Save her

His Possessive Love

" Hana... wanna ride that?" Kai say as he pointed to the roller coaster. Hana face paled and shook her heed Kai laughed " come on its not that bad" he insisted and drag Hana over "but Kai-" she try to reason with him but he cut her off " if your scared don't worry I'm here" he say 

Hana shut herself knowing Kai wouldn't listen to her. 

we now in an Amusement park after Kai and Hana had their lunch they decide to head out somewhere fun and Kai butler suggested to the Amusement park and that who they ended up here. in park 

" KYYYYYAAAAAAH" Hana Screamed on top of her lungs 


by the end of the Ride Hana was feeling dizzy and sick " hmmmm" she moan as her head spin,  Kai was behind her gently patting her back " sorry.. i shouldn't have force you" he say. Hana just sighed " it's ok.." he muttered 

"Kai... please no more scary rides" Hana whispered. making Kai clench he felt really bad " yeah.. i promise" he say then he heard chiming sound he turn to see a icecream stand he smiled looked at Hana " want some icecream?" he asked Hana look at him then over to the icecream stand he gave a nod making Kai smile " ok.. wait here" he say before running off.

Hana sat on bench quietly as she stared at the children playing with the clowns. then something caught her eye.. it was bubble tea the child was holding she remember that bubble tea she and Daehyun shared.


Hana and Daehyun were standing by a Bubble tea house , waiting for Hyunmi to come ," where is she.. she was the one that called us to come here" Daehyun say as he looked around, Hana only shrugged then her phone beeped she took it out and check her mail.

From: Hyunmi

To: Baby:

Deary~ sorry Hana something came up i cant join you guys but do enjoy your time together

with all loves XOXO

​Hana sighed and looked at Daehyun who was still looking around " Daehyun sshi" she called he look at her with wondering what she wanted " Hyunmi texted me that she wont come and that she sorry but she want us to enjoy" she said, Daehyun frown a bit " really.. to bad" after that everthing went silent not one of them spoke  " ummm.. .Hana" Daehyun spoke Hana looked up to see he was smiling charmingly at her

"since were here how about i treat us some bubble tea?" he suggested Hana wanted to decline but Daehyun already went and buy their tea.

once he bought them he gave one to Hana, she humbly took it and took a sip they stood side by side as they watch cars goes by and people walk by "hey Hana"  Daehyun spoke surprising Hana a bit she look at him who was looking at something in front of them before looking at her. 

his smiled made Hana blush a  bit " want to see something funny?" he ask, Hana raised a brow and nodded he pointed his finger at something , which gesture over to the clothing store in front of them 

the store had large window displaying their clothes two mannequins were place one with a black suit and other was a pink dress with a hat,  Hana and Daehyun reflection were  to over lapping with the mannequins making like as if they were wearing the dress but the problem was Hana was over lapping the male mannequin and Daehyun was over lapping the Woman

" OMG... Pink does not suit me at all" Daehyun exclaim as he check himself off making Hana burst of Laughing " OMG Look Hana... this Dress does not complement my complexion" Daehyun saying n a lady voice

making Hana laugh and giggle more.  " Daehyun sshi.. your silly" Hana say, as soon as she stopped giggling when she saw Daehyun looking at her softly making Hana heart skip a little " w-what is it?" she ask 

Daehyun shoo his head " nothing .. its just" he paused a bit " its the first time you smiled and laughed carelessly in front of me" he say Hana look shock, did he not like me  smiling? 

Daehyun saw the sad look on Hana face and quickly start explaining " not that i dont like it.. just ..well i like it.... your look more cute when you smile" he said as blush crept over his cheeks " oh god" he grin as he turn away Hana did the same she turn away with a faint blush on her face, he called me cute...


"Hana!" she snap out of her thought looked to see Kai running over with their icecream " thanks" she said as she took hers they ate icecream silently watching the children play one little girl fell infornt of them. Hana was the one that help her up while Kai just watch her the little pouted as Hana dusted off dirt form her dress 

Hana whispered something to the little girl making her giggle then Hana patted her head, the little girl smiled and bowed " Bye!" she waved as went away Hana went over her seat next to Kai who lazy sat there 

" your good with kids" he say Hana smiled " yeah.. i likes Kid their really to Adorable" she said smiling then she felt Kai's hand on her waist pulling her closer to him

" and i bet you'll do great with our kids right" he whispered making Hana blush and shiver She pushed him away and stood up " ummm ... let go for another ride ok?" she ask , Kai shrugged and followed her they played some games and Kai was good at games so every game he would have won a prize for Hana. 

after playing every game in the amusement park they decide to ride one last time which was the Ferris wheel, half way up Hana fell asleep on Kai's Shoulders which Happily stare her sleeping form as he push her hair behind her hair, he heard a beep he looked down to to seeing her cellphone vibrate a bit,  Kai swift took it out he didn't want Hana to wake up. he glance over phone and saw a name he had no suspected to see 


​Kai grit his teeth " why does he have Hanas no." he glared at Hana who was innocently sleeping on his shoulder he open the her phone and read the mail

TO: Hana

Hana sshi.. hyunmi told to tell you she want us to hang out tomorrow @ the Bubble TeaHouse she wanted to talk about something 

see you then bye

Kai deleted the message and held her phone tightly, "so it's that Tomboy fault" he growled he wrap his arm around Hana and brought her closer kissing on top of her head 

" that tomboy up to something" he muttered 


the next day Hyunmi and Daehyun was waiting in their usual seat waiting for Hana they were talking amongst themselves when they heard  someone took a seat infornt of them they look who it was but froze . cold sweat drip down thier faces 

as the person in fornt them were sending them death glare " hello Hyunmi, Daehyun" he smirked as watches them tremble 

" K-Kai" Hyunmi whispered 

Kai forward placing his hand on the table " Hana sleeping right now.. so i came here instead of her" he grin " now tell me...." his eyes change instant sending them murderous Glares " what do want to talk about hm?" 

