Back to Hotel

Lovers Exchange?
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Dara gulped her saliva. Magically, all things he did appeared in slow motion. Oh dear Lord God in heaven knew how her soul felt. The way he ed his shirt while looking at her... Did he just tried to seduce her?! Bom's boyfriend just tried to seduce her? Hell on earth.



"Jiyong, I don't think this is a good idea."


"C'mon, it'll be fun!" He grinned. As he finished ed his shirt, he threw it to the dry sand, showing his rock-hard body and ran to the sea, screaming like an idiot.


"You should really try this!!!"


"No, thanks." Dara replied while sitting next to his shirt.



She automatically smiled as she saw him playing with water like water was such an excitement. She had just found a new side of Kwon Jiyong that she had never seen it before, the childish and playful G-Dragon. Surprisingly, she kinda liked this side of him.



"Yah!!! Come on!" He shouted from afar.



She smiled and shook her head. Funny how a badass-looking guy like him could have this idiotic and childish acts without even felt ashamed about it. Shouldn't he at least protect his image? For God's sake, he was a well-known producer.



"Yah!!! You're wearing a short sundress! It won't get wet, trust me!"



She looked down to her feet. He might be true.



She stood up. "Fine! You win!" The next thing she knew, she joined him.






"We always end up eating! It's always like this. Heol~"



Bom pouted and ate her steak. She admitted it, she had fun hanging out with TOP. But then again, it was fun, but it didn't feel special at all. Not that she asked for more, but it just felt a bit off since she expected for a new experience.



"We always end up eating..." Bom said again. "Just like how we spend times as four."


"Why? What kind of stuff you up to anyway?" TOP stuffed his steak to his mouth.


The long haired girl blushed. "N-Nothing. It just feels like nothing's new."


"Okay then... What about we finish these foods and get back to hotel?"




"What? We stay in one room for now on. Nothing more, ert yeoja!" He laughed. "Let's play games or watch movies. I think it's what normal couples do."


"Normal couples?" She scoffed. "Yeah right."


"What happened?" He asked, seeing something wrong with her expression.


"Nothing." She shrugged. "Let's go. I'm done anyway."


"Okay." He stood up and bumped to someone. "Ouch!" He was about to say sorry, but the guy had gone from his sight, probably afraid of his tall figure.






"Mianhae! Yah..."



Dara looked away, puffing her cheeks.



"Seriously, I'm sorry!"


"YOU!" She pointed at him with angry face. "My beautiful dress was perfectly fine until you splashed the damn water to me like you were a freaking water bender in avatar!!!"


"I told you, I'm sorry."


"Your sorry can't dry my dress." She sighed. "And my hair... And my ruined makeup. Even my underwear. Dammit..."


"Fine. Let's get you back to the hotel and order some food."


“But it’s still early to go back…”


“Lady, you’re the one who’s complaining about your wet outfits.” Jiyong sighed. She was like a challenge that was sent from God to test his patience.





They stormed to the hotel with silence. Dara was pissed out with him. Yeah sure Jiyong, she wanted to play too. But damn you Kwon Jiyong, she wanted to play, not to get wet.

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frowncrown #1
Chapter 13: When will you update it? Huhuhu. I really love it.
Takaku_tobu #2
Chapter 13: GBOM Please T_T
Clubell #3
Chapter 13: Yaaaaaa!!! Actualiza ya!!!!
Angel56 #4
Chapter 13: bom's part is too sad T-T no one love her at all....its not fair authornim T-T damn u dragon boy i hate uU
Chapter 13: Unnie, make it TABISAN and GBOM!!! juseyo~~!!

anyway, TOP just give up now, i know you love dara so much. kekeke...

jiyong, oh man... prove to bom that you love her. you're just confused, knowing dara is with you!
Missnotsogirly24 #6
Chapter 13: Update please.
shella13 #7
Chapter 13: Omg i just read this story and it's so freaking good!! I'm hardcore topbom shipper but i don't know why but i want gbom in this story pleaseeee. Bom love jiyong, so i don't wanna her to be hurt :(
And pleaseee update this story authornim
K_Tiara #8
Chapter 13: Woaaaa I want to know how's the end between GD and Bom... Update pleaseee...

I just read all of the chapter this morning... kkk
izzahfitri #9
Chapter 13: Daragon please..