5 Years Later

Life is Cruel!

Woohyun's POV

I walk into my office with sadness. It's only the morning and I feel down. Today's the day... I think to myself. It's been five years since I last saw or heard from Sunggyu. He left on this exact day, five years ago. And, Boohyun was wrong! He didn't visit or call. When we tried to call him, we had discovered that he had changed his number so we wouldn't be able to reach him. "Woohyun, are you okay?" My colleague, Key asked me. I look over at him and nod, even if it's not the truth. "Well then, here's your share of work today." He gave me the work and I started on it.

At my break, I went to meet up with my friends who surprisingly worked in the same building. Not the same department, but the same building. "Woohyun, over here." I heard L call me. Walking over to them, I took a seat next to Sungjong, noticing that he was also down.

"What's up with you two today? You look so depressed..." Dongwoo pointed out. Sungjong didn't say anything, but I knew why. I understood him the most out of the rest of the group.

"It's Sunggyu, guys..." I explained.

"Oh, today's the day?" Dongwoo asked. I nod. They all knew about how Sunggyu left the family and Sungjong. He didn't keep in touch with them either. It was like he just disappeared from our lives. "Well, just focus on work and try not to think too much about it, okay?" We nod.

"Anyways..." Sungyeol started. "Did you guys hear about the new guy joining today?"

"New guy?" I ask. They all nod. "You even know about this, Sungjong?"

"Of course. It's been going around the building that he's hot." Sungjong answered.

"I see... Well, I can't wait to meet him." I say.

"I think I heard someone say that he's in your department, Woohyun!" Hoya told me.

"Really? Well, if he could be under my teachings, then I will be happy!" I beam at them, putting the thought of Sunggyu to the back of my mind. The guys laughed and the mood of the table became lighter. When I went back to the office, Key looked at me annoyed.


"Sorry... I was on my break."

"Fine, whatever... But, the new guy is here and he's assigned to you."

"Oh, really? I'm so sorry..."

"Luckily, he's not here yet." As soon as that was said, there was a knock at the door. Key went to go get it as I sat at my desk. "He's here."


"Woohyun, this is the new guy, Kim Sunggyu." Key announced. I froze and looked up. There he was. The man I haven't seen in five years. Kim Sunggyu. He looked to me and his expression fell. He was not happy to see me. And just like that, I felt awkward to be in the same room as him.

A/N: Awkward~ it will get better though... Maybe! Subscribe and comment!

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lovevyk88 #1
Chapter 15: Wow.. does sungjong date woohyun now? Im really confused
lovevyk88 #2
Chapter 12: T~T why did they breakkuuu
lovevyk88 #3
Chapter 9: I enjoy the smuuut.. gyujong is soo sweey
lovevyk88 #4
Chapter 5: Yay finally gyujong happened..
lovevyk88 #5
Chapter 1: Aishh pooor sunggyuu.. i hope his life got better in this fix
Chapter 19: Well I don't blame sunggyu or woohyun cause Thier both to blame. Woohyuns fault for being stubborn and hiding and hurting sunggyu emotional but idk what toast about sunggyu. Sunggyu at least you have Jong xD
young1328 #7
Chapter 18: Yes sunggyu pov please.. I want to know what on sunggyu mind when woohyun confessed and of course when woohyun quit his job :) thank you for updating ^^
Geckokono8 #8
Chapter 18: OMGGGGGGGGGGGG THE ANGSTY! Poor Woohyunnnnn.....so confused. And mow Sunggyu knows!!! I wonder what will happen!!! I'm so excited! Kkkk, thank you Authornim for updating!!!
inspiriteLement #9
Chapter 17: wait, I don't get it...when did Woohyun started liking Sunggyu...didn't he hate Sunggyu so much before??? I'm so confused
Geckokono8 #10
Chapter 17: Noooooooooooooo!!!! WOOGYU IN FLAMESSSS! *sobs*
Wahh, love the angst sis!!! Thank you for updating!!!!