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“Welcome back Young Master. It’s been years since your last visit.” An old man beams as soon as Chanyeol gets himself inside a place of full enchantment. Happiness Delight. As what Chanyeol suggested to the owner for the place’s name. Too much happiness. Too much contentment. Too much bliss. Yet too much different to the usual Park Chanyeol. Park Chanyeol doesn’t have his own happiness. He doesn’t have his own delight. But that was back then. That was back before now. Because for now Chanyeol already knows what his happiness is. He’s not just sure to pursue that only happiness he has.






Happiness Delight. It is some sort of an exotic place where people can stay and feel relaxed. Yes, it can be referred to as an amusement park because most people going there go home with amused faces with them. It has its own garden and some other beautiful scenery. Chanyeol used to describe it as an enchanted place. It’s because there he used to see enchanting faces of people with genuine happiness overwhelming them.  It was one of those days where Chanyeol asks himself on when will he become the same as those people. Not just simply smiling with the corners of their lips being stretched up. He wants the real one..The sincere happiness.





“Young Master, I can see you still haven’t found her.” Chanyeol moves his head down to look on the old man beside him, confused.

The old man laughs. “I mean the one you’ll be with when you set those birds free.” He winks.


“Oww~ that one.” Chanyeol laughs at this because he never thought this old man still sticks in his mind Chanyeol’s childish promise to bring someone with him to set the birds their freedom. It was actually one of the place’s special enticement. Because the owner of the place as well as its workers including this grandpa believes that when two people are destined for each other, no matter how bold and strong their hurdles are, they’ll still be bound and will end up together. And the two lovers just signify the two birds which they are going to set free to the fierce and ferocious world to face those struggles.


“Don’t worry grandpa I think I'm ready to free those birds...soon.” Chanyeol pulls his gaze from him to see two lovers who’s about to set their birds free. To set themselves ready, and to truly accept each other.






FEAR. It’s spelled as F-E-A-R. It’s what eats Chanyeol’s leaking confidence. He’s Park Chanyeol for crying out loud. He fears no one. But why is this simple thing makes Chanyeol feel so NOTHING.

His fear to love someone with all his heart and leave her after that.

His fear to leave someone.

His fear to leave.



The thing is Chanyeol was never afraid to leave. It’s his nature to leave but there’s this innocent girl that flipped and has sank his confidence down. He doesn’t want to leave now. He’s scared. He just can’t. But that’s the providence, or maybe not? He doesn’t know anymore. He’s confused. He’s scared.






Chanyeol was stunned the moment he turns the door knob. He should be welcomed by complete silence but to his surprise he was greeted by some serious throwing of dialogues from the living room.

Of course it’s just a movie. He relaxes his nerves but then the sight of a silhouette sitting on the sofa fronting the TV screen triggers his anxiousness again.

He’s tired. He can assure that to himself. But with whatever lame reasons he has opted to approach and sit beside the figure his eyes perceive.




Nouf was staggered when a weight suddenly flopped on her side. Not that she isn’t expecting Chanyeol to come, she just found it surprising because her full attention back then was affixed on the movie she's watching.

She’s been waiting for the lad to come home since he left with no words left on her. She’s not really expecting him to inform her of where he is bound to go like he’s obliged to. It’s really those things that happened to that bathroom that makes her lurch up until now. Especially now that Chanyeol’s sitting next to her.



Where have you been? She wants to ask but something else went out of . “You look tired. You need to sleep now.” 

“It is also a need for you to sleep ..and avoid sleeping up late over these movies. You could just watch it tomorrow. I mean we used to watch a lot these days I guess, we should loosen up a bit.” His voice sounded as dull as possible for Nouf can’t figure out to herself how exactly the guy on her side feels at the moment. Did something happened? 

I was waiting for you. She wants to say it but her tongue tied causing her to utter some random words again. “I really can’t help to finish this one.”

 And Chanyeol went silent after that. His eyes were fixated on the TV screen as well as Nouf. Too much similar as to what they are actually doing. Their eyes may be glued on the movie but half of their minds actually were set aside to think of other demanding things.



“What would you do if the person you really love is constrained to leave you?” Chanyeol thought, looking directly on the main character of the movie as he speaks out how much he loves her leading lady. He got jealous though. Jealous of how much stories in movies always get  a happy ending. It’s just so unfair.

“--doesn’t get lonely when he leaves me.” Someone speaks that pulls him back to reality. He turned to his right shoulder to see Nouf with a face he had never seen from her. It was a smile. A smile full of sincerity and earnestness. Just like one of those people from Happiness Delight has that he always witnesses.

“W-what?” He asks. He’s sure Nouf has said something else. He was just so seriously getting jealous over movies that he haven’t comprehended everything she said.

“I said I’m going to make best use of the remaining time I get to spend with him. I’ll show him how much I love him and make him feel that I am very much happy to have him in my life so he doesn’t get lonely when he leaves me.” She smiles again, that rare and very genuine one, and Chanyeol has his mind buffering first only to realize what Nouf was talking about in a sudden.



OH CRAP! My tongue just slipped my thoughts again wasn’t it? He mentally cursed but immediately brings himself to equanimity, again because of her answer.


Make best use of the remaining time she gets to spend with him. Yes. He could do that. No. He must do that.

Show her how much he loves her and make her feel her importance in his life so that he doesn’t get lonely when he leaves her. Chanyeol has to admit to himself how much stupid he is. Jul was right there’s nothing wrong in giving it a try.

He’s ready now.

If it fails then at least he’ll leave with no regrets. But it’ll be better if it sticks with success though like who likes failure over success right?

He’s sure now.

He just made his mind.

He’s all set.



“Nouf.” He starts bringing his eyes back on the TV screen before continuing. “I know this very good place in which I think you’ll have it clipped on the very first page of your adventure book.” He smiles glancing over her right shoulder.


“I’ll bring you there when time comes.” And Nouf smiles from that leaving the tottering thoughts she has since this morning.



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Chapter 5: What the heck my stomach is definitely full of butterflies now!!! CHANYEOL you just don't kiss people like that!!! JUST NO!!
2lovebts #2
Chapter 9: OHMYGG!!!! Don't tell me the Russian guys are there to get her again!! they just don't know how to give up don't they? I just really hate them.. could they just leave my Chanyeol and Nouf alone? Oh and Kai and Sehun too!!! Oh authornim, i'm so much looking for your update!
SonExoxo #3
Chapter 8: This story's getting really interesting author nim.. so much fluffiness too handle
Chapter 8: Update soon~! :D
Chapter 3: Pls update soon! :D
Chapter 2: You tell him Chanyeol! I really like this fic! Pls update soon!
Chapter 1: wOW this is fantastic! I'll recommend this mhagscfderawrfghj