The Silence of Growing Things




This is what happens when you read too much dystopian novels. And if you’re guessing which dystopian novel is my main inspiration while writing this then you should properly start reading now ;)



It all started with a click in one of my ears, some sort of a beacon I guess, and then I see nothing but a bulk of people rummaging everywhere in this hemmed in area with oodles of non-blinking illuminations hanging from above. This place can be a replacement of the place I call home, I admire. But I admit, I can’t quite deal a life with bunch of people I don’t know. I am not that friendly either to start with. I’m lucky enough to have people with deep friendship aids to deal with me.

Unaccustomed ambiance and so so much unfamiliar faces, some has physical appearance not to overlook though.  I was waiting for something I don’t know what, a miracle maybe when a face I’m toughly sure has to do with me appear for about ten meters from me. He was standing exactly from the opposite of my direction, almost perfect posture, arms lightly draping from either sides. With the look he was giving, I became sure he was the first to recognize me. He doesn’t move, just staring.



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