Moving On

Life is Cruel!

As the days went on, things did not get better for the boys. It was still really awkward for all of them. In fact, it got worste. Sungjong refused to sit with them anymore since Sunggyu was with them. Woohyun not wanting Sungjong alone went with him. At home, Woohyun didn't dare tell his family about Sunggyu's return. He didn't want to deal with him at home as well. One day though, Boohyun noticed that his brother was down, so he asked what was wrong. The younger told Boohyun what was on his mind, knowing that his brother always had some way to find out what was up. And of course their parents found out because of Boohyun. "Woohyun, invite him for dinner tomorrow!" Their mother chimed happily. "It's been so long!"

"I don't think he would want to." Woohyun pointed out.

"Oh? Why not?" His father questioned. Woohyun didn't answer. "Just invite him over." Woohyun couldn't do anything but nod at his father's request, much to Boohyun's amusement.

At Work, Woohyun's POV

I went to work and into my office, seeing Sunggyu waiting for me. "Here." I mutter, handing him a piece of paper before going to my desk, sitting on the chair. "They want to see you again."

"Oh, do they?" Sunggyu asks, looking at the paper which said what time to come and what we would be having. He then looked at me curiously at me. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing..." I wave him off, getting on my computer to start my work.

At Lunch

"Sungjong, are you okay?" I ask him. He nods, but then freezes when he sees Sunggyu coming to us.

"Sungjong..." He starts quietly. "We need to talk..." The youngest of us bit his bottom lip, looking to the ground with nervousness. But he didn't move, telling both me and Sunggyu that he would listen. "Woohyun, can you give us some privacy?"

"Sure." I shrug, leaving the two.

Author's POV

Sunggyu looked at the younger boy. He wasn't looking at him, but Sunggyu could tell he didn't want to be there. "Sungjong, I'm sorry about a week ago." Sunggyu apologizes. Sungjong just nods, still not looking at him before attempting to leave. But, Sunggyu held on to his right arm. "I'm not done..." Sungjong didn't say anything as expected, so Sunggyu kept going. "I'm also sorry about what happened five years ago... I shouldn't have been so harsh on you, no matter how angry I was." Sungjong finally looked at him with teary eyes.


"Aish, don't be like that... Call me hyung again."

"H-Hyung..." Sungjong stuttered.


"I'm sorry..." Sungjong apologized again for what happened five years ago, hoping that this time it would reach Sunggyu. "For toying with you and using you... I shouldn't have done that to you... My..." He was going to say best friend, but he knew he wasn't in any position to still call Sunggyu his best friend. The older sighed.

"Sungjong... You did ruin our friendship." Sunggyu states bluntly. "But... It can be fixed again... If we want it."

"Do you want it?" Sungjong asks softly, not wanting to hear the answer.

"Yes." But that answer was something he didn't expect. He gave the older a shocked look, telling him that the answer was unexpected. "Let's just move on from five years ago... It happened so long ago and I don't want to hate you forever."

"Really, hyung?" The younger asks shocked. Sunggyu nods, smiling sweetly at him and opening his arms for a hug. Sungjong smiled a genuine smile, hugging Sunggyu tightly. Unknown to them, Woohyun watched from around the corner.

Woohyun's POV

I watched as they talked and hugged, making my hand into a fist with anger. I was happy for Sungjong, but why couldn't he just move on with what happened between us too? What was the difference? I left them hugging, thinking only that one thought.

A/N: Sorry for the long wait, guys~ But, it's here~ You guys know what to do and I'm just tired, so yeah.

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lovevyk88 #1
Chapter 15: Wow.. does sungjong date woohyun now? Im really confused
lovevyk88 #2
Chapter 12: T~T why did they breakkuuu
lovevyk88 #3
Chapter 9: I enjoy the smuuut.. gyujong is soo sweey
lovevyk88 #4
Chapter 5: Yay finally gyujong happened..
lovevyk88 #5
Chapter 1: Aishh pooor sunggyuu.. i hope his life got better in this fix
Chapter 19: Well I don't blame sunggyu or woohyun cause Thier both to blame. Woohyuns fault for being stubborn and hiding and hurting sunggyu emotional but idk what toast about sunggyu. Sunggyu at least you have Jong xD
young1328 #7
Chapter 18: Yes sunggyu pov please.. I want to know what on sunggyu mind when woohyun confessed and of course when woohyun quit his job :) thank you for updating ^^
Geckokono8 #8
Chapter 18: OMGGGGGGGGGGGG THE ANGSTY! Poor confused. And mow Sunggyu knows!!! I wonder what will happen!!! I'm so excited! Kkkk, thank you Authornim for updating!!!
inspiriteLement #9
Chapter 17: wait, I don't get it...when did Woohyun started liking Sunggyu...didn't he hate Sunggyu so much before??? I'm so confused
Geckokono8 #10
Chapter 17: Noooooooooooooo!!!! WOOGYU IN FLAMESSSS! *sobs*
Wahh, love the angst sis!!! Thank you for updating!!!!