It's gonna be a long day.

You Really Don't Know?

You really Don't know photo youdont_zpsd72976b0.jpg" />



It's the end of winter break and I have to go back to school.

The next morning was just like a normal school day routine. I got up out of bed and got ready school. I walk out the front door and on time, as usual, Glaiza and Catherine are waiting for me in their car.

"Hurry up!", they shout in unison.

"Hold up! I'm coming!" I lock the front door and run up to thei car. On our way to school, we jam out to EXO's "Lucky". We then get to school and look out for a parking space . After we parked we got out of the car and walked into the school building. Sadly; all 3 of us had to go our seperate ways. Catherine was a school grade ahead of Glaiza and I. She was a senior and we were juniors. But even as Glaiza and I were juniors we had no classes together as well. 

I walk to my locker and take out the notebooks needed for my first period which was Math. 

UGGGGH, kill me now.

I enter the classroom and choose the seat at the back of the class. I was planning to take a secret nap for I didn't get much sleep last night. My mind kept wandering and kept thinking about what he told me. 

Heir. Pshh. 

I then lay my head down on the desk and slowly start to doze off until something caught my attention. 

"Class, we have a new student his name is Luhan. Please treat him well."


Instant squeals and whispers all around the room.

I instantly lift my head at this revelation. And there he is; at the front of the room staring at my shocked face.


"You can sit in the empty seat next to Seohyun in the back" The teacher pointed in my direction.

With a satisfied look on his face and a quick grin to the rest of the class, he walks down the aisle between the desks and plops right down into his seat on the left of me. 

I look at him with my jaw open. 

I lean over and whisper,

"What are you doing here!?!?"

"I'm here to attend class while protect you."

"Protect me from what?"

"You dont need to know." And with a smirk, he stopped talking.


I get through an extremely long class period and I rush to leave the classroom first as soon as the bell rings.

Hurrying to my locker, I look around behind me and make sure he's gone.


I gather my stuff and close my locker. And there he is leaning on the locker next to mine.

"Dammit." I sigh.

"Well hello to you too." 

"Can't I just have a little normalcy at school?"

"Sorry. No can do. Danger is everywhere."

"In my lunch? Thanks. I know this school's lunch too." I said with a sarcastic tone.

"Look. There are things you have no idea about and it's better that you just trust my word for it."

"Okay. Fine. But can you protect me from a distance? Cause I need to meet up with my friends, and they're going to get extremely weirded out that a total stranger is following me everywhere."

"Deal. But i'm not a total stranger."

"Dude. I just met you yesterday. You can go now."

"Yes milady." he said with a bow.

Everybody looked our way.

I could feel the blood rushing to my face, creating a slight, but noticable, blush on my cheeks.

"Just go away now." -///- I said embarassed.

He chuckled while still in a bowing stance.

He stood straight back up and flashed me a grin and winked with his, unnatural but dazzling, green eyes before he dissapeared. 

What is wrong with that boy?

This was going to be a looong day.



P.S. So how do you guys like the story so far? ^^ I will accept both bad and good criticism because that will only make me a better writer. So comment below please. I'd really appreciate it. Thank you to my readers. c:


P.S.S. Sorry that its shorter than usual. xc I'e been extremely busy with school recently. So I'm trying my best. I promise a really long chapter next update. :D

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Chapter 13: I love you authornim
Chapter 12: Yo. New reader here! (I've no idea how I stumbled upon your story, but I did) I like your story so far. I don't really have an image with Luhan's green eyes, though. Are they like, really green, 'normal' green, or..? And are they more like, blue-ish green or yellowish green, or just green, or..? I'm sorry if I'm asking hard questions, hehe. XD
Chapter 12: I missed you a lot author-nim
Please update soon
Chapter 9: about your poster you can ask bpolar
Chapter 9: Wow a very nice chapter. the locket and its story is a very nice memory.
Are they going to see the rest of the kingdom?
can't Wait for next update.
Chapter 8: Wow. I really want her memory to recover faster.
Update soon Author-nim
Chapter 7: Wow . Home sweet home.
Waiting for next.
Kpop_Gal #8
Chapter 6: I want more chapters pleeeeeeaaaaaaasee
Chapter 6: You are doing very well so far.
I'm waiting for next update.