
His Possessive Love

"YES!" i cheered as i slump back down to my disk, "hahaha, you ok Daehyun? the test wasn't that bad" Hongbin said 

 "say the guy that always gets 100 in every exam" Ravi scuffed, Honbin fronwn at him " no , i don't!, you know i in History and English class" Hongbin stated

i scuffed " lucky you" i muttered, Hongbin gave me a pity smile " sorry Dae, but your luck ," he joked 

"hahaha you bet cha' , you been here for what..  7 days and you have take 6 major exams" Ravi shook his head and sighed 

i turn my head and gave them a scowl " you bet" i groan.

i turn my head to other side to see the Hana get up and leave the room " where is she going?" i wondered 


"Hey have you heard?" Gossip one of the girls in my class

"heard what?" other ask 

"that today all seniors' in the Red Building are having a Tour" she said 

"Uh! yeah! you mean the one they get to go to different Electronic / Business Company building and get freebies ?" the another girl added

"Wow!, so that mean" the girls all looked at Hana table 

"yep, Hana get a one day break from Kai" other whispered softly but i manage to hear it


"Hey Daehyun!" i quickly look away and looked at Hongbin who was about to leave the room "i'm going to the Bathroom before the terror Teach comes" he Said.and leave

my eye widen and stood up " me too, me too!" i ranted and followed after him

as we finished doing our business in the Boy CR, we headed back down to the class and along the way i saw some one in the School mini garden i stopped and lean back trying to see who it was and realized it was Hana.

"what is she doing?" i thought i look at Hongbin retreating back and silent sneak away form him and headed to the garden. 

once i was there i hide myself behind the wall and saw she was actually tending to some flowers. 

and notice how relax she looked, almost like she was in peace. and you tell its weird for me cause usaully she lookes uncomfortable, uneasy and plainly Sad .


here she look happy, weird .

i purse my lip together and decide to go talk to Hana sshi she seem to be a nice person so bite my lipe and step out of my hiding place and go try tlak to her.

"nice flowers " i spoke making her jumped and look  at me " sorry!  i didn't mean to scare  you" i apologize 

i took a step forward, trying to get close to her but then she jumped away looking scared, which made me scared to "what wrong!?" i ask looking around if there was any danger. 

" please don't come near me" she muttered looking scared


at first i was confused but then i remember N hyung words in the canteen " Kai is possessive of Hana sshi" 

i bit back, and frown i really wanted to talk to Hana sshi  and be friend but i don't want her to get in trouble or me.

but then i remember the gossip of the girls in my class say. 

"So Hana is free for one day"


i looked at terrified Hana  " is it cause of your boyfriend?"i ask putting my hands into my pants pocket

she looked at me cautiously  and nodded,  i gave her a smile which sort a confuses her " but he isn't here right now, correct" i stated

she was still looking confused, which  was sort a cute " ok,  what i'm trying to say is... it's ok if we can talk a bit but still keep distance cause i can tell your uncomfortable about being close to someone" i suggested 


she looked away not sure what she going to do, me not wanting to make her feel awkward "  it's ok if you don't want too, i just thought maybe i can try talking to you since... you know" i muttered feeling disappointed.

and was about to leave when she spoke softly.

" its ok" she muttered looking down at the flower 

which made me smiled " really?" i grin but she only focused on the flowers and stayed quite

" umm.. their really pretty what kind of flowers are they?" i ask trying to make a conversation.

she look at me then back to the flowers, and for the very first time i saw Lee Hana the girl who always had a dark, gloom face , smiled and i mean really smiled. 

" their Camellia flowers" She uttered and looked at me who was in a daze from earlier " what's wrong?" she ask snapping me out of my thoughts

"huh?... uh nothing hehehe.. "  i scratch my head " did you grow them yourself?" i ask and watch her nod " it must be hard, i should know cause i have a brother whose trying to grow the same  flower and constantly failed" i stated

yeah, himchan hyung was so frustrated that his camellia flowers kept on dying, 

"he must have done something wrong" she commented , i look at her "but he followed what was in the guiding book for gardening" i said, she tilt her head " if he is why doesn't he succeed?" she ask , i shrugged and thought.


" think it's cause he keeps watering them every 5 minutes" i added and was surprise to see the dull expression she had on

"what?' i ask she shook her head and giggled " that the reason!" she laughed 

"who waters their plants every 5 minutes" she giggled " that stupid" she laughed more

which made me laugh along with her. 


after few minutes of laughing i stopped first and looked at her who was wiping her tears away i took a step forward and was a few feet from her and extended my hand to her.

