
You Really Don't Know?


I just realized.

Where are we going now?

I look out the window to my right and all I see so far is wilderness. The silhouettes of the forest trees, is as clear as my eyes can see.

I look over to my left, right where Luhan is sitting in the passenger's seat and he doesn't notice me catch a quick glance at him. 

The awkward tension in the car is so thick, it could be cut with a knife into pieces and be served on a plate at a restaurant called, "Ala - Awkward". And the only ones they'd serve would be me and him. 

"Where are we going?" I ask with my eyes focused on the other side of the glass window. Dark is all I can see.

"Just wait. You'll find out soon enough." he says as he smiles into my direction.

I fall asleep, soon enough, to the sound of the a.c. running.


Hmmm? I hear Luhan's voice but he's talking to someone else, weird. 

I'm sitting down. I lift my head from the commotion.

Oww. My neck has a crick in it. 

I shake it aside and sit up.

 I'm inside somewhere. But WOW, everything is so extravagant and luxurious, even the tile under my ruby red flats. How'd I end up here? I figit in my chair and I turn and find Luhan, he's in a suit. Woah, he cleans up really nicely. But who's that next to him? A man in a suit as well, but he's carrying a different type of feeling. While I take in my surroundings, the other man in the suit exits the room and Luhan comes over and reaches out his arm. Quickly, and too awkward to reject him, I take his arm and he leads me to  the top of the stairs.

"Umm. Luhan, where are w-" he interrupts me.

He gestures a finger on top of his lips showing he wants me to quiet down.

My bad. I gesture.

We exit the room we were occupying. It's dim but just as Luhan shushed me, lights started lighting up from upstairs down into what I assume to be a GRAND foyer.


I'm mesmerized by the beauty, but just as soon as I got distracted, I pay attention just as quick.

Luhan is leading me downstairs and I feel super uncomfortable. I'm still in the same clothes as I've been the whole day. 

When we reach the bottom of the large stairs, we turn right. Leading us to two huge double doors. I stand there doing nothing as I wait for Luhan's next move. 

"So what exactly are we doing here again??" I whisper, so as to not be shushed again.

He looks down into my eyes and says, "I don't know." 

I look up into his own hazel eyes and scoff," Wow. You brought me here, but you don't even know why we're here. And why are you wearing a suit while I look so casual?? You're being extremely suspicious right now." 

He laughs a little. "Good." 

"What's that supposed to mean?" I playfully punch his arm.

"You'll see. C'mon."

The gigantic double doors open and it's pitch black inside. Out of habit, I reach over to the right, releasing Luhan's arm, side of the walls looking for a switch. But no alas, nothing. Before I initially walk out of the room to look for a flashlight, an orb of fire like the one Luhan can emit, appears out of nowhere. I'm confused and walk right to it in the middle of the room. And *flash*

 I just walked into what might be the most amazing show ever. Unsuspecting people around me, they come out of nowhere as the small orb dissappears. They're all surrounding the room on balconies above the floor I'm on and are creating a white substance which seems to be snow in its most graceful form.

"Woah.." I'm in awe.

 More snow falls into piles around my feet, but its not freezing cold nor soaking my clothes. It soon melts as a pool of water around my ankles and it slowly rises into a long rope of water, swirling around me and explodes into rain like drops around me as a giant fountain would. The water hits the ground as gets absorbed. Just as soon as the water dissipated, flora and fauna raise around and under me, creating a very high lift to stand on and observe around the room. I look down to find the flowers to be turning orange and slowly change into fall leaves. It's amazing from transition to transition of all the seasons. 

By this point, my mouth can barely stay closed in my overjoyed state. 

A slow wind appears and gradually starts becoming stronger, whipping the leaves up into a tornado of fall colors. It then starts to surround me on my lift and it starts closing smaller and smaller around me. At first, I start to panic a little completely unaware of what could happen next, but the most amazing happened. All of the leaves stuck to my body, and with a bright shimmering of light, they fell one by one all around me leaving me in a magnificent dress of red and oranges and yellow. 

I could hear the awes of other unseen people around me. It was as if the actual element of fire itself had been turned into a fine fabric. The top was strapless and had a sweet heart neck line. And as for the bottom part of my dress, it flared out into a small poof. Even my hair changed. Instead of it's usual straight and lifeless, it'd been curled into swirls of perfection. 

I look all around me and the leaves are crumpling. The people on the balconies are gathering what was left of the now crushed leaves into a giant ball at the top of the room. And after what felt like decades, it exploded, creating small fireworks for everyone in the room to enjoy as they speculated. 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRINCESS SEOHYUN!!!!" There are whoops and whistles all around. 

This is exhilarating and I'm so touched.

I hear a cough right behind me and realize I totally forgot about Luhan. 

He's floating at the same level as the lift and he reaches out his hand.

Then the same man in the suit from earlier has a person next to him blow a horn, the room silences and quiets down. 

"It is time for the first dance for the Princess's coming of age. Traditionally the Father would be the one to dance with his daughter, but since he is no longer with us, as well as the queen. The one next closest to Princess Seohyun, to stand in place for her father, is Luhan."

"What?" I'm caught by surprise but only say this phrase loud enough for Luhan to hear. 

"Why? What's wrong?" He questions.

I look down in embarrassment. "I don't know how to dance." I say, barely a mumble. 

"Huh?" he leans in closer.

"I can't dance." I say. I can feel the blood rushing to my face.

"Don't worry just follow my lead." Still reaching out his hand, I take it tentatively. 

As the lift lowers back into the ground, claps are heard around the room and we both smile. 

Classical music is suddenly playing from nowhere and Luhan starts as I follow. He steps forward in my direction, then to his right, then to his left and he repeats, with an occasional spin as we move around on the floor of the room.

"Heyyy. I'm getting the hang of this." I say in total relief. 

He laughs at my simplicity. 

"You're still the same as ever."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well, you may have lost your memories but your personality and habits are still the same as before,you may not realize this but I do." He smiles his dazzling smile.

Then the song suddenly ends. Holding my wrist he leans in closer and whispers into my ear, "Happy Birthday Seohyun." I don't know why I got embarrassed but maybe just cause' I was the only one who heard it and because of that if felt more...intimate? I don't know. As he left me in my blushing state, he had dissappeared. I looked back to where he held my wrist and found something left behind in his wake; a bracelet and a note in my hand. The note says:


Dear Seohyun, until you can figure out how to find the hidden message in the bracelet, I'll be waiting. 

- Luhan


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Chapter 13: I love you authornim
Chapter 12: Yo. New reader here! (I've no idea how I stumbled upon your story, but I did) I like your story so far. I don't really have an image with Luhan's green eyes, though. Are they like, really green, 'normal' green, or..? And are they more like, blue-ish green or yellowish green, or just green, or..? I'm sorry if I'm asking hard questions, hehe. XD
Chapter 12: I missed you a lot author-nim
Please update soon
Chapter 9: about your poster you can ask bpolar
Chapter 9: Wow a very nice chapter. the locket and its story is a very nice memory.
Are they going to see the rest of the kingdom?
can't Wait for next update.
Chapter 8: Wow. I really want her memory to recover faster.
Update soon Author-nim
Chapter 7: Wow . Home sweet home.
Waiting for next.
Kpop_Gal #8
Chapter 6: I want more chapters pleeeeeeaaaaaaasee
Chapter 6: You are doing very well so far.
I'm waiting for next update.