I'm His

His Possessive Love

i felt sun light heat my eyes causing me to wake up from my sleep . i cringe my eyes open to see i was lying in a familiar bed and no it wasn't mine but Kai's , yes i was sleeping in his bed but no we did do anything else but sleep together. 

he would always make me sleep with him whenever i do something he doesn't like, or in amends for Hurting me. but he was the benefiting this so called amends here not me. who would like to sleep next to someone that hurted you and not just by a simple slap but a punch and kick causing bruises all over my skin. 


i would have told my parents about Kai's abuse, if wasn't for that threat he told me in the past, yes Kai threaten me not to tell my parents about his abuse, back then i would  resisted so much almost everyone day i would go to school with bandage on my face. 

and i would tell parent that i fell down or trip over i never told tell or else.. my dad company will be in danger. 

i let out a small sigh and slowly sat up, i look took the time to look the room to see pictures of EXO and me on the walls and tables but particular picture place on the table infront of us, you easily see when ever you wake up or just there on the bed. a picture of me and Kai on of our "Dates" 


this was his favorite picture of us, it was cause in the pic he was kissing my cheeks and i laughing 

"your awake? " i heard Kai grumble as he warp his arm around my waist, i just there and letted kai place his head my lap like a child. 

looking at him like this he looked like a innocent child but in truth his a monster, a total nightmare. i brush a bit of hair out his face and started his hair gently i heard him sigh and smile.

and whispered a faint " i love you" ,i smiled and patted his head 

"if you weren't so cruel to me,  i would have easily loved you kai" i thought "but your not" i muttered as look at his sleeping face,



what would my life be if i hadn't meet kai that day. i bet it would peaceful and Free and  full of enjoyable moments with my friends. my life would be like that if i hadn't meet kai.

i clench my fist tightly as i looked down at boy who made my life a rotten hell. but loosen grip and continued brushing his hair, " what were you thinking?" he ask out of the blue causing to jump a little. i looked down to him too see him looking at me with alluring deep dark eyes 

i turn away " nothing " i muttered, i bite my bottom lip, i felt him unwrap his arms and sat up infront of me " you know you can't lie to me Hana.. come on tell me whats wrong" he ask pushing closer to mine. but i played stubborn and refused to speak , i notice his smirk which scared me a bit.

"you wont talk ayeee..." he chuckled and pushed down on to bed and starts.... 


tickling me 


"AAAH hahahha Kai!" i squealed as i try to push his hands away but he to strong and persistent " Kai! Kai... stop! hahahahahha" i Laugh i could feel tears forming around my eye " ok.. ok! i'll tell now Stop Ha ha ha ha " i breather out and finally he did, he place both his arms between my head and look at me amused eyes .

" tell me" he chuckled, 

"i was thinking how hungry i am .. and  that steak would be so delicious right now , if only a certain lazy boy would wake up" of course i lead i can't tell him my life would be wonderful if i hadn't meet him


he look surprised at first but then laughed " you idiot.. hahahha you could have woken me up" he chuckled and gently caressed my face " i'll wake up just for you  .. no matter how tired i am" he said, i only gave him a smile. he pulled me up for hug and we stayed like that for minute.

"ok let get ready .. today i'm taking you out" he say before he gave me warm and gentle kiss on lip. he got out of bed and went over to pick out clothes, as was picking out clothes i just sat there on the bed watching him,

you must think i'm mad for calling this sweet guy a monster... well he still is... he can be the most Sweetest and loving person you can ever meet a type of person you would easily fall in love with but when push to something he doesn't like he'll become the most cruelest and merciless person alive. 


and that's kai, i  pulled down one of my sleeves revealing a large bruise mark, that why in past he was  called a Wolf for his viciously and beastly attitude. 

a terrifiying wolf that sends any man down on to thier needs .


-few Day before-

i was roughly pushed into their Club room, i stumbled my a little and silently stood there awaiting for what is coming, i felt a rough hand pull my shoulder back makeing turn around to face a furious Kim Jong In.

"Who is he!" he roared as he shook my shoulder " Who is He ? Hana!!" he shouted again

"Jong in clam down!" Suho shouted from the door, he locked the door so no one can come in and interrupt us. 

"Shut up!" he snapped at him before turning back to me " Who was that guy, Hana if you won't tell me hell end up just like the others"  he looked down to me with dark eyes, eyes that would not hesitate to kill someone.

