The Beginning

You Really Don't Know?

You really don't Know 2 photo dont_zps67a2c2eb.jpg


" Finally!! It's winter break!" Seohyun exclaimed. She opened the front door to her house and walked in. Inside was an elegant home with a chandelier in the very middle of the room for this house was a renassiance styled house but still had a modern feel to it on the other side of the house. She entered her room. The walls were painted with multiple swirls of along the walls, painted in multiple colors of red, orange and yellow. She enjoyed these colors for they made her feel comfortable. They gave a familiar warm feeling to her room. 4 years before she woke up in the forest. she didnt know where she was, she was lost.The panic of not being able to remember anything from before she woke up started to settle in. She was afraid for nothing came into her mind. Searched into her mind,  she dug into the depths of her mind for anything that may help her.

There it is.

She firmly grasped at the little piece of infomation that could possible safe her life.

 But all she found was her name and age,

I'm Seohyun and i'm 13 years old.

4 years later and she attends a private high school; for her guardian was a woman who had much power in this society of hers. The woman's name was Sarah Yoon. Seohyun was extremely thankful that Sarah had taken her in for Sarah was a kind, smart lady who decided to take home an amnesiac girl who could barely remember her first name and age.

"Im so happy i'm home. Now all I have to worry about is to relax." said Seohyun while flopping face first onto the bed after she dropped her bag onto the floor."

"I love you bed. Less than three." <3

Seohyun~( First Person )

Hours later I hear the front door open and hear the similar footsteps of 4 years walk into my bedroom. 

"Seohyun, I brought Chinese food, and multiple desserts." It was Sarah.

I gasp and lift my head from my pillow at the word chinese food.

"You know me so well." I say as I sit up from the bed. While dragging a finger from my eye down my face to apply a fake tear showing my "tears of joy" at her well made choice of food. 

"Come on downstairs and let's go eat. You deserve it for you finished your final exams with phenomenal scores." Sarah exclaimed.

I scooped up some fried rice and orange chicken onto my plate and started chowing down. After that was finished I started eyeing the shrimp and dumplings and deciding which I should eat next. Meh, whatever. I'll eat both. I deserve it don't I? As I pick both up and place them onto my plate, Sarah goes," Don't eat too much, or you'll get fat." I stick my tongue out at her and we both laugh. After dinner I went to bed. 

*snap* I wake up to a sound outside my window. I instantly sit up and look at the window to see what it was. All I caught were stunning green eyes. The most dazzling eyes i'd ever seen. They seem... familiar. I've seen then somewhere but don't know where, why or how. 


I woke up that morning and recalled just what had happened that night. I know where they're from but don't know who those were. I know they're definitely not animal. 

I scratched my head and walked downstairs to find that Sarah had left for work already and left a note behind her wake.

What was written on the note was that she left for work earlier than usual for an emergency meeting.

I ate breakfast and got dressed in pretty, I guess you could say, "kawaii clothes."

I found my keys and left for an outing with my closest friends, Catherine and Glaiza. 


Where are they? I pouted while looking at the time on my phone.

I was at the front of the mall and waiting for them, It'd already been 10 minutes. Of course they'd been late. But I still love them anyway, for they're my best friends. 

I decided to go inside and wait for them there and maybe go a little shopping before they came. I decided to sit on a bench and wait there. 

Man, there was a lot of people here. I'm just guessing since that it's nearing Christmas that everyone is here buying gifts for their loved ones. Funny, me and Sarah never celebrated Christmas once. Well at least as far as my mind can remember. 

Somthing decided to interrupt my thoughts. I felt like someone was staring at me. I started getting the chills, and not from the winter cold for it was pretty warm inside the mall. I looked around to see if I could find the person giving me this unsettling feeling.

Over there. 

Ubelievably green eyes found mine and we made eye contact. Now about the person who owned these green eyes; let me say, he was pretty attractive. 

His hair was dark brown almost black, he had doe eyes and milky white skin. How can someone hold so much perfect in one person? He was stunning. But I don't recognize the rest of him him except for his eyes. I searched in my mind for an answer as to why I feel like he's someone I knew before and just exactly who he is?


That's his name. I'm sure of it. But how do I know him and why is he watching me? He was at my window last night, but why? And why is he here too? I really don't know. 


I look to my right and it's Catherine and Glaiza, finally. When I looked back to where Luhan was he wasn't there anymore. He just suddenly dissapeared into the crowd. Just exactly who is he and what does he want?



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Chapter 13: I love you authornim
Chapter 12: Yo. New reader here! (I've no idea how I stumbled upon your story, but I did) I like your story so far. I don't really have an image with Luhan's green eyes, though. Are they like, really green, 'normal' green, or..? And are they more like, blue-ish green or yellowish green, or just green, or..? I'm sorry if I'm asking hard questions, hehe. XD
Chapter 12: I missed you a lot author-nim
Please update soon
Chapter 9: about your poster you can ask bpolar
Chapter 9: Wow a very nice chapter. the locket and its story is a very nice memory.
Are they going to see the rest of the kingdom?
can't Wait for next update.
Chapter 8: Wow. I really want her memory to recover faster.
Update soon Author-nim
Chapter 7: Wow . Home sweet home.
Waiting for next.
Kpop_Gal #8
Chapter 6: I want more chapters pleeeeeeaaaaaaasee
Chapter 6: You are doing very well so far.
I'm waiting for next update.