Never be Free

His Possessive Love

For the pass few days Hana and i had become much closer, all  thanks to Hyunmi.

" hey Hana" i called, she looked at me and gave a little smile.

I smiled back before looking around the room " hey Hana wheres Hyunmi sshi?" still looking around the room, usually when i get to to class Hyunmi would be here talking to Hana.

" she in class" Hana answered


" class... this early?" I say, Hana look at me with an odd look

"What?" did i say something wrong? in Blue Bldg. class start around 9:00 and its still 8:30


Hana purse her brow together " that cause's Hyunmi isn't  from this building she from the red building"  my eye literally bulge out of my sockets 

" she from the red building?!" I exclaim Hana nodded

" woah.. well sorry but she defiantly doesnt act like one" i say, hana chuckled

student from Red building are usually snobby since they came form rich families they look upon us commoners who got in with talent or by scholarship.

" i know.. Hyunmi says in status she belong to red bldg. but at heart she belongs to blue bldg." hana say.

" that's true" i muttered " why are you looking for her." She ask 

" i yesterday i borrowed a cd form her and wanted to return it" i say as i showed her the CD cover

i was about to give her the CD when...


Hana and i paused and looked around wondering where the sound was coming from. " over here!" We turn over to the window to find Hyunmi on top of a branch waving at us.

Hana quickly open the window " what are you doing?!" She shouted. Hyunmi gave her a hush sign with a panic expression and pointed something below her.

We peeped down to see, Suho and Chen walking around the area looking for something or someone..


" where she go?" Suho muttered

" no idea lets look over there" Chen suggested as they move away

I watch hyunmi sigh and both Hana and i silent laugh at her expression, she then look at us and gestured us to move back and we did,

what is she planing..

this girl literally jump over to our window my heart almost stopped when she almost slip lucky for her i manage to grab her jacket and pulled her in

" are you trying to kill yourself!" I hissed she only laughed and apologize 


" hey baby girl!" She greeted Hana, Hana smiled  " hey Hyunmi" she say

"What was that about?" I ask


Hyunmi shrugged " same as usual .. Short cake scolding me for not wearing the school uniform" she huffed 

"You know you can avoid this if you would just where the school uniform" Hana say, which i agree.  hyunmi pouted

" but Hana~" she whined


Beep beeep beeep!!

Hana paused and took out her phone i saw the shock or was it fear in her eyes she looked at us and excused herself.

And ever  since then she would skip or cut class either to answer a call or emergency had occurred yet she would never tell what the emergency was, i was getting really suspicious and worried at the same time.

And here she goes again packing her things and leave,  told me a head that she had to go home early. I sighed as i watch her go.

and i wanted to hang out with her today

" you know what" i jumped when i saw Hyunmi standing next to me, she still not wearing the school uniform 

" hyunmi.. Don't do that!" I exclaim, but she ignored me " i know Hana's lying "  she say looking out to Hana who heading out of the gates

" lying about what?" I ask, hyunmi look at me and sighed " all those emergency at home or  that her mom needed her all of those are lies..... and i know" she paused

" it was Kai  who had been calling her and telling her to meet up with him." She said i froze when heard his name.

" Kai.. He hasn't been around" i say

" and how can you be so sure" i ask, hyunmi looked at me " cause it happen before " she muttered

" what" i uttered hyunmi look at me.and nodded 

i sighed frustratingly " Hyunmi can i ask you something?" i ask, Hyunmi looked surprise and nodded 

" is there something up between Kai and Hana? cause I've notice Hana doesn't look too happy around kai and you .... you look like you hate his guts" i said 

Hyunmi scuffed " not look but do.. i hate Kai... i hate him" her eyes glint and her jaw clenched as she muttered

"why?" i whispered but loud enough for Hyunmi to hear. 

She took a deep breath and sighed  " it happen during middle school"


 During that time Hana was a totally different Hana that you know now, back then she jolly and lively girl all smiles but still shy she was still kind and gentle. She never liked to be center of attention nor did she ever wanted to popular , we been best friend since grade school.

Our middle school life peaceful and ordinary, that all change when he came.

Kim jong in or well know as Kai came to our school with some his obnoxious friends which were Sehun, Chanyeol, Tao and D.O and Chen.  they came and own the school in matter of a week they had everyone under their control even the teachers were scared of them.

neither Hana and i wants get involve with them, so we made sure we never made contact with them and stay as far away from them.

I thought we were safe until one day Kai came to our class looking fro Hana. Everyone was shock but not much as Hana was he annouce that he liked Hana and since then Kai had been trying to get Hana to go out with him but Hana keeps running away and escaping him trying to make him see she wasnt interested nor did she plan to go out with him.

but kai wouldn't back down and i think he had enough of the rejection and shouted something that everyone heard

"Lee Hana... Form this day forward i will make you mine! And only mine!!"


Since that day everything went from bad to worst Kai harassed Hana even more , i remember a time where i had manage to save Hana form Kai who was forcing her to kiss him, that got in me on his bad side

Kai didn't let anyone near her even me her best friend, but i didn't listen even if Hana beg me to stay away.  i wouldn't dare leave my friend with a demon like him,

and no matter how scared Hana was to Kai she never accepted him to his girlfriend.

" ill never become your girlfriend, i will never ever love you!" 


For a while Kai stopped harassing hana, everything was slowly returning back to normal until i got to school one day and was shock to see Hana and Kai holding hands as they walked into school Kai had all smiles while Hana looked lifeless.

