
Life is Cruel!

"Woohyun, what's wrong?" Boohyun asked when the three of them had come home after dropping off Sungjong at his house. Woohyun turned to face his brother.

"What do you mean?" He questioned.

"What I mean is, are you jealous of Sungjong?"

"What? Of course not! Why would you of all people think that?"

"Just thought since you choked when he announced that him and Sunggyu were dating!"

"It was shocking, okay? I didn't know they were gay!"

"Woohyun, Sunggyu lives with us! How could you not know this about him?" Woohyun waved Boohyun off before going up to his room. At that moment, Sunggyu came in. "Sunggyu, do you love Sungjong?"

"Huh? Wae?"

"Just asking."

"I do... I love him a lot."

"Do you?"

"Yes." Sunggyu nods. "Why are you asking? I mean, it's not like somone else likes me, right?"

"Someone else does, but, they're way too stubborn to admit it..."


"No one, just forget it... They'll tell you if they want. It's not my position to tell you."


Next Day, Woohyun's POV

Me and Sunggyu are walking to school when Sungjong comes up behind Sunggyu and covers his eyes, giving me a look that tels me to be quiet. "Guess who." He cooed into Sunggyu's ear.

"Um... Sungjong?" Sunggyu questioned making Sungong let go of him and go in front of him.

"Congrats, hyung! Your prize is a kiss!" With that said, Sungjong pecked the older boy. Woohyun stared at them as this was happening and Sunggyu noticed.

"What? Does it make you uncomfortable?"

"We won't do it if it does, hyung!" Sungjong assured. Sunggyu scoffed.

"As if we will! It's time for my payback to him!" With that, the older grabbed Sungjong's face before kissing him a little more deeply than the first time. Woohyun blinked at Sunggyu with shock, jaw dropped and everything. Shaking his head, he scowled at the couple.

"Like that would be uncomfortable to me! I've kissed SO MANY people, you have no idea, Sunggyu!" Woohyun spat, unaware of the fact that what he said hurt Sunggyu. Even Sunggyu didn't know that the aching in his chest was from what Woohyun said. "Besides, I like someone, if you don't already know!" The older looked at him with an emotionless face and the youngest of the three just looked from his boyfried to his foster brother in an awkward silence. He didn't understand why Woohyun was so mad about this since he didn't particularly like his hyung. Yes, he knew, he just chose not to tell them.

"Let's go." The oldest suggested before dragging his boyfriend along, leaving Woohyun to wonder what he was feeling for his foster brother.

Woohyun's POV

What am I feeling for him? I thought. I love Chorong, not him! As if on cue, she came in front of me with a cute smile. Well, she's always cute, but today she especially looked cute. "Hello, oppa." She greets me.

"Hello." I greet back. "What's up?"

"Well, uh..."

"What is it? You can tell me anything!"

"Well... Oppa, I like you." This caught my attention a bit.

"Jincha? We're talking more than a friend way, right?"


"Seriously? I like you in that way too!" She smiled brightly at me and we walked to class together.

After School

I walked with Chorong to the gate where Sunggyu and Sungjong were waiting for us. Sunggyu looked at me with his annoyed eyes and I knew that I was going to get scolded for coming late. But, he didn't scold me. He just narrowed his eyes over to Chorong. "Hello, Chorong." He smiled.

"Hello, oppa." She chirped back. "Are you waiting for Woohyun oppa?"

"We were, yes. But now that you're here, lets go home."

"Actually..." I started. "Chorong and I were going to go on a date. So, you can go without me."

"A-A date?" Sunggyu stuttered. I nod.

"Yes, a date. We're a couple now!" I announced as Chorong clings on to my arm. Sunggyu eyed her with a look I couldn't make out before looking at me.

"Fine, see you at home." With that, they left.

Sunggyu's POV

Waiting for Woohyun was a pain and when he finally came, I was relieved since we could go home. I give him an annoyed glance before noticing that Chorong was with him. "Hello, Chorong." I greeted with a smile.

"Hello, oppa." She chirped. "Are you waiting for Woohyun oppa?"

"We were, yes. But now that you're here, lets go home."

"Actually..." He started. "Chorong and I were going to go on a date. So, you can go without me."

"A-A date?" I stutter. He nods.

"Yes, a date. We're a couple now!" He announces as Chorong clings to his arm. My heart sank, but I don't know why. Shouldn't I be happy for him? I thought eyeing her with a look of disapproval. Of course, it wasn't that strong to be noticable. I looked back at Woohyun.

"Fine, see you at home." I say, walking away with Sungjong. My heart sank more and started to hurt the further we got.

A/N: Sorry for the REALLY long wait. I was busy with other stuff and just was too lazy to write whenever I had time. The title is basically referring to how they're questioning their love for each other. SUBSCRIBE & COMMENT PLEASE!

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lovevyk88 #1
Chapter 15: Wow.. does sungjong date woohyun now? Im really confused
lovevyk88 #2
Chapter 12: T~T why did they breakkuuu
lovevyk88 #3
Chapter 9: I enjoy the smuuut.. gyujong is soo sweey
lovevyk88 #4
Chapter 5: Yay finally gyujong happened..
lovevyk88 #5
Chapter 1: Aishh pooor sunggyuu.. i hope his life got better in this fix
Chapter 19: Well I don't blame sunggyu or woohyun cause Thier both to blame. Woohyuns fault for being stubborn and hiding and hurting sunggyu emotional but idk what toast about sunggyu. Sunggyu at least you have Jong xD
young1328 #7
Chapter 18: Yes sunggyu pov please.. I want to know what on sunggyu mind when woohyun confessed and of course when woohyun quit his job :) thank you for updating ^^
Geckokono8 #8
Chapter 18: OMGGGGGGGGGGGG THE ANGSTY! Poor confused. And mow Sunggyu knows!!! I wonder what will happen!!! I'm so excited! Kkkk, thank you Authornim for updating!!!
inspiriteLement #9
Chapter 17: wait, I don't get it...when did Woohyun started liking Sunggyu...didn't he hate Sunggyu so much before??? I'm so confused
Geckokono8 #10
Chapter 17: Noooooooooooooo!!!! WOOGYU IN FLAMESSSS! *sobs*
Wahh, love the angst sis!!! Thank you for updating!!!!