh out before she took my hand and stood up.

“Do it for Bommie and Seunghyun hyung.” I whispered as I lead her towards the center of the crowd.

As soon as the crowd started to settle and Seungri took hold of the microphone, I let Dara sit on the chair provided for her.

I don’t know why but soon as I lowered myself to kneel on one foot before her, I began to get a picture of Dara and myself with the same position as we are now; only it was for a different reason. I wasn’t holding on to a garter with one of my hand, instead I was holding out a ring.

“Jiyong hyung, the crowd is now getting anxious. They are waiting for you to put the garter on Dara noona.” I was startled when I heard Seungri’s voice just behind my ear in a low whisper.

“Oh, yes. Yes, of course.” I uttered simply shaking off the weird thought in my head.

So, I rose up my left hand where I was holding the blue garter for everyone to see just so the crowd will know that I’m about to the task already.

But before I even attempted to slide the garter up her thighs, I looked up and tried to catch her eyes.

“May I?” I asked.

I saw Dara’s brows knit into a straight line and her lips pouted at me.

“As if I have a choice to say no!” She rolled her eyes and yet, she raised the hem of her dress higher.

I took this as a go signal to pull the garter higher up her legs.

A smile slowly crept up my lips as I, once again had a glimpse of her long, slim and creamy stems. Soon, I could feel my chest tighten again with the mere sight of it.

“Breathe Jiyong! Breathe!”

“Are you saying something, Jiyong?” She questioned me.

I guess I might have reminded myself to even my breathing a little louder than I had wanted to.

“Uh, nothing. Just, Ummm.” I tried to say helplessly catching my breath.

I stood up from my kneeling position and helped Dara up from her seat.

“Having trouble breathing Ji?” She leaned in closer to me as she asked in a whisper not attempting to move her lips. Worry was evident in her tone.

“Ummm,  not really.”I replied.

“Come of it. Did you bring your inhaler with you?” She asked me carefully again.

“Yup. in my pocket.” I answered patting that part of my suit where I had kept my savior.

“Good!” She said.

“So, are you not mad at me now?" I just had to ask.

“You wish, Ji!” Dara just said faking a smile towards the audience before taking leaving me behind. I watched her as she mingled with Minzy and Chaerin drinking down a shot of tequilla down that Chaerin handed to her.

“Thank you, Jiyong hyung. Thank you, Dara noona!” I heard Seungri say over the microphone.

I was just glad that that was over. I hastily walked out from the crowd and went inside the mansion looking for the nearest comfort room. I was still catching my breath and was now having a hard time breathing.

“Darn this asthma!!!” I cursed.


It was much to my relief that the wedding reception of Bommie and Seunghyun came to an end just after the sun had set. Only a few close friends and relatives were asked to stay for dinner at the mansion.

Just right about now, all I wanted to do is change into something more comfortable than this gown that I’m wearing. But I was left with not much of a choice but to wear it still cause the whole event isn’t over yet.

After dinner, I learned from Chaerin that there’d still be dancing at the ballroom of the mansion.

“Yeah, right!” I helplessly sighed. I’ve got to left feet, just so you’d know. So to escape this dancing thingy, I inched myself towards the bar and asked the bar tender for a glass of vodka.

I honestly

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Chapter 18: ❤️???
Unixai21 #2
Chapter 18: Ohh good story.. I love it.. Thank you authornim
airan07 #3
Chapter 18: This is super cute :)
Chapter 18: Happy Ending.. i love it from start to finish tho some of scenes frustrated me. :))

Thanks authornim.
Chapter 17: I love this chapter.

Omg.. this is the biggest yet one of the sweetest proposal that ive read.. i just love it. <333
Chapter 16: That's a good plan Ji but i hope it wont backfire vod she's hurting.
Chapter 15: What the F Ji? How dare you bring some gurl after what happened?
Chapter 14: kyaaaaa~~~~ they finally kissed after so many months. :)))

I have a feeling that Dara won't be able to remember what happened that night and Jiyong won't tell her that he already knows.
Chapter 13: I'm not against again with what happened but i felt bad for Ji, i felt like she's playing with him.
Chapter 12: How embarrassing is that? I have a good laugh because of that