
His Possessive Love

i pack my things and threw into the backseat with me. i hope i as mom and dad were checking the house before we were good to go. i watch as dad got in and was starting up the engine while mm took a last look before she shut the door lock and jump into the car. she look at me " you ready?" she ask i nervously nodded for some reason i was scared about something. 

when mom finish buckling up we heard a loud bang noise coming form the front yards " what was that?"  mom spoke we stayed quiet for a while but no sound continued. " must be a cat" dad said. he press the remote for the garage door to open. as it slowly raise up. we all froze as we saw a legs slowly revealed  to us as the garage door slowly lifted,  until finally it reveled us a man standing infront of our garage with a helmet on and holding a bat.


 "who the hell.." Dad muttered and hung his horn " Hey Get out of the way!" dad yelled while he kept sounding his horn

"'ll stir up the neighbors" Mom muttered pressing dad shoulder. 

" yeah..but" dad got startled when i suddenly grip on to his shoulders tightly " Dad..Go" i muttered

"eh..yeah will go honey  once this guy gets out of the way" 

"he wont get out of the way dad...thats..thats Kai" i uttered shocking both of them

"" Mom look forward. looking at Kai who was still standing still infornt of us.


i knew it was Kai, that his holding  i had seen that bat some where and i remembered it was the one in his room. " Dad go or else" too late Kai step forward and swung his bat at the front of our car. i let scream and cover my ears. Mom shook dad arm yelling " GO ! GO!!" 

"i cant or else i'll!" Dad was cut off when Kai swung his bat again cracking the  front Window  " ! im running this bastard over!" dad cursed before he punch the gas and literally run Kai over.  i heard his body crashing over our car as dad drove away. i peep over the back seat window and saw him on the ground. 

"Hana don't look at him his not worth the pity" Dad said as he dove off. 

i looked down and nodded. i guess.. this is good bye Kai.


the ride to the airport will  take us half an hour to get there. the whole time none of us wanted to talk the only noise came form the radio playing old country music. my mind wonder somewhere far as i stared out the window . until i could faintly hear a motorbike sound coming behind so i turn around. i could a little light coming for the distance i narrowed my eyes on to it as the little light grew brighter and bigger soon i realize it was motorbike and riding it was.

"Dad! DAD!!!!" i yelled mom look at  me frighten by my outburst and dad looked at me through the front mirror " What wrong?!" he yelled 

" its him.. its Kai!" i shouted both my parents was shock " are sure father did run him over" mom frantically ask

"i know its mom he has the same bat!" i cried seeing the bat he was holding in one hand. i watch as Kai motorbike drive up beside us

" Honey!" Mom yelled dad turn his head just as Kai Swung his bat to his side window. causing dad to swirled around the road but he manages to get back in track. 

" he trying to kill us!" Dad cursed as he floored the gas  we had safe  distance between us, but Kai pushed his motorbike to its highest speed and as past dad front window that was already crack , Kai Swung his bat over to it and  finally breaking  it into pieces glass shattered infront of dad face he duck his head but keep one eye open on the road,  mom scream as she held onto dad seat. i covered my head praying that this was just a dream. 


there loud screech noise i open my eyes to see Kai had stop infront us he got off his bike and just stood there. dad frown and move his car over to the right avoiding Kai. we thought was going to do something but he didn't he just stood while we passed.

i kept an eye on him and was sure i saw the deadly look he had even it was hidden by the tainted plastic over of the helmet. 


"why did he just let us pass?" mom inquired still jumpy.

" i dont know" i muttered 

" the hell i care as long as we-" dad wasn't able to finish his sentence when something slam against our side. 

