
His Possessive Love

"Daehyun!" "Daehyun!" " Daehyun!" 

a smirk played upon my lips as i hear the thousand of fans screaming my name out, i pilled my collars out and grab the mic that was handed to me by a cute female staff, that blushing immensely as i took it from her, i gave her a smile and wink 

he face turn completely red and fainted her other co worker helped her up while i headed up the stage as greeted by thousand screaming of fans they were all waving their " i love Daehyun" banners around shouting my name like crazy 

this was a good feeling as i taking my time enjoying the screams and cheers one voice stood out the most.



my eyes snap open, only to see posters of my favorite idols plastered on to the  ceiling , i sat up and looked around and realized i was just in my room and that was just dream.

i groan and ruffled my hair out of frustration "DAEHYUN!" i groan and counted to 3  and on cue the door slam open revealing Himchan- hyung wearing a flower pattern apron and holding a spatula . he looked at my surprise eye "uh.. your awake" he muttered 

"clearly" i rolled my eyes 

"ok then..you better hurry and wash up now or you'll be late  " he said as made his way out 

"late for what?" i ask before he had completely left the room "what else school you fool!" he shouted 

"school..." i yawn, then realized something.

"SCHOOL!" i scream as i rushed out of my bed  and run into Bathroom quickly washed up

and just 10 min i was done, i run to my room and change into my uniform once that done i step out  feeling fresh and cool. 

i made my way down to the kitchen and along the way i saw our youngest Junhong or Zelo sluggishly descending down the stairs still looking sleepy 


"morning Zelo" i greeted him. and patted his head along the way down "morning hyung" he grumbled

i jump into the kitchen "Morning!" i greeted 

"morning" my three brothers greeted back i went over the table and grab 2 toasted breaded and coffee and jugged all down 

"yah! eat properly, don't just eat bread!" Himchan nag 


"Daehyun we don't speak alien" Youngguk hyung stated as flipped some pages of the new paper he was reading 


"sorry.. i said i cant or i'll be late" i repeated and put down the mug and grab my bag form the floor "Bye Jong up, bye Himchan, Youngguk hyung" i said as i run to the door along the way out; again i meet up with Zelo and bid him good bye .


"why is Dae hyung in hurry?" Zelo ask as he sat down next to Jong up 

"it back to school for him " Jong up muttered 

"and?" Zelo raised a brow 

"Zelo, did you forget or did you not see what uniform Daehyun was wearing?" Himchan stated as he flipped place few pancakes on the table.

Zelo sat back trying to recall  back.

"AH!!! hyung going to the school of his dreams!"  Zelo exclaim "aaawh...i'm jealous , i wanted to go to that school too" he pouted 

"hahaha don't worry zelo someday if you work hard enough you can get to into that school too" Himchan cheered 

Zelo smiled and nodded "Yea hyung!" everyone just chuckled as how innocent their lil brother is.



i hummed and skip my way to school, now you may wondering why i was so excited  well, this school isn't just school for me , its the school of my dreams! 

Star Hall Academy for the Music &Technology  or SH academy for short 

heavens must have made this school , for this school got everything i been looking for in school's like amazing music room/ recording facilities entire Seoul a Great Musical Back ground. 

and the girls that go hereare capital HOT, plus  my Hero's use to go to this school from Rain to Tiger sumbenim they came from this school.

but the real reason why i'm here is cause of it's musical background this school has a lot of connection the music industry and so you got  bigger chance of becoming big star here.

but this school isn't easy to get into you have to be either Super rich or you got real talented and i happen to fall on the  talented division , you have no idea how hard i practice on my singing and studies just to get into this school and now my hard work paid off.


and here i am now standing in front of the school i been dreaming off.. its large metal gate were wide open, almost like it was welcoming me i took in a big breath before heading inside.

as i walked down a stone path way that lead up to a building with large glass windows, i made my way over and pulled the glass door open and saw a lady behind a desk above her desk there was big sign that say's " Assistance desk".

i never there were such a thing, i shrugged it off and headed over to the desk, i lean forward before saying "excuse me"

the lady looked up to me and smiled "yes, how may i help you?' she ask 

"yeah..umm I'm new kid here and i don't know my way around could you help me?" i ask her politely she smiled and nodded

"of course" she typed something on the computer, then pulled something out of the drawer and gave it to me. 

it was a map and hand book with the school logo on it. 


"you have there is the map of the school now... not everyone know that there are 3 building here" she explained; i attentively listen  as she continued to explain

"first building is this building, the staff building where all teachers and staff stay and do thier grading " i awed and looked around this huge palace 

"next 2 buildings are called the Red Building and Blue Building... now I'll tell you frankly ..." she whispered, i lean closer to her

"the Red building are the students that came from prestigious and  very rich families" i nodded

"the blue blue building is where student that got in with talent" she said then pointed to chest pocket where the school Symbol is. "you see the your circle that surrounds the school symbol its color is blue right?, so that means your in the blue building where the talented one go" she said with a smile


i gave her a shy smile and nodded  "you can go from here" she pointed at the door behind her desk "there you walk straight until you get to a intersection each intersection has a border line one is blue and other red ... so obviously you take which path? " she paused ands look at me.

