I Won't Fall

My Boyfriend: My Girl


I was screaming, when the head maid headed over. She was around 40 ish, with dark hair with gray strands, a pair of glasses and clicking heels. "What's going on?!" she exclaimed, as her eyes narrowed at mine. I froze. Oops? Shouldn't have did that.

I quickly bowed. "Mien hamnida, it's just that I-I..."

They are twins, you know..." she explained, looking doubtfully at me. "Did you even happen to read the letter of approvement we sent you...?"

I bowed again. "Uh-Yes, yes ofcourse. I just sort of forgot for a moment-"

While there will be no forgetting in this house hold, you understand?!" she yelled. "Your stuff is already in your room. It's right across from the masters. Your uniform is also there, change immediately. Understand?!" I nodded.

As she clicked off, I exhaled. Phew. Pretty sure I was dead there for a moment. "So let me reintroduce myself. Kwangmin." the guy smiled. I smiled back. "And my brother, seems like you know him already. Your shift is the times when we're at home, so it won't disturb your school times."

Oh, thank you!" I threw an arm around him, as the maids across from us giggled. I quickly let go. "Oopsyy... Sorry. Anyways, can you please show me where my room is..?"

Kwanmin nodded. "Yes, ofcourse. Make sure to make yourself comfortable!" As he leaned close to me to whisper a little 'thank you', I felt my heart flutter. He was so gentle, so nice... Oh no. What was I thinking? I can't like my own master! I bowed slightly, as I followed him up. The other maids either smiled, or waved. All except for one. She just took my hand. Quite surprised, I glanced up. Kwanmin brightened at her sudden appearance. "Ahh!! Minhee! You're still here? Oh. My bad." He turned to me, as the bright girl waved. I smiled back. "This is my childhood friend, she's not a maid here, but she will help you around with anything since she hangs around here alot. Her parents are away." I smile. "Minhee, this is Haera, our new beautiful personal maid."

I froze. Beautiful? I felt my cheeks heat up again. "Oh, yes yes she is! Ohhh, Kwanmin what, you've fallen for her?" Kwanmin just smiled shyly. She took my hand again. "Don't be freaked out. Kwanmin's just like that around pretty girls, since the girls around him are either old and ugly, or young and not... very appropriate. Anywayss, glad to know there's a decent girl somewhere around here!" she giggled. Omo, I just noticed. Such a pretty unnie. Almost like Minji, but she was wavy blond hair with red streaks. And a little tomboy, too.

Oh, kamsa, err..."

Unnie! You might as well call me that from now on, since we're gunna be a family!" she winked. I smiled. "Aightt, I'm gunna go shoot some hoops with Youngmin. You and Kwangmin... Have funn!!"

Okay. That last sentence got my palms all sweaty. FUNN?!! I gulped. Kwangmin smiled his oh so dazzeling again, as we he led me to my room. It was no different from the masters! I gasped. Kwangmin chuckled. "Yeupp, you get a special room since you're our special guest maid. Happy?" I nodded, as I threw my whole body at him, jumping on him litterally with my excitment. My arms were around his waist, my cheek to his chest . The way I always used to do to my father before he left me and my mother...

To my surprise, Kwangmin hugged back. But hesitantly. His arms were over my waist, as my smile dissapeared. What was I doing? I quickly jumped back, my head down. "S-Sorry... Anyways! Thanks!! You're awsome, Kwangmin!" I smiled.

Oh- No problem." he scratched the back of his head. "So I'll be going now, you should take a quick shower and replax a bit, before the day officially starts. He winked at me, before strolling out, his hands in his pocket. He smirked, turning back again. "Don't be so nervous, you'll see in around 3 hours. I'd prepare for some hard work if I were you..." HARD WORK?! Okay, breathhh. He's not gunna do what ever you THINK he's gunna do! Right...? Okay, I need to relaxx...

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LeeMinJi #1
Chapter 5: you spell 'Annyeong' an 'Annyon'... just thought i'd let you know. ^^
pink background...
Jayleeeee_ #3
erm.. but i tot min woo was actually the maknae of boyfriend
AdriKimchi #4
ahaha, thnx!! ^.^
AdriKimchi #5
ahahaa, hehee a sequal? hmm, not a bad idea, since im running out of boy groups 2 work with ;S hehe, than help me outt, wht should it b about?? ((:
no!!! but seriously... is it really finish?? no!!!!!
done?? oh no! i don't think so!!! I believe there will be sequel for this~~~no?? haha... owwwwww!!! Then Kwangmin will be mine.. hahaha I will make him mine..oh.. he's mine!! hahaha awesome story!! ♥
AdriKimchi #8
ahahaa, kayss ^.^ i will!! :)
oh no! Poor Youngmin, he suddenly burst out all his hidden feelings about his family.<br />
I suddenly feel sympathy to him, but can't hide the fact that Kwangmin is really a great guy. <br />
Now, It really makes it harder to choose between the twins..<br />