Bonding (Sunggyu's POV)

Life is Cruel!

If working on the project with Woohyun wasn't bad enough, I had to stay the entire weekend with him, alone. "Boys, we're going to be going on a needed vacation soon." Woohyun's mom told us at dinner.

"Jincha?" We asked with excitement. She frowned at us.

"Sorry boys, it's just for your father and me."

"Eomma, you're so cruel!" Woohyun whined.

"I'm sorry..." She smiled apologetically at him. "But, your father's boss gave him the tickets and there were only two."

"I understand..." Woohyun nods sadly.

"Anyways, you two can take care of yourselves, right?" Woohyun's dad asked us. "If not, we'll call your aunt or someone else from the family."

"Appa, don't worry about us, we can take care of ourselves." Woohyun assured. Wait, how long is this going to be for? I wondered, hoping that I wouldn't have to stay with Woohyun all by myself for too long.

"Mr. Nam, how long is this vacation going to be?" I asked.

"Sunggyu, you're part of the family now." He reminds me. "Just call me appa."

"Sorry... It's a bad habit." I explain.

"Well, it's just going to be for the long weekend. So, five days, maybe six if we really can't make it back on time." He answers. Six days with Woohyun all by myself! No! Does the world hate me or something? I screamed in my mind, breaking down inside.

"Oh, I see..." I answered coolly on the outside though.

"We'll give you money for food, but I'm pretty sure everything's already in the house." Woohyun's mom told us. We nod and the rest of the dinner is silent.

The Next Day

It was Friday and when we got home from school, we found that Woohyun's parents were already gone. He turned to me after taking off his shoes and gave me an evil smile. "You know what this means, don't you?"

"A whole weekend of torture for me?" I guessed.

"Bingo!" Woohyun cheered, punching me not in a playful way before heading to the kitchen. "Are you hungry, hyung?"

"Yes, but I don't need you to make me anything." I say going upstairs. When I come down, he's sitting on the couch eating a sandwich.

"Want a bite?"

"No way!" I say with disgust at the thought of eating the same sandwich as that devil. Going to the kitchen, I was going to go look for stuff to make myself something too. But surprisingly, Woohyun had left everything out. Is this for me? I wondered, thinking really hard about what he could've done. Maybe he put some poison in something, but what? As that thought left my mind, Woohyun came up beside me.

"Hyung, let's try to be friends."

"What?" I ask, astonished at this attitude change.

"We're living together, we should at least try, right?" He questions.

"I guess..." I nod, making my sandwich. I have to keep my eyes open, he's planning something, I know it! I might be paranoid by all this though. I mean, he did say he didn't hate me. "Alright, let's be friends." I smile at him, thinking that I should really give the kid a chance.

"Let's shake on it." Suggests Woohyun. I hesitate for a moment, still not fully trusting him, but I take him up on his offer. Bad idea. There was a joy buzzer on his hand that I didn't see and it got me!

"Woohyun!" I complained only to get a devilish smile before he ran away from me as I was about to grab his wrist and scold him for tricking me. Sighing, I just let him go and went up to my room with the sandwich I had made. After the snack, I did my homework until my stomach grumbled again for some food. Looking at the clock on my desk, I saw that it was already time for dinner. I got up and headed out of my room only to be met by a delicious smell. Wondering what it was, I quickly went down to the kitchen to see Woohyun cooking.

"You're cooking?" I asked. He turned to look at me for a second before nodding and turning back to the food. "What is it?"

"Just some kimchi, if you don't mind."

"If you're cooking, then I'm going out to eat. I don't wanna get poisoned!" Woohyun turned to me with a hurt look.

"Hyung, I wouldn't put poison in your food, besides, this is for me too! Why would I poison myself?"

"Suicide, maybe."

"As if... I wouldn't do that." With that said, he turned off the stove and brought the pot of kimchi to the table, splitting the food into two bowls. "Here, just try it."

"You try it first!" I retorted. "I wanna make sure that you didn't poison it!" Woohyun rolls his eyes at me and eats a forkful of the kimchi. He looks at me expectantly.

"See? Nothing happened."

"Fine..." I give up, sitting down across from him and taking my bowl.

After an Awkward and Quiet Dinner

I was stuck doing the dishes because Woohyun had used some aegyo and begging, a lot of begging. Growling at how sneaky and mean he could be sometimes, I finished off the dishes before heading to the living room and plopping down on the couch lazily. I the T.V and flipped through channels to a movie channel. I didn't know what movie was on, but it seemed pretty interesting by the scene that I had landed on. "You're watching 21? It's my favourite!" Woohyun's voice says to me before I feel the cushion beside mine dip, telling me that he had sat down beside me. I looked over at him with question but he didn't answer my silent question so I just decided to ignore him.

Unfortunately for me, around the end of the movie, he fell asleep on my arm. Looking at him now, I see his angelic side. Is he really an angel though? Or is he a devil instead? I wonder, nudging him to wake him up. He groans with irritation and moves closer to my arm. He's so cute! I think to myself. No! What am I thinking? I like Sungjong, not this devil child! I scold myself, but feel my heart flutter when he nuzzles against my arm. This is going to be a long weekend indeed! I think to myself. At least we're bonding, in a way...

A/N: Yes, they're bonding now! Next chapter is going to be the same, except in Woohyun's POV to let you guys see what he was thinking for the whole time! SUBSCRIBE and COMMENT!

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lovevyk88 #1
Chapter 15: Wow.. does sungjong date woohyun now? Im really confused
lovevyk88 #2
Chapter 12: T~T why did they breakkuuu
lovevyk88 #3
Chapter 9: I enjoy the smuuut.. gyujong is soo sweey
lovevyk88 #4
Chapter 5: Yay finally gyujong happened..
lovevyk88 #5
Chapter 1: Aishh pooor sunggyuu.. i hope his life got better in this fix
Chapter 19: Well I don't blame sunggyu or woohyun cause Thier both to blame. Woohyuns fault for being stubborn and hiding and hurting sunggyu emotional but idk what toast about sunggyu. Sunggyu at least you have Jong xD
young1328 #7
Chapter 18: Yes sunggyu pov please.. I want to know what on sunggyu mind when woohyun confessed and of course when woohyun quit his job :) thank you for updating ^^
Geckokono8 #8
Chapter 18: OMGGGGGGGGGGGG THE ANGSTY! Poor confused. And mow Sunggyu knows!!! I wonder what will happen!!! I'm so excited! Kkkk, thank you Authornim for updating!!!
inspiriteLement #9
Chapter 17: wait, I don't get it...when did Woohyun started liking Sunggyu...didn't he hate Sunggyu so much before??? I'm so confused
Geckokono8 #10
Chapter 17: Noooooooooooooo!!!! WOOGYU IN FLAMESSSS! *sobs*
Wahh, love the angst sis!!! Thank you for updating!!!!