"the name's Jung Daehyun,  i just got here a few days ago and i hope we can talk like this again" i said she looked at me and my hand and gave me a timid smile " Lee Hana and i think this is going to be the last time were going to talk like this but it was really nice talking you Daehyun sshi" she said looking abit sad 

i was too but smiled and pulled my hand back "hey" i bent down a little making her look at my eyes " we can never be sure of that" i say and backed away 

"well, see you in class Hana sshi" i say before heading back to class. 

as made my way over to the door i turn back to take glance of her and saw her smelling the flowers at the moment my heart jumped abit which startled me. i clench to my shirt and hurried myself inside 

"what was that just now" i muttered, i shook my head and continue my way back to class. 

no known to knowledge the danger that was watching us the whole time. 




meanwhile ...


"What the Heck, Kai!!" screamed a man from inside the room, the people outside looked at the door of the room hearing crushing sound and thing being flipped and few later the door burst open revealing and Furious Kim Jong in with a bloody hand he snarled at the people infront of him making them flinch back or hide away as he march his right out of the comapany. 

" kai! Kai!"  shouted Suho and his friend as they where startled to see kai with furious look marching out of company. 

but kai paid no hid to them and run out outside where a blakc car was park out front and he jumped in and slam the door shut and the car tire screech as it quickly made its was out

"what the heck happen?!" chanyeol exclaimed 


"kai?, Kai?" they heard some call out they turn to see a familiar young man wearing a suit and tie coming out of the Elevator.

"Yunho Hyung!" Suho shouted as they  run up to the man 

"what happen?!" Lay ask 

"yeah what happen?! i haven't seen kai this furious in a long time" sehun added

everyone was frantic about why kai was like that, cause exo know if kai was this mad there'll be blood

Yunho wooed them down and started telling them what had happen.



the during the whole Tour Kai was bored out of his wits so were his friend, they been visiting 4 different companies listening to old men talking about their business it's pro and cons and promoting thier new product to everyone and especially to exo.

now their last stop was one of  Kai's Dad company, the head executive there was close friend of Kai " Jung Yunho"

he was the only person in his dad company that he trust, after the seminar kai and yunho started talking to each catching up on thing while others in his year were distracted with new invention and gadget that their company inventors had just invented. 

" Hey kai, want to see what i have invented?" Yunho whispered to Kai , Kai grin at Yunho and lead him to his office.

Yunho wasn't only a talented business man but a talented inventor as well that Kai Father gave his a title of head executive of his Electronic division. 


Yunho showed kai to his office there he gesture kai to his chair and made him seat in front of his laptop " where is it Hyung?" kai ask 

Yunho pulled something out of his pocket " here it is" Yunho showed him something that looks USB drive 

"Huh?" Kai gaped at the USB drive Yunho just smiled at him and plugged it into his laptop there the screen showed a over view of the world

"wow"   kai muttered Yunho then press the enter button, which the screen zoom in and flashed a over view of south korea , again he pressed the enter button then flashed a building

kai lean in " wait this buliding is" he muttered Yunho cut he off by pressing the enter button a again and showed two people sitting behind a a large window facing the camera.

kai widen and turn back to the exact same window he look back to see himself facing sideways to the laptop 


"Whoa... this is amazing hyung!" Kai exclaimed 

"i thought so... sorry for tricking you there" he grin, kai scuffed at yunho " hahah, i made a handy size video satellite cam" he explain 

"this baby can zoom in any were in the world and can zoom in 1000x more than any satellite plus all in high quality and this cam is not detectable too" he explain his work

"this cool hyung... " kai muttered as he started to type in some random  places "you think? tomorrow i'm going to show this to your father" Yunho lean back and crossed his arms around his chest 

"hahah dad will easiluy say yes to this invention" Kai told him, before he started to type down a familiar school name

"your school?" Yunho ask out loud but kai didn't answer him, kai instead keep pressing enter and moving around the camera with the mouse until he focus to a person

"uh.. who she? " yunho ask as lean down to see a clearer view of the person 

"my girlfriend" kai say proudly as he happily watch his girlfriend who was busy tending to the flowers 

"your girlfriend... wait ...what your Girlfriend! no way you the guy who see girls as toy's has a girlfriend!" Yunho exclaim pulling chair around so kai was facing him


kai gave him smile and nodded, Yunho smiled wider " No Freaking Way! HAHAHA! woah..." Yunho was lost for words, he couldn't believe it, form long time he had known kai, never once did Kai have a girlfriend and let alone look proudly look at woman.

