The Wrong Lover?

My Boyfriend: My Girl


Your POV:

I waited for Minji to come out and walk with me, when Minhee came out instead, and gave me a great hug. Quite surprised, I gaped at her and asked: "Hey... Have you seen Minji? She was supposed to-"

Yea, I told her that I would walk with you. She seemed okay with it, with Jeongmin I mean." Oh. I nodded. "Plus, we're both going over to the twin's house, so it's just more convienient." I guess that sort of made sense, I mean it would've been sort of troubling for Minji to walk all the way there and then make a U-Turn back. Plus, we could always walk TO school together, and hang out together at spare time. I nodded, as we started to walk. Then, she asked a question that I didn't expect to hear: "So, how do you think of the twins?"

The twins? Oh, beside my little crush on Kwangmin, nothing! Yea, I wasn't about to say that. So I just shrugged. "You know, I think they're pretty nice. Sweet, sometimes too. And helpful." I beamed, pulling my backpack closer to me.

Minhee seemed to consider it a bit. "Oh. Okay, does any one of them seem to stand... out... In particular to you?" she looked straight ahead, as I saw her panicked expression. What was that? Was she hiding something from me? Minhee, what are you trying to imply?! I shook my head a little, grimacing. I wasn't gunna let anyone in on my little secret, yet. "So no one... Is there anyone you like though?" she asked again. I just shrugged. How would I know? The twins look excactly the same, even though something about Kwangmin just entirely pulls me towards him. Youngmin wasn't bad, but e didn't seem to... Like, me being with them very much. So what choice do I have? Plus, I'm pretty sure Minwoo and Minhee are somewhat a couple, Jeongmin and Minji (obviously) together, and the other two members, Hyunseung and Donghyun I think- Well I don't even know them. They hang out with the senior people, and plus I'm not really into them anyways. Youngmin just completely hates me, so let's see, subtract that off and -OH! I only have one choice, Kwangmin! Haha, yea not so funny.

Minhee wasn't about to drop it though, she then asked me a question that got me COMPLETELY dumbfounded. "But I know that you have a thing for Kwangmin, don't you?" she laughed, winking. Okay, right then I swear, I felt seriously stupid and exposed to the world. Why the hell did I agree to walk back together again? Ughh, I swear Minhee knows something... Why won't she tell me? More importantly, why does she want to know?! I gulped, as I chuckled nervously. "W-What...?"

She smiled, as we emerged to the front door of the twin's mansion. She took out the keys, shuffling it before openning the lock with it. "You know what I mean, unnie. I see the way you look at him and all that. I hope you'll consider Youngmin too: He may seem like he hates you, but the guy has a good heart. Trust me, he was like that with me, too when we just met. Kwangmin was the one that always welcomed me into the household. But later on, Youngmin started to get closer, and we became... Good friends." I could sense that she was choosing her words carefully. I smiled, nodding to myself. Yea. Maybe Youngmin would start liking me. But that wouldn't change the fact that Kwangmin oppa's still my number one.

We stepped in, as the twins were not home yet. Basketball practice, Minhee had said. They were apparently the captains of the basket ball team, hmm. I should check it out someday. Maybe next week at their practice, I could bring them water and towels in case they needed them once practice was over. I started cleaning, and and hour later, the two rooms were completely spotless. It wasn't too messy to begin with, anyways. So let me just say: Being the master's personal maid has one perk to it: Other than anything besides the bedrooms, and when they request for you to do something for them, which to be honest they rarely do THAT much. Other times, I was a free bird. Well, okay not COMPLETELY free, since I have to stay at home to be all in buisness, and be ready for whenever they need me. But I could always just watch TV or do some homework and go on the computer when I wasn't on the go for orders: Life was a piece of cake here. 

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LeeMinJi #1
Chapter 5: you spell 'Annyeong' an 'Annyon'... just thought i'd let you know. ^^
pink background...
Jayleeeee_ #3
erm.. but i tot min woo was actually the maknae of boyfriend
AdriKimchi #4
ahaha, thnx!! ^.^
AdriKimchi #5
ahahaa, hehee a sequal? hmm, not a bad idea, since im running out of boy groups 2 work with ;S hehe, than help me outt, wht should it b about?? ((:
no!!! but seriously... is it really finish?? no!!!!!
done?? oh no! i don't think so!!! I believe there will be sequel for this~~~no?? haha... owwwwww!!! Then Kwangmin will be mine.. hahaha I will make him mine..oh.. he's mine!! hahaha awesome story!! ♥
AdriKimchi #8
ahahaa, kayss ^.^ i will!! :)
oh no! Poor Youngmin, he suddenly burst out all his hidden feelings about his family.<br />
I suddenly feel sympathy to him, but can't hide the fact that Kwangmin is really a great guy. <br />
Now, It really makes it harder to choose between the twins..<br />