"the blue one" i answered she smiled and nodded " go along then... i already inform the head teacher there to meet with you so .. see you around kid" she winked i chuckled and headed off. 

i walked down a brick bath and from the distance you could clearly see 2 building one was on top of a small hill while other was below it.


soon i meet by a intersection and like what the lady say there was border line on the ground the right one had the blue strip other had the red strip, i chuckled and walked down the path with the blue border and headed down to the building.

i pushed the glass door and slowly entered the building the place was great shiny clear white marbled floor  and center of the lobby i guessed was big glass cabinet full of trophies and awards , i took a closer look and saw familiar name there, legend in the music industry 

"woah..." i gaped as i read the names of my hero's  and i was abput to touch it  "lovely aren't they" someone voice out i jumped away form the trophies and turn to see a beautiful lady wearing a white dress. 

"uh... hello" i greeted and bowed timidly .

"hello.. i'm Taeyeon the head teacher here" she greeted i quickly  bowed back again realizing who she really is

"AH! Hello!" i greeted again bowing more respectfully 

"you must be Jung Daehyung correct?" she chuckled , i repeatedly nodded my head

"welcome to SH Academy and to Blue building, shall i saw you to your room now?" she said. again i nodded

"come then follow me" she Command as she lead the way, i quickly followed after her 

as we walked to my room she explain some stuff form me, Like basic school rules like no one are allowed to use music rooms without permission and that i shouldn't spit or throw trash on the floor or the garden and lastly she told me  this when we arrive to  my classroom 

"you are not allowed to go to the Red building" she said it in a Warning way. like i should and must follow this rule.


after that she went inside and talked to the a teacher that was inside and  i stayed outside, waiting for Mrs. Taeyoen to give me a ok sign to come in and when she did, i slowly made my way in and greeted with welcoming smiles form everyone inside.

so this are my classmates. i stood next to Mrs. Taeyeon as she introduced me to my Homeroom Teacher Mr. Kang in 

"i leave him in your hands Kang in" Mrs. Taeyeon told him and as she left the room she whispered"good luck"  to me before leaving.


Mr. Kang in smiled at me and gestured me to my classmate "welcome to Class B 2!" he chimed and everyone cheered 

"kindly tell everyone who you are" Mr. Kang in in instructed, i smiled and nodded 

"I'm Jung Daehyun...  17 yrs old , nice to meet everyone and i hope i can make a lots of friends here!"  i flash them my  goofy smile

and everyone clapped  and said hi 

"ok everyone,be kind to Daehyun and make sure he'll be comfortable here, got that?" Mr. Kang in grin 

"YEA!" the class union "ok kid grab a seat and enjoy my class" he whispered to me i walked down the ails Looking for a seat and saw empty chair next to a girl at the back near the window i smiled and headed my way there. 

i place my bag on the table next to hers and was about to take a seat, when i was suddenly pulled me away form the table and dragged me to the table on other side of the room near the door. i turn to see who the hell grab me, only to see a pretty boy with long black hair 


"what the hell man?!" i hissed rubbing my sore arm then i saw a boy with red hair place my bag on top of the table 

"sorry, but i had to do it quickly or else you'll seat next to her" the pretty boy said, i frown my brows together and look at the girl i was suppose to seat next to just seating there looking out the window like nothing happen.

"huh?" i turn back to the pretty boy and the red head who seating in table in front of ours

"i'll explain later...just trust me when i say don't go near that girl if value your life." he whispered. and i can clearly tell he wasn't joking "ok..." i muttered and settled myself "ummm..." i turn to the pretty boy who now my seat mate hummed .

"i'm Hongbin by the way" he said extended his hand "sorry for the harsh grab" he apologize i smiled and grab his hand and exchange hand shakes. "Daehyun" i greeted back "and Ravi" the red head spoke i smiled and shook his hand too.

"ok... quite down now!" Mr. Kang in shouted to us,  me and guys duck our heads and face front "good" Mr. Kang in say as he continued his lesson.

as Mr. Kang continued his lesson but  i couldn't help but wonder why Hongbin and Ravi pulled me away from seating next to that girl she seem harmless.

i turn and look at her, she was still staring outside the window drown in her little world. 

who is she?. 

Blue Building Head Teacher: TaeYeon. 


 Class B2 Home Room Teacher: Kang In 

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Chapter 9: Yungguk?? Pfft
Soniaa #2
Chapter 5: Wow!!! I love this story already!!
Chapter 18: PLEASE!!! HANA!! You should understand him!! He just a scared little boy!! Poor him
xxxhailey #4
Chapter 18: I just read your story and you dont even know how much I scream,you indeed play with my emotion throughout this story and i was like "OH MY GOD,RUNN!!" "KAII STAYY AWAY PLEASEEE" "DAEHYUN RUNNNN!" my lil bro is piss off that I was screaming in the middle of the night but that just show how good this story is ! love the plot,you are amazing and I die a little inside when it stop at chap 18 and yeah adding with a few scream "WE'RE THAT CLOSE TO SEE THE NEXT THING COMING UP,COME ON HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!" just telling that Im here waiting for you,the lovely author to mess up my feelings again with this awesome story! *whisper* ps I stand for the sec character,yup #teamdaehyun here!
Mizuho_Ootori22 #5
Chapter 18: I ship Kai and Hana. Since in your description that Daehyun has only one sided feeling. So meaning Kai and Hana we'll be together. I'm so happy. I hope they will be together
Icanbecool #6
When is the next chapter up can't wait
Icanbecool #8
Soo happy that you updated :)