Oppa, Who to Love?

My Boyfriend: My Girl


I shuffled around in my seat. The day went by suddenly so slow, as Minji glanced at me awkwardly, mouthing "Are you alright?" in my direction. I shrugged, as she made her way over to me. "Why so serious?" she gaped at me, stuffing a grape in . I wondered, where was Jeongmin when you needed him? Yea, I don't need to talk to anyone about this, it just gets complicated. I told her that it was nothing, and went to the last class of the day: Dance! Omooo, I'm so excited, dance is like the BEST class of the day. For me, anyways, since Minji, Minhee, Jeongmin, Youngmin and Kwangmin were all gunna be there. Too bad Minwoo's wasn't dance for this period... Oh well. I got to the change room before anyone could, as the costume of the day was hang on my changing locker. Hmm, a summer dress? Agg, so girly... I put it on anyways, with the pair of red heels. I feel like a damn drama queen. And not in a good way. The summer dress was like spaghetti strapped, with a v-neck, bikini looking top. It was white. The red heels was pretty, though. A few minutes later, Minhee and Minji with the other girls came in, too. Minji was just in pure happiness. Pftt, obviously, we all know who she's gunna be paired up with. Minhee seemed a little down. Aww... She misses her Minwoo!

We all made our ways into the dance room. There was mirrors all over the place, as there was also a ball on top of our ceiling. Special ocasion for today, I guess. The teacher, Ms. Kim and her dance partner showed us an exanple of how it worked. Ag, ag and MORE agg!! It was just pure slow dancing! Like, wth... It's dance CLASS, not a dance FESTIVAL. AHHHH!! I gulped, as Minji went with Jeongmin. Surprise there. Minhee stood beside me, as Kwangmin smiled. My heart... My stomach... Yayy!! He was asking me?! He is gunna ask me?!! HE-

Sure, Kwangmin!" Minhee said through her gritted teeth, glaring at Youngmin who shuffled his way towards me. At least, not until Kwangmin pulled me close and we started swaying. Minhee pouted, and turned to Youngmin. The two started dancing, as Kwangmin smiled warmly down at me. Only then, did I realize just how tall the guy was... I mean, I wasn't short. Hell no, I was 169 cm. But compared to him, I was nothing. We were prancing around the room, when Kwangmin suddenly said, "You know, I might as well add. Youngmin and I has a compitition. Towards you, Haera."

Say what? I grimaced. What was THAT supposed to mean? As if reading my mind, Kwangmin continued on. "The other way to put it, we both like you. It's up to you in the end, but in case you havn't noticed, Minhee seemed to be helping my brother lately, yes?" I nodded slightly. Well this isn't awkward... It's up to me? Then, it's obvious who I'll choose, K- Okay... Why can't I do this? I can't say that I choose Kwangmin? Why? Do I have any otherwise...? I hoped not. "Don't feel pressured. I just thought you should know. But whoever you choose, even if you do choose my twin brother, I'll be nothing but happy for you."

Yea. Totally, why is it so hard to believe you then, Kwangmin? The period was a drag, a total, awkward filled drag of a class. Luckily, it was the last class of the day. Okay, this time I can't hold it to myself anymore... I needed to tell Minji about this. Not my surprise, Jeongmin was wrapping his arm around her waist, smiling while she was doing the same. Oh why, oh why oh WHY did I have to see that? Okay, so uhm, gag, hurl, way too cheesy and disgusting to others. I couldn't help but smile, though. They looked so in love, like nothing could stop them from being together. Unfortunately for me, it wasn't going to happen any time soon. I was just utterly confused, who DO I like, anyways?

I stood there awkwardly, and still in a daze, when Jeongmin waved to me, holding Minji's fragile hand in his. "Haera!" I snapped out of it, as a very huge figure running past pushed me towards my locker, making me tumble backwards. If it wasn't for Jeongmin catching me in time, let's just say the nurse's room would be my next destination. "Yah! Haera, kwenchanayo?!". Minji ran up to me, as they both helped me up. I must've hit the back of my head pretty hard there, because my vision was slowly blacking out. But I told them that I was fine, and walked down the hall, clutching on to my head. Why is the world spinning? Why are me eyes playing mind tricks on me? My vision was finally blacking out on me, as I hit the ground with a boom. Next thing I knew, I was in the twin's room. 

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LeeMinJi #1
Chapter 5: you spell 'Annyeong' an 'Annyon'... just thought i'd let you know. ^^
pink background...
Jayleeeee_ #3
erm.. but i tot min woo was actually the maknae of boyfriend
AdriKimchi #4
ahaha, thnx!! ^.^
AdriKimchi #5
ahahaa, hehee a sequal? hmm, not a bad idea, since im running out of boy groups 2 work with ;S hehe, than help me outt, wht should it b about?? ((:
no!!! but seriously... is it really finish?? no!!!!!
done?? oh no! i don't think so!!! I believe there will be sequel for this~~~no?? haha... owwwwww!!! Then Kwangmin will be mine.. hahaha I will make him mine..oh.. he's mine!! hahaha awesome story!! ♥
AdriKimchi #8
ahahaa, kayss ^.^ i will!! :)
oh no! Poor Youngmin, he suddenly burst out all his hidden feelings about his family.<br />
I suddenly feel sympathy to him, but can't hide the fact that Kwangmin is really a great guy. <br />
Now, It really makes it harder to choose between the twins..<br />