"woah kai... you really change! i'm so proud of you! HAHAHA!!! " Yunho laugh while patting Kai shoulder.  Kai only chuckled "yeah your right,  i'm slowly changing thanks to her" Kai said as he lovingly look at his girlfriend who wiped sweat off her forehead.

"i bet she's really kind.. just look at her working heard on those flowers" Yunho say Kai nodded and proudly smiled

"you bet, she the kindness person you ever meet and i hope you'll keep this a secret for my dad hyung" Kai said, shocking yunho " wait a minute,  you haven't told your dad yet?!" Yunho exclaim which kai nodded," yeah, i only want to introduce her to dad when the time is right" he said


Yunho scuffed " you make sound like your making her your wife"  Kai gave him a smirk which made Yunho gape " no way... your not... your really? going to make her... woah..." Yunho gape at kai who only smiled

" boy oh boy... i bet your dad going to be so shock at the same time happy. that you finally found only woman you want to settled down with" Yunho said patting shoulder then suddenly gripping hard which made kai look at yunho looking at him seriously 

"  she is going to be the only one, right?" he ask making Kai frown " HYUNG!" he snarled which made Yunho  laugh hard, which make Kai laugh too, he laughed a bit when suddenly went silent,  Yunho felt something wrong he look back at kai to see  him staring intensely at  screen "what wrong kai?" he ask 

not getting a respond Yunho looked at the screen to see Kai girlfriend talking to some guy who's face had been hidden behind the trees leaves 

"well isn't she friendly " Yunho commented it was an innocent comment it had no meaning to it,  Yunho only saw what he only saw,  an innocent conversation with a fellow classmates but it was whole different thing to kai. 

kai only saw the betrayal, he suddenly stood up making Yunho jump and was shock to see the fury in kai's eyes "kai" yunho whispered when he was about to reach out to him.  Kai suddenly punch his laptop screen making his hand bleed and then flipped his table over wit ha roar.

"KAI!" Yunho scream as he pulled kai who was about to leave the room " what the heck wrong with you!" he hissed at him 

but kai only gritted his teeth and gave Yunho a harsh punch to the gut, causing to fall down on his knees " K-kai" he coughed as he saw kai burst out of his office.



Exo faces darken with distress " he saw his girlfriend talking with other person?" Suho ask slowly

Yunho nodded , rubbing his aching stomach " yeah".  Kris push forward " was it a guy? or a girl?" he ask 

Yunho thought back and remember seeing pant " a guy... " he respond 

Exo eye snap open " .. " Suho cruse before running off with other behind " i hope were not too late..." Tao hissed as he jump into their  bus and told the bus driver to take them back to school fast

"or else there going to blood" D.o whispered as he stared out side the window.

please kai, don't go back to what you were before. 


Hello sorry for the late update

heheh busy with school

sorry if the story a bit dull now

but i assure you the thrill is right around the corner :)

and forgive my grammar. 

so please comment and tell mw what you think

heartsubscribe and maybe upvote? 



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Chapter 9: Yungguk?? Pfft
Soniaa #2
Chapter 5: Wow!!! I love this story already!!
Chapter 18: PLEASE!!! HANA!! You should understand him!! He just a scared little boy!! Poor him
xxxhailey #4
Chapter 18: I just read your story and you dont even know how much I scream,you indeed play with my emotion throughout this story and i was like "OH MY GOD,RUNN!!" "KAII STAYY AWAY PLEASEEE" "DAEHYUN RUNNNN!" my lil bro is piss off that I was screaming in the middle of the night but that just show how good this story is ! love the plot,you are amazing and I die a little inside when it stop at chap 18 and yeah adding with a few scream "WE'RE THAT CLOSE TO SEE THE NEXT THING COMING UP,COME ON HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!" just telling that Im here waiting for you,the lovely author to mess up my feelings again with this awesome story! *whisper* ps I stand for the sec character,yup #teamdaehyun here!
Mizuho_Ootori22 #5
Chapter 18: I ship Kai and Hana. Since in your description that Daehyun has only one sided feeling. So meaning Kai and Hana we'll be together. I'm so happy. I hope they will be together
Icanbecool #6
When is the next chapter up can't wait
Icanbecool #8
Soo happy that you updated :)