"he was no one kai, he was just a classmate of mine" i answered which make him growl " and since when did you become soo close" his eyes borrwed into mine "w-were not... " i whispered 

next i know i was slam onto the pool table causing me to yelp in pain " LIES!!!!" he shouted 

i cried back, as i was now terrified " KAI!" Sehun shouted from the door " Don't hurt Hana she innocent!" he added 

"innocent?" Kai scoffed " if you were innocent then wouldn't  Lie to your boyfriend" he sneered 

"Kai... i'm not lying i'm telling the truth"  i whispered only to push harder on the pool table "if so why you do it" he growled 

"did.. what?" i stupidly ask " WHY YOU TALK TO HIM WHEN I SPECIFICALLY TOLD YOU NOT TO TALK ANYONE!!" he roared before throwing me to the ground 

causing me to scream, when other heard that they started banging th e door " Jong in! Jong in! Stop!!,  Hana open this door!" Tao shouted 

i only stared at kai who stared down at me with hateful eyes " why hana?" he sneered , i only remain silent, i was to scared to say anything when he took  a setp forward i close my eyes awaiting for a harsh kick or slap but nothing came. i open my eyes to see Kai looking down on me with soft eye

"he must have force you to talk to him right?" he said which surprised me, he was never like this he would alaway concluded i was at fault 

"what?" i muttered, he stepped back "you didn't do it right? he did" he hissed and grabbed his phone " kai what are you doing?" i ask as i quickly got up " what does it look like calling someone to take out the Trash"  my eyes widen and grasp his arm " wait kai no!" i yelp .

he glared down to me " and why not!" he pulled his arm away.

no i dont want some else suffering cause of me , no not anymore

"hello" i look at kai who was really calling someone " IT MY FAULT!" i shouted 

Kai froze up and slowly look at me " what?" he question he shut his phone and walked towards me " what you say?" he repeated.

i closed my eyes and gulped" its was my fault that him." Kai just stared at me waiting for the continue and it took longer than he wanted " and why is that?" he sneered 

making me flinch "cause i told him it was ok to talk" once i finished my words i felt hard slap hit my left cheek. 

"so it was your fault after all" he hissed " so what the reason now, huh? Hana!" he sneered as he took a step forward, and i took a step back 

"because i wanted to talk to someone without being sacred of a arrogant monster watching me every 24/7" i blurred out but soon regretted when i realized what i said 

"you " he growled he  pushed me to the floor and started kicking my side 

"you ungrateful ! i gave you everything, food, clothes  and my Love, even protected you! and  this how you treat me like some monster!!" he shouted as he continued to kick me while i just curled up taking in all his kicks. he grab my collar and harshly gave me slap.

i looked down, trying to avoid eye contact with Kai " Look at me Hana" he growled i whimpered and looked at his cold eyes

"you are mine and only mine...why cant you get that through your head" he said

and that was the last thing heard him say before start kicking and pushing around like some rag doll, Tao manages to kick the door open and save my life. 

and what worst kai didn't realized he hurted me this much. he was to Frustrated and angry to realize he almost killed me. 

"Hana! no!" 

"Hana! i'm so sorry! Hana please... Hana.. i'm so sorry" he cried as he held my tightly in his arms 

"Hana forgive me" he sobbed 



"Hana..." i looked up to Kai was looking at me with guilty eyes, i pulled down my sleeves back and coughed,he walked over to me and knelt down gently held my hand 

"don't look at the wound i made... please" he whispered as he place my hand against his face " i know... i'm a horrible man  but  i'm trying my best to change into a better person just for you.. but if you keep doing things that ticks me off, it's hard... for me control my anger when comes to you i can't control myself" he sobbed he hugged me tightly.

 "Kai...  i know but your asking me too much" i say trying to reason out. i felt his hand fist around my clothes. he slowly raised his head to look at me with a dark eyes.


