
You Really Don't Know?
You really don't Know 2 photo dont_zps67a2c2eb.jpg" />
After the sun set, we could barely see each other in the small cabin. 
"Luhan." I say.
"Yeah?" he responds.
"I can't see."
"Oh. Sorry. I'm used to finding my way through the dark."
"How did you get used to it?"
Then a sudden dim yellow light appeared out of nowhere. But then I noticed the light is coming from the palm of his hand. The outer part of the fire yellow, the inside a burning white color. 
"It's a funny story actually." he grinned. The small fire hovering over his palm growing brighter in the darkness surrounding us.
"Tell me. I wanna know." I said with eagerness.
"Well, when we were kids, if we didnt get back to the palace on time we would sneak around the castle grounds in the dark trying to get to our rooms. We did that very often." he laughed while reminiscing our childhood past.
"But sometimes we would get caught and would have to seperate from each other to escape. Then we would navigate ourselves to our rooms in the dark."
I look down and focus my vision on something on the floor. 
"That sounds fun." I grin as I'm still looking down at an object lying on the floor.
"It was like a little mini-adventure every so often."
I move the object on the floor with my shoe.
I bend down to pick it up.
"What's this?" I say out loud.
A locket?
The locket was in the shape of a diamond. Engraved on the locket were intricate swirls. And in the very middle if you observed close enough, the intitials S. and L.
S - L? 
Luhan notices the object in my hand and walks over to me.
"I...I gave this to you for your 13th birthday." he grins; his path of vision still on the locket.
"Is there anything inside it?" I ask.
'Yeah." He gestures to me to open it.
I fumble for a second and finally get it to open.
On the right side of the locket is a picture of me and Luhan from when we were younger, but from years after the picture in the frame on the shelf.
And on the left side of the locket was a small azure blue colored crystal embedded into the locket.
"What age are we in this picture?" I ask.
"I was 13 and you were 12. We took this picture right before your birthday."
We both looked so happy. In the picture, the surroundings showed that it was fall. From what I could conclude, we were throwing leaves at each other while standing in a large pile of fallen leaves around our feet. Both of us smiling in our large sweaters.
"You said that was the best day ever and it just so happens that our parents saw, but decided to just let us play and took our pictures from afar. And when I found out, I decided to use a picture they took for this locket. This one was the best one they took."
In the flickering light of the fire burning in his hand, I looked up and he was staring at me. His green eyes looked even more dazzling than I've ever seen them. And ... I couldn't help but stare back as well.
He looks down at my lips, then slowly back to my eyes. And slowly... he starts to lean in, never breaking eye contact. Then out of nowhwere I do the same and as our faces get closer,
The fire goes out and I'm snapped out of the trance I was in and move away from him. 
I clear my throat and say, "I think we should get going." 
The fire in his hand ignites again and I see him.
"Yeah. Sorry, come on let's go." 
He heads out of the cabin right before I do. I follow close behind; using the essence of the fire's light to help me not get seperated from him.
We get back to the car and we sit in silence for the rest of the ride.
Hey guys. ^^ Thank for putting up with me with not updating as much. Btw do any of you have and good photoshop skills to make a poster for my fanfic? If anyone made me a poster i'd be so greatful. And could you guys upvote my story? It would mean sooooo much to me.
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So anyone reading this, how do you like it so far? ^^


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Chapter 13: I love you authornim
Chapter 12: Yo. New reader here! (I've no idea how I stumbled upon your story, but I did) I like your story so far. I don't really have an image with Luhan's green eyes, though. Are they like, really green, 'normal' green, or..? And are they more like, blue-ish green or yellowish green, or just green, or..? I'm sorry if I'm asking hard questions, hehe. XD
Chapter 12: I missed you a lot author-nim
Please update soon
Chapter 9: about your poster you can ask bpolar
Chapter 9: Wow a very nice chapter. the locket and its story is a very nice memory.
Are they going to see the rest of the kingdom?
can't Wait for next update.
Chapter 8: Wow. I really want her memory to recover faster.
Update soon Author-nim
Chapter 7: Wow . Home sweet home.
Waiting for next.
Kpop_Gal #8
Chapter 6: I want more chapters pleeeeeeaaaaaaasee
Chapter 6: You are doing very well so far.
I'm waiting for next update.