
Life is Cruel!

The Next Day, Woohyun's POV

I came into the office sadly. The events of last night still playing in my mind. What Sunggyu had said. How much he hates me. Everything. I opened the door to my own office that I shared with Sunggyu and Key to see Sunggyu waiting. He smiled apologetically at me. "Woohyun, I'm sorry for yesterday." He apologized. I rolled my eyes and ignored him. "Woohyun, please." I ignore him again. "Woohyun!"

"Hey, you two." Key came into the room. "What's happening between you this time?"

"He isn't talking to me and is ignoring me." Sunggyu explained.

"And whose fault is that?" I retort. Key just looked at us with a funny look.

"You two are acting like kids... Can't you just talk this out like mature adults?"

"Key, you don't know the history between us, so can you just please stay out of it?" I ask him. Sunggyu nods in agreement. Key shrugs, going to his desk. I do the same.


Sunggyu was even bugging me at lunch. We were sitting with our usual group of friends and he was bugging me about forgiving him. Constantly saying sorry, making the rest of the group look at us funny. "What's going on between you two this time?" Sungjong questioned, knowing our history together.

"Sungjong, please tell him to stop apologizing to me, I won't forgive him." I dodged the question, putting a spoonful of rice in my mouth afterwards. The youngest of the guys looked to Sunggyu with a questioning look. The eldest just sighed.

"Woohyun, come on... I'm right here. Of course I can hear you."

"Whatever." I roll my eyes, picking up my tray and walking away from them. Unfortunately for me, Sunggyu decided to follow me. "Don't follow me."

"Hear me out."


"Oh come on!" Sunggyu yelled at me, coming in front of me, looking really determined for my attention. "You've done so much worse stuff to me while I was actually living with you, so why are you being like this now?" Sungyu asked. He was right. That whole time that he had lived with us, I had made it hard for him. But, now is different. I love him now and I hate to even think that he doesn't like me. Not even as a friend.

"Because I actually love you!" I told him in a slightly raised voice. He looked shocked at me and I slapped a hand over my mouth. But it was too late, he had already heard it. He was shocked, obviously/

"Woohyun..." He started, but I put a hand up.

"I realized too late, I know... But, it's true! I love you more than a foster brother should!" I confessed. He blinked at me, not knowing what to say. "I'm sorry about everything... I was horrible to you... And, even if I'm miserable now without you, I'm glad you're having a good life." With that, I walk away from him, most likely leaving him dumbfounded.

The End of the Day

"I want to resign." I say to the head of the company after the day is done and right before I go home. He looks at me confused.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"I can't be here..." I explain, not wanting to say more.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive."

"Well... Okay, if this is what you want."

"It is, sir."

"Then, let me say that, we will miss you and that you've been a good employee." He holds out his hand to shake.

"Thank you. It was nice working for you." I reply back, taking his hand into mine and giving it a firm shake. After that was done, I left the building, turning back to see it one last time. I've hurt him too much... I can finally get out of his life for good and make him happy. With that last thought, I walked away, hoping that Sunggyu could finally be happy.

A/N: Okay, so i have, like... 2 more chapters to go! But, it will be up to 3 chapters if you guys want to know what happens after Woohyun leaves Sunggyu's life. Obviously in Sunggyu's POV. So, tell me what you guys want for the next chapter! Sunggyu's POV or no?

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lovevyk88 #1
Chapter 15: Wow.. does sungjong date woohyun now? Im really confused
lovevyk88 #2
Chapter 12: T~T why did they breakkuuu
lovevyk88 #3
Chapter 9: I enjoy the smuuut.. gyujong is soo sweey
lovevyk88 #4
Chapter 5: Yay finally gyujong happened..
lovevyk88 #5
Chapter 1: Aishh pooor sunggyuu.. i hope his life got better in this fix
Chapter 19: Well I don't blame sunggyu or woohyun cause Thier both to blame. Woohyuns fault for being stubborn and hiding and hurting sunggyu emotional but idk what toast about sunggyu. Sunggyu at least you have Jong xD
young1328 #7
Chapter 18: Yes sunggyu pov please.. I want to know what on sunggyu mind when woohyun confessed and of course when woohyun quit his job :) thank you for updating ^^
Geckokono8 #8
Chapter 18: OMGGGGGGGGGGGG THE ANGSTY! Poor Woohyunnnnn.....so confused. And mow Sunggyu knows!!! I wonder what will happen!!! I'm so excited! Kkkk, thank you Authornim for updating!!!
inspiriteLement #9
Chapter 17: wait, I don't get it...when did Woohyun started liking Sunggyu...didn't he hate Sunggyu so much before??? I'm so confused
Geckokono8 #10
Chapter 17: Noooooooooooooo!!!! WOOGYU IN FLAMESSSS! *sobs*
Wahh, love the angst sis!!! Thank you for updating!!!!