"AAAH!" i scream as i tumble to other side of the seat. " what the hell! who are those boys!" mom screamed i open my eyes to see a Truck just beside us riding on it were

"Exo" i muttered i lean over and looked and sure enough it  was Lay that driving the Truck and Chen was next to him looking at me sympathetically, others were standing at the back of open truck  and all of them were holding poles and bats. i saw one person in particular.  standing on top of the Truck with a pole. " tao" i muttered 


Tao looked at me giving me an apologetic look he bowed before jump over to our car landing infront of mom and dad. Tao skillfully spin the pole around before slam against the remaining glass. mom scream as dad tried to shake Tao off my swing the car around causing tao to slowly slip away but before he did.

he slip his pole in between the steering wheel with mer arm strength alone,  he manages to brake of the steering wheel apart making the car lose control , Tao swift jump off and watch us swirled around

until the car swirled to the side of the road and crash into a tree the collision caused me slam my head into the car window slowly causing me to lose consciousness. 

i could could hear people shouting and screaming i heard my car door open and feeling being picked out i could hear echoing voice and managed  disguise a few words .

"Get her out"

"take her"

" Jesus.. what should"


"Your mine"

that was the last thing i heard. when i regain consciousness, i found my self staring at a wooden ceiling. i slowly look around to see i was in an unfamiliar room. it looked like a cabin room. i slowly got up. at the aches in my body.

"where am i" i muttered, i flinch when i felt emense pain on my forehead i touch it and felt a fabric of a badage over it. it was then i rember eeryhting from last night. the car crash, the paln ..Kai finding out. i threw the sheet off me and saw i was only wearing an over size t shirt and was just in my undies. i got off and walked over to the window to check where i was once i slide the curtain open saw steel bars infornt of it. " what the.." i muttered and look out i was stratle to see trees everywhere " am the forest" i muttered 

i was in panic now i went over to door to find out it was open. i peep out to see an empty hallway. i slide out and made my way over to the end i saw stairs and heard sounds coming form below. i slowly went down and peep over to other to see it was a living room and the tv was on. but there was no one watching, so i slowly entered the room.

and look around. i was sure i was cabin now seeing the interior of the house. 

"News... reported from last week of  an accident had happen on the highway 67 where a family car had crash into a tree in which the car had exploded the married couple had manage to escape out but unfortunately their only daughter.."

"Lee Hana" 

my head snap towards the news and saw a picture of me below it had Girl Caught in Car Explosion

"Lee Hana , at young age 17 years old was unable to make it out..."


my mind went blank i wasn't listening anymore on what the lady in news was saying, i just stared at my own picture "they think i'm dead" i muttered. and shook my head before i could think anything else i felt arms wrap around my waist pulling closer to a body. i froze when i felt a head nuzzle into my neck. " your awake" 

" K-Kai" i stuttered as i turn around backing away form him, i saw he only wore his dark Blue Jeans , his hair was a bit messy,and his shirt hang by his shoulder.

 he looked over the TV"..oh you seen it huh" he uttered with a smirk 

"W-Whats going on ..why is the news saying i'm dead" i breather out, i hyper ventilating this happens when i get too anxious and scared. Kai turn a bit and pulled a piece of folder paper out his back pocket and gave it to me. 

i took the paper and open it revealing a news paper and  it held my Story of supposed Death

. " wha..wha...what!" i exclaimed as the  read the content.

it said i died that night and that parents survive dad had press charges on Kai and his friends for murder  but the trail claim that Kai was not guilty due to lack of evidence and dad had to pay the price. for false accusation.



i shook my head and looked at the date that was on top of the news paper it was dated on a  Saturday but when we left home that night it was a monday

"you've been out for about a week.. if your wondering " Kai said as sat on the sofa looking at me.

"wha....if  i'm dead ...why am i here!?" i shouted i was so confused 

Kai smiled " well easy babe.. i fake your death" he said i frown " What..Why!?" i exclaimed 


Kai glared at me coldly causing me to flinch back " so no one can take you from me...not even your parents"  he got up and made his way over to me i back away until i felt the wall behind me and Kai place both his hand beside my head trapping me with his body 

"that night i prepared everything, i made the car explode with the died body that we got form Lays Hospital and made sure the body was burnt so bad it was unrecognizable... and once that was done i took here my Cabin that  i had bought not too long one knows this place but me and exo" he smirk

"and this will be the place you'll i can keep eye on you" he lean his forehead onto mine

"your only to blame Hana.. i wouldn't go this far if do that stunt you did" he whispered caressing my cheek with his thumb " now..that your dead... your all mine" he smirk. 