I knew something was up so i mange to kidnap Hana from Kai and try to make her tell me what happen but she would never tell me anything she would say
" nothing happen i just realized my feeling for Kai that all" even she said that even if she smiled that day i knew she was lying.

" why are you lying to me Hana! i didn't we promise to never lie  to each other and  Never keep secrets,  Hana!!" 

" even now she will answer me truthfully why she went out with kai" she whispered,

" yet you didn't leave her" i smiled she look at me " of course, what kind of best friend am i... if i leave her alone with a Monster" she grind
you can tell  How much Hyunmi cares and worry about Hana, only thing i can do was pat her shoulders. " maybe the secret was so big that she had to lie... i know it hasn't been long since i meet Hana but i know she kind of girl that doesn't anyone worrying about her" 

" maybe someday she tell you the true" i said

she looked at me and smiled " yeah maybe.. i just wish i can do more than be by with her side and making her smile"



\\ meanwhile//

"You sit lightly like a waltz and i cant take my eyes off of you
My eyes naturally follow you each step you take
... Lead me~" 

I sang softly as i petted Kai hair who slept on my lap,  for the past few weeks Kai has been endlessly calling me and asking to come over to his house. I knew something had happen between him and his father . Because he would always end up in this gloomy state,  wanting all my attention.

Kai's butler, mr lee told me once that back then when Kai and his dad argued he would either destroy his room or go out  to clubs and mess with some girls and would never come home for days. But now since i Came along. All of Kai's bad habits were slowly changing and was becoming a good person.

I sighed it seem people around me were benefiting from my misery " hmm" i snap out of my thoughts and looked down to see kai stir in sleep i caressed his hair, he blinked his eyes open before rubbing them  " Hana" he whispered,  " your awake" i mumbled 

" yeah, how long was i asleep?"  He ask

" about an hour" i say he nodded and sat up right . he stretch out his arms and yawn.

 " this was my nicest nap i ever had for a week now" he sighed as he messed up his hair giving that y morning look. I turn away feeling the flush on my face,

"and you know what" he spoke and held my chin up. 

" it all thanks to you" he whispered,
He lean closer And held my waist firmly securing me in place. once our lips meet He kissed with passion, as our lips moved in synch, his tongue traced my bottom lip asking for entrance, i denied it firmly shutting lips, Kai growled possessively and harshly tighten his grip around my waist causing me gasped  and letting Kai have to the opportunity to invade my mouth

As we kissed it become more heated then i felt his hand go up to my shirt, i panic and pulled away and look at his fearful eyes, Kai at me glared at me with lustful eyes.


" please, lets stop kai" i whispered, kai sighed and nodded " yes we should" he say and rub his lips, i sighed in relief when he suddenly push me down to the bed pining me down.

"You know Hana.. Its very hard for me to contain my desire especially when my desire is you" he whispered down to my ear, his breath sends shiver down my spine. 



" but i am a man of my word.. I will have you when its either your ready or .. After marriage" he whispered my eyes shot open and look at him " m-marriage" i gulped  


Kai eye widen and laughed a bit " oops that was suppose to be a secret." He looked down at me with loving eyes

"you see i had plan to marry you once you Graduated " he say like it was nothing.

 " what... But kai" I was speechless, he hush me and caressed my cheek.

"Of course you.. I will never marry any other woman but you... cause Hana you and i will be together forever" he whispred, his loving stare change into dark lustful once.

"once that day come.. I cant wait to hear you moan, scream my name.. begging for more, my dear Hana" he nip my ear making me blush more and whimper, i felt him smirk against my skin

" Kai please stop" i say. He chuckled and pulled away and hop off the bed. I look at him as he grin " I'm going to shower after that let head down and eat ok" he smiled and made his way to the bathroom leaving me laying his bed

un willingly tears start pouring down my eyes as i covered my mouth " does this mean.." I whimpered tears start to pour down more
 " i can never be free form his grasp" i whispered as as bit my lip trying to back my sob


Hyunmi .. if i had just listen to you,  If i had just left him then.. If i had just ignored him and acted like everyone else i wouldn't be in this situation. 


Hello ! :) 

sorry for the late update 

but I've been busy 

but i'll try my best in updating as quickly as i can 



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Chapter 9: Yungguk?? Pfft
Soniaa #2
Chapter 5: Wow!!! I love this story already!!
Chapter 18: PLEASE!!! HANA!! You should understand him!! He just a scared little boy!! Poor him
xxxhailey #4
Chapter 18: I just read your story and you dont even know how much I scream,you indeed play with my emotion throughout this story and i was like "OH MY GOD,RUNN!!" "KAII STAYY AWAY PLEASEEE" "DAEHYUN RUNNNN!" my lil bro is piss off that I was screaming in the middle of the night but that just show how good this story is ! love the plot,you are amazing and I die a little inside when it stop at chap 18 and yeah adding with a few scream "WE'RE THAT CLOSE TO SEE THE NEXT THING COMING UP,COME ON HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!" just telling that Im here waiting for you,the lovely author to mess up my feelings again with this awesome story! *whisper* ps I stand for the sec character,yup #teamdaehyun here!
Mizuho_Ootori22 #5
Chapter 18: I ship Kai and Hana. Since in your description that Daehyun has only one sided feeling. So meaning Kai and Hana we'll be together. I'm so happy. I hope they will be together
Icanbecool #6
When is the next chapter up can't wait
Icanbecool #8
Soo happy that you updated :)