I'm sorry.

You Really Don't Know?

You really Don't know photo youdont_zpsd72976b0.jpg" />


I get through the rest of the day in peace. After school Catherine, Glaiza and I go to the school's parking lot and reach the car. Catherine starts the engine and pulls out of the school parking. I look behind me for any sight of Luhan.

Huh, he really did stay away. But where is he and how did he even get to school this morning?

We then pull up to my house and I exit the car. Before I walk up to my front door, I look behind me and wave while I wait for them to dissapear at the end of the driveway. I turn around and


I fall to the ground from the giant surprise in front of me. 

"Luhan how long have you been here!?!?!?!" I say in exasperation.

"Long enough for me to check your house to see if it's safe inside." he said while hovering over my fallen body with his hands behind his back.

Agitated, I get up and blow the hair out of my face and go to the front door. I open my backpack and fumble while looking for my keys.

Behind me all I heard was a sigh.

And then whoosh. 

My feet aren't on the ground anymore. I look down at the ground below me and I panic. I start struggling but I was held tight by strong arms around me. Luhan was holding me in the air. To be honest it was nice having him hold me in his arms. It felt safe. 

What are you thinking about?! I can't let this little gesture get to me. Snap out of it!

And before I knew it, we were in front of the window of my room. WHICH WAS ON THE SECOND FLOOR. 

I slip out of his arms, and into my room through the window. I feel cold now that his arms aren't around me.

I look at him embarassed and blushing. 

" thank you." I mutter in a whisper.


"Thank you." I say still quiet.

"What?" he said while leaning his ear torwards me.

"THANK YOU! HAPPY?" I said flustered.

"Very." he said with a grin and satisfied look on his face. " And i'm your guardian anyway, so no problem your highness."

"I hate that word. Just call me Seohyun."

"Yes, your highness. Oops my bad.I mean Seohyun."He left with a smile on his face and an irritated one on mine. 


An hour or so after he left, Sarah returned. 


I run down stairs to see what's happening. 

She was standing over a fallen vase and her body was shaking. She turned around to look at me. There was a scared look on her face.

Holding up her hands she looked into my eyes and said, "I don't know whats happening to me." in a panicking voice.

Then suddenly her eyes turned all black and she started walking into my direction and started talking. But, it wasn't her anymore. 

"So this is the Princess of Xerina, huh. Our little Princess Seohyun has grown. But too bad your parents aren't here to see you now. Totally defenseless and clueless." He said in a mocking tone. 

She throws the sharp broken pieces right at my head and I dodge quickly but stumble and fall to the floor. 

She tilted her, or whoever she was now, head and hovered above me and said, "Goodbye your highness." Just as she's about to strike at me with a piece of the broken vase, I hold out my arms in front of me trying to cover my face. As if that'll work in this situation. 

"STOP!", I yell out. And then a sudden orb of white light is produced from my palms and is directed into her direction. She backs off with a hiss obviously affected by my magic.

"Looks like Daddy's little princess has already started harnessing her powers."

I get up as fast as I can and try to produce what I just did just then. But nothing. In panic I run upstairs with all the strength that I can muster up and close the door to my room. I bought myself some time to think, but not for long. I can hear her walk up the stairs in eerily slow,but loud footsteps.

I open my window and hide inside my closet hoping she'll buy my trick. My bedroom door opens with a slam. I curl up into the farthest corner of my closet and try not breathe as I see the shadows of her feet through the bottom of my closet door. She stops and it becomes silent. 

I close my eyes and wait for her to dissapear. Instead BOOM!

The door to my closet has been unhinged and falls inward the closet.

"Found you." Sarah's hand bloodied from her strong grip on the broken piece of vase. 

"LUHAN!!!" I yell as she's about to strike at me. 

And suddenly Sarah starts floating and is thrown across my room. He came. Luhan emmits a red orb from his hand and directs it into Sarah's direction. 

She hisses and falls to the ground in obvious pain. She tries lunging at Luhan, but his attacks are too powerful for her.  Sarah falls to the ground and with a smile, whatever is posessing Sarah, turns to me,still in pain and says, "Say goodbye to your beloved Sarah."

Before I could say anything, the thing possesing her takes the sharp shard of vase and penetrates it through her abdomen.

"NO!!!" I screech. But it's already way too late. I run over to Sarah's now unpossesed body and hold her in my arms. Sarah opens her eyes and they're back to normal. 

"Sarah don't leave me. Please don't. You're the only person I could ever turn to. Don't leave, hang on." I say with with tears threatening to spill out of my eyes. 

But it's too late, she's already lost so much blood. 

Sarah looks me in the eyes and says, "You've grown so much compared to when I first met you. I know you can do it. I believe in you." And with a last breath,the life then leaves her eyes and her body goes limp. 

I sob and yell and scream, " WHY SARAH!!! SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!! UGHHHHH!" I fall and hold my head in between my hands and cry and cry and cry.

Luhan comes over and holds me as I cry into his shirt. 

"I'm so sorry I couldn't do anything to stop it." he said with pain in his eyes.

And like that, an hour later,  I fall asleep in his arms next to Sarah's lifeless body. 


P.S. So how do you guys like the story so far? :D Am I doing okay or horrible? Comment below please. c:

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Chapter 13: I love you authornim
Chapter 12: Yo. New reader here! (I've no idea how I stumbled upon your story, but I did) I like your story so far. I don't really have an image with Luhan's green eyes, though. Are they like, really green, 'normal' green, or..? And are they more like, blue-ish green or yellowish green, or just green, or..? I'm sorry if I'm asking hard questions, hehe. XD
Chapter 12: I missed you a lot author-nim
Please update soon
Chapter 9: about your poster you can ask bpolar
Chapter 9: Wow a very nice chapter. the locket and its story is a very nice memory.
Are they going to see the rest of the kingdom?
can't Wait for next update.
Chapter 8: Wow. I really want her memory to recover faster.
Update soon Author-nim
Chapter 7: Wow . Home sweet home.
Waiting for next.
Kpop_Gal #8
Chapter 6: I want more chapters pleeeeeeaaaaaaasee
Chapter 6: You are doing very well so far.
I'm waiting for next update.