tears drop form my eyes as i shook my head " NO!" i scream trashing in his trap, Kai tried to hold me down my i fought back and even landing slap to his face catching him of ground, i took this chance to run. to the bedroom door and lock it, once i look it i went and hide in the closet.

for about minute everything was quite. until something bang up against the wall the banging continued until the door slam open. i cringe at the violent sound 

"Hana! Come out this Instant!" Kai Yelled but i refused to move out of my place

"Come out right now! don't make me Angry HANA!" He growled but i shut my eyes and covered my eyes praying he'll go away, when all of sudden the 2 doors of the cabinet opened and harsh hand grab my arm and pulled me out i struggled in his hold

"KYAAAH NO!!!" i scream

"Hana Stop!" Kai yelled but i refused i used my other hand and pushed his face away,  Kai got so annoyed he harshly pushed me down the ground causing me to yelp in pain when my elbow scrape the surface of the wooden flooring.

before i could move away Kai quickly pick me up and threw to the bed and pined both my hands beside my head i still struggled to break free

"Hana Stop Damnmit!" Kai cursed and i did.

i just laid there crying " why..." i sobbed looking straight at eye " Why." i whimpered Kai soften and lower his head until our noses touch " cause i love you" he whispered.


and something in me snap i gritted my teeth and had enough strength to pull one of my wrist away form his hold and gave him a hard slap to the face.

"Love me!" i scream "Do you even know what Love is Kai!" i shouted to his face

"this isnt love Kai.....You...You Don't take  away everything form the person you LOVE!" i spat

"You took my took my took me away from my own Family!" I scream punching his chest 

"You... took Everything from me" i whispered , i felt Kai arms caressed my back 

"i did this cause i love you...and i dont want to you to leave me" he whispered i frown and pulled away form his hug 

"Your  a Monster!" i yelled Kai looked startle by my words

"everything you do inhumane....what youve done to my those inccent boys! To Daehyun Family!!! your not  human" i muttered

"YOUR A MONSTER!!!!" i shouted , Kai glared harden and before he pushed me back down to the bed.

i saw the dark and angry look cast upon his face " Monster...You think i am monster" he growled

"i'll Show you a monster"  


beep beep

i open my eyes to see the blinding white light cast upon me i turn away until my eyes finally adjust. where am i? 

"News... reported from last week of  an accident had happen on the highway 67 where a family car had crash into a tree in which the car had exploded the married couple had manage to escape out but unfortunately their only daughter.."

"Lee Hana" 

my eyes widen looked for the source of the sound and sa the TV next to me, it showed the pictures of hana and the Reported narrated how her life was and how she was killed in the car accident then she tells that her Dad press charges on her boyfriend Kai who was claim not guilty.

once i saw picture of him my blood boiled.

"Kai~" i growled 

" uh! Doctor Jung Daehyun Awake!" 








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Chapter 9: Yungguk?? Pfft
Soniaa #2
Chapter 5: Wow!!! I love this story already!!
Chapter 18: PLEASE!!! HANA!! You should understand him!! He just a scared little boy!! Poor him
xxxhailey #4
Chapter 18: I just read your story and you dont even know how much I scream,you indeed play with my emotion throughout this story and i was like "OH MY GOD,RUNN!!" "KAII STAYY AWAY PLEASEEE" "DAEHYUN RUNNNN!" my lil bro is piss off that I was screaming in the middle of the night but that just show how good this story is ! love the plot,you are amazing and I die a little inside when it stop at chap 18 and yeah adding with a few scream "WE'RE THAT CLOSE TO SEE THE NEXT THING COMING UP,COME ON HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!" just telling that Im here waiting for you,the lovely author to mess up my feelings again with this awesome story! *whisper* ps I stand for the sec character,yup #teamdaehyun here!
Mizuho_Ootori22 #5
Chapter 18: I ship Kai and Hana. Since in your description that Daehyun has only one sided feeling. So meaning Kai and Hana we'll be together. I'm so happy. I hope they will be together
Icanbecool #6
When is the next chapter up can't wait
Icanbecool #8
Soo happy that you updated :)