"asking too much?" he growled he pulled me closer to him " is it too much to have all your attention to me!" he snarled

 " b-but not allowing me to-to talk to other and make.. f-friends don't you thinks it a bit" but got  interrupted when he shouted


"YOU ARE MINE! HANA" i cringe back and closed my eyes " no one will talk to you but me, you will not talk to anybody else but me and my friends and most especially i wont let you be friend people that will try to hurt you!" he snarled 

"but kai.. not everyone wants to hurt m-" i interrupted again


" They will Hana, why would think they would be friend huh?  girls will be friend you just to get to me,  and men will be friend you just to me.! Hana.. can't you see their using you that why.. .and i don't want see you get hurt" his voice soft 

"Hana... i'm only doing  this to protect you" he whispered 


there no use arguing back to him , he will never get it. i only sigh and nodded i saw him smile and kiss my head " good now let get ready hm" he pulled me off the bed and escorted me to the bathroom and handed me my clothes " here you go .. her up and change now i'll go use other bathroom you better be ready when i come back" he smiled before shutting door.


i only sigh and look at my self in the mirror " pathetic" i muttered.

and i was,  pathetic, weak, and a coward but worst thing i cant doing anything about it. and even if i stood up for myself  i would just crumble. under Kai gaze. 

i could only pity myself ,  i quickly took a shower and change into the cloths he gave me 

it a simply white loose shirt match with a long pink skirt.

after chaining i went back to the bedroom and saw to pair  of flat white doll shoes place near the bed. kai must have brought it here. i went over and wore the shoes it was a perfect feet. 

i heard the door knock " come in" i respond the door open revealing one of Kai's maid 

"good morning lady, i'm here to help you with your hair" she said i gave a smile and nodded 

i wanted to say no but i did so she'll be in trouble i went over the dresser and letted her style my hair 


and i only applied powder and lip loss simple make up, since i never really like putting on make up. 

"finish, were done lady Hana" the maid say, i gave her smile and thanked her " Master Kai, waiting down stairs" she added i gave here nod and slowly made my way out. 

as i headed down stairs i pass by some maids that were cleaning the windows, when they saw saw me they quickly stop what they were doing bowed to me, i bowed back to them and greeted a good morning to them.

as i pass them i heard them whisper  " she is so different form the previous girls that Master Kai's bring here" one say 

"well duh, the other ones were in the bar .. lady Hana was Master Kai classmate in his middle school" other one said 

"the girl that mange to captured his heart with out even trying to" she added 

"woah how romantic" other awed 

if they knew how it really was.


as i proceed down i saw kai at the bottom leaning against the wall with a finger on his lip, like he was thinking about something.  " kai" i cried out softly, he looked up and smiled at me, it was undeniable how good kai looked no matter what clothes he wears, he away mange to pull it off even it just a simple shirt and black jeans.

" hey beautiful" he greeted as walked over to me and held out his hand, i slowly took his hand and pulled me down to him and twirled us abit " ready for our date?" he grin, i only smiled and nodded. 

"i'll be back around 7 got that Ric!" Ric was old butler and the one that watched Kai grow up in this house

"of course Master Kai, have a nice day with Lady Hana" Ric say as he bowed respectful to us "i always have nice day when i'm with Hana , Ric" Kai chuckled before we headed out. 

park out front was kai favorite transportation his "Baby" a gift form his father for his 16th birthday 

he open the door for me "come on!" he chimed, i quickly made my way over and sat in the car "he slowly closed the door and walk over to the driver seat.

 (KAI'" Baby") 


"Kai where are you taking me?" i ask 

he hummed " just somewhere nice " he say.

i hope its not a bar, like last time.



sorry for the late update busy with school and all

hehehe so


i hope you enjoy


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Chapter 9: Yungguk?? Pfft
Soniaa #2
Chapter 5: Wow!!! I love this story already!!
Chapter 18: PLEASE!!! HANA!! You should understand him!! He just a scared little boy!! Poor him
xxxhailey #4
Chapter 18: I just read your story and you dont even know how much I scream,you indeed play with my emotion throughout this story and i was like "OH MY GOD,RUNN!!" "KAII STAYY AWAY PLEASEEE" "DAEHYUN RUNNNN!" my lil bro is piss off that I was screaming in the middle of the night but that just show how good this story is ! love the plot,you are amazing and I die a little inside when it stop at chap 18 and yeah adding with a few scream "WE'RE THAT CLOSE TO SEE THE NEXT THING COMING UP,COME ON HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!" just telling that Im here waiting for you,the lovely author to mess up my feelings again with this awesome story! *whisper* ps I stand for the sec character,yup #teamdaehyun here!
Mizuho_Ootori22 #5
Chapter 18: I ship Kai and Hana. Since in your description that Daehyun has only one sided feeling. So meaning Kai and Hana we'll be together. I'm so happy. I hope they will be together
Icanbecool #6
When is the next chapter up can't wait
Icanbecool #8
Soo happy that you updated :)