He Could Be The One...

My Boyfriend: My Girl


Huh?" I managed to squeak out, as my head began to throab again. I closed my eyes, as I collapsed myself back onto the soft, cushioned bed. I smiled. It was so comfortable... I snapped open my eyes again. This isn't my room! I muffled a scream with my hand, as Youngmin came in a pushed me back down.

Calm down, Haera." he soothed, smiling down at me softly, while tucking a few loose strands of my hair behind my ear. "You're in my room. Kwangmin went to get some head ache meds at a drugstore, so you're in my room. Just so I could take care of you."

Youngmin's POV:

I was pretty much in despair the moment I saw Haera's limp body, surrounded by a crowd of people. Kwangmin had got there first, as carried her in a style that I didn't appreciate. The bridal style. But still, I cooperated as he grunted for me and Minhee to open the door of the limo for him. Being celebrities didn't help. The cameras of papparzzi, and random students were flashing every where. Minhee told us that she had to go home early today, so Kwangmin and I decided to split up. He would go get some medicine, while I took care of Haera. I was more than happy to. We dropped him off at the drug store, as the driver made a u-turn, and made his way back to the mansion. I glanced down at the gorgeaus face of Haera's. Her hair was falling loose, as I she was laying across the seat. Her head was on my legs, as a gently caressed her face.


That was strictly what Haera was. I smiled, as I planted a soft kiss on her forehead. She smiled, as if she knew that it was a loving kiss. She snuggled in my lap, as I chuckled, softly her cheeks. She was so weak looking at the moment, her face in total peace. How can you not love a girl like that? Everyone says that Minji and Minhee were better looking in ways, but I didn't see why. To me and Kwangmin, Haera was the true meaning of the word 'Beautiful'. I wasn't bragging, but it was true. I carried her the same way Kwangmin had up to my room, putting her down on my bed, and pulling the covers up to her shoulders. I took the towel our maid had given us, and soaked it in freezing water, and then placing it on her forehead.

She must've hit her head pretty hard there, considering how out she was. Usually, Haera was all in buisness as soon as we got home from what ever practice we had. She was in her uniform, beaming while dusting over a table, or wiping down the windows. The way she was always so positive towards life -it got us falling for her-. Till then, I never knew what love really meant. But now I do, all thanks to one, simple girl that was our maid. The first time I saw her, I admit. I didn't like her. But something about her struck out to me. It still amazes me today, how defensive she was to her own opinions. But some how... Unlike the other girls, she didn't make me despite her. She didn't make herself look desperate, or in need of our attention. Trust me. Growing up in a family like mine, with our sort of good looks, it's nearly impossible to walk out of the house without girls swooning or staring our way.

I hated the attention. I know. I sound stupid, how could a guy hate the attention he gets from all the girls? Well, I do. I guess I' m one of a kind, then. I was still in deep thoughts, when a high voice emerged my eardrums. It was Haera.

The rest of the minutes, we talked about school. Until she asked me something. "Youngminnie... Do you... Have anyone you like?" I could tell she was nervous from the way she was picking at her fingers, looking down while biting on her bottom lip. I didn;t know what she meant. Did she know? Did Kwangmin and his big mouth spill?

Uhh, well. I do, but you know. Nothing THAT drastic, I don't really think about it much..." Lies. All lies, I knew it from the pit of my stomach. But what would I do? The girl of my dreams, and the love of my life was staring at me in a way that sent chills down my spine, litterally!

Really?" she asked, raising her eyebrows at me, smiling. I nodded. She giggled, as she looked around. "Because I heard... You, uhmm. Sort of have a crush on me?" What?! 

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LeeMinJi #1
Chapter 5: you spell 'Annyeong' an 'Annyon'... just thought i'd let you know. ^^
pink background...
Jayleeeee_ #3
erm.. but i tot min woo was actually the maknae of boyfriend
AdriKimchi #4
ahaha, thnx!! ^.^
AdriKimchi #5
ahahaa, hehee a sequal? hmm, not a bad idea, since im running out of boy groups 2 work with ;S hehe, than help me outt, wht should it b about?? ((:
no!!! but seriously... is it really finish?? no!!!!!
done?? oh no! i don't think so!!! I believe there will be sequel for this~~~no?? haha... owwwwww!!! Then Kwangmin will be mine.. hahaha I will make him mine..oh.. he's mine!! hahaha awesome story!! ♥
AdriKimchi #8
ahahaa, kayss ^.^ i will!! :)
oh no! Poor Youngmin, he suddenly burst out all his hidden feelings about his family.<br />
I suddenly feel sympathy to him, but can't hide the fact that Kwangmin is really a great guy. <br />
Now, It really makes it harder to choose between the twins..<br />