" n-nothing" Hyunmi stuttered 

" really? Hyumi are you sure.." he inquired Hyunmi nodded "i just wanted to hang out with her and with  Daehyun sshi" Kai glance over to Daehyun 

"and you... how many times have i warn you to stay away form Hana " he said Daehyun flinch back " you seem to ignore my warning's  Daehyun sshi.. are you trying to brave or are plainly stupid " he hissed " i'm warning you Daehyun sshi i am a powerful man i can easily ruin your life and your family" he whispered darkly 

" same with you Hyunmi" he gaze over back to hyunmi "i know it was you who gave Daehyun boy here Hana cell no," he said Hyunmi flinch back Daehyun tried to defend her but Hyunmi stop him

"yes. i did" she answered bravely Kai brows frown " and why is that?" he ask his eyes darken

" b-because Hana needs friend that why you cant keep alone all the t--" Kai cut her off by slamming the table, lucky they were at the very back back table the place was noisy


" i do not care what you think... i am pissed of why she has been going out without my knowledge" he said 

" rather taking out on her i came to the source ... you" he snarled Hyunmi bit back it was time Daehyun had to do something 

" ok.. Kai sshi .. clam down.. i can see you really love Hana. and all" even his heart ache thinking Hana with this guy

" but Hyunmi sshi right Hana had always spend her days alone and needs a friend"  Daehyun said " but you could lessen your  protective ness over Hana you know  some of the people want to close with Hana she is a sweet, kind and gentle gir-- " before Daehyun could finish his sentence Kai Grab him by the neck choking him

" Kai! Stop!" Hyunmi yeld trying to pull Kai hands away " who are you to tell what i should do " he said Daehyun all at him trying to catch some air 

" Kai! STOP!" Hyumi yelled " i can do whatever i want She is MY girl and no else" Kai eyes Darken with anger

Daehyun bottle of emotion burst he Pulled Kai hand off him and pushed him down his chair,  everyone in the cafe yelp and all eyes were on them

" BASTARD! Hana not a toy you can just keep for yourself she a living person! , your  insane if you think you keep her to yourself!" he shouted

" YOU~" Kai stood up raised  his fist and Daehyun did the same and Hyunmi was about scream when

"Kai!" they  froze they turn to see Hana panting and sweating like she came form a long run  " Kai~" she whispered walking over to them 

Kai let go of Daehyun " what are you doing here" he ask Hana looked down " i.. Chen... he told me you were here and i found it odd you came to this place .. so i came " she said 

Hana look at terrified Hyunmi and pissed Daehyun she bit her lip feeling guilty "let's go Kai please.. i dont want you to get in trouble" she said as she pulled Kai's Hand 

Kai look at her and saw the tears in her eyes,  he sighed as much as he want to yell at her for lying and beat the Daehyun right now, teary Hana was more important, so  he clam down and shook his head " let's go" he say he held Hanas hand 

but before he left he told them a little warning 

" both of you.. i'll you off a warning" he say,  he glance over giving Daehyun a hard glare " this will be your last warning Daehyun" he say as he left with Hana

​" Hana!" Daehyun called but Hana didnt respond or look at him, she just walked away leaving Hyunmi petrified and angery Daehyun 

" now i know why Hana never smiles with him" he say Hyunmi look at him " Daehyun?" she muttered 

" she was force to be him, she doesn't love him... She Fear's him " his eyes darken   

Hana..  i'll save you" 









hello guys 

sorry for the late update

i'm sort a going to busy soon 

so bear with me with very late updates 

:< sorry 

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Chapter 9: Yungguk?? Pfft
Soniaa #2
Chapter 5: Wow!!! I love this story already!!
Chapter 18: PLEASE!!! HANA!! You should understand him!! He just a scared little boy!! Poor him
xxxhailey #4
Chapter 18: I just read your story and you dont even know how much I scream,you indeed play with my emotion throughout this story and i was like "OH MY GOD,RUNN!!" "KAII STAYY AWAY PLEASEEE" "DAEHYUN RUNNNN!" my lil bro is piss off that I was screaming in the middle of the night but that just show how good this story is ! love the plot,you are amazing and I die a little inside when it stop at chap 18 and yeah adding with a few scream "WE'RE THAT CLOSE TO SEE THE NEXT THING COMING UP,COME ON HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!" just telling that Im here waiting for you,the lovely author to mess up my feelings again with this awesome story! *whisper* ps I stand for the sec character,yup #teamdaehyun here!
Mizuho_Ootori22 #5
Chapter 18: I ship Kai and Hana. Since in your description that Daehyun has only one sided feeling. So meaning Kai and Hana we'll be together. I'm so happy. I hope they will be together
Icanbecool #6
When is the next chapter up can't wait
Icanbecool #8
Soo happy that you updated :)