
Love Chooses You
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[CONTENTID3] Today, in every single composition class, the students could not stop fidgeting or talking amongst themselves. No one could walk into that classroom without stressing out or worrying about the news they heard this morning.

Once Ms. Yang finally got the class’s attention, she smiled reassuringly. "Now I'm sure you are all surprised at the sudden news this morning, but don't worry, I'm going to give you guys the option of working in the music rooms all over the academy for the next few classes. Of course, you don't have to, but I just thought it'd be easier for some of you to complete your assignment."

There were mixed reactions. Some were relieved that they got class time to work, but others were still anxious about the sudden evaluations.


Sehun almost fainted, his eyes bulging. "What!" he shouted.

Language Exams postponed.

Course Evaluation Date: Friday, April 18th.

"That's in two weeks!" Chanyeol's eyes widened.

Usually, language exams happened at this time of the year and vocal, dance, and composition course evaluations wouldn't happen until around the last month before Summer break. Once language exams were over, students would have a spare during those periods. But if they had their other course evaluations now, did that mean they were going to only have to attend language classes for the rest of the semester?

"This doesn't make any sense," Taeyeon shook her head, stressed out. "What the heck would we do for the rest of the semester?"

Similarly to them, every other student who had seen this huge announcement posted up on the wall was freaking out.

Just then, Minah and Baekhyun slowly came up to them to see what all the fuss was about. Baekhyun had taken her to the nurse's office to get her ankle looked at, and she was now on crutches. Thankfully it was just a grade one sprain, so she should be fine after a while.

"What's Sehun obsessing about?" Minah asked, Baekhyun following her side closely in case she fell.

Taeyeon turned to her. "Course evaluations are in—" she paused and examined Minah's current state. "What did you do to yourself now?" she scolded her.

"That's not important," Minah waved it off. "Now what was it about course evaluations?" Although Minah was a very talented composer, she wasn't as gifted in dancing or singing.

Sehun pointed to the poster taped to the wall. Minah and Baekhyun turned their heads and gasped. "Wait, what?" Baekhyun exclaimed, flabbergasted.

Minah's jaw dropped. "B-b-but...b-but...."

"I'm doomed," Chanyeol groaned, covering his face with his hand.

"This has to be some kind of a joke," Sehun insisted, not wanting to believe the truth. "They can't be serious."

Taeyeon glanced down at Minah's injured foot. "What are you going to do about the dance evaluation?

"The nurse said it's just a level one sprain, so she should be fine before April 18th," Baekhyun explained.

"Wow, if this was going to happen, why couldn't I get a level three sprain or something? Then I wouldn't have to do the dance evaluation," Minah pouted. Dancing just wasn't her thing.

Chanyeol agreed. "I should go fall down the stairs right now."

"Need a push?" Sehun joked.

"Yah!" Chanyeol glared at him, offended.

Sehun just laughed. He felt comfortable enough to joke around with Chanyeol now. In fact, he started to feel more comfortable around him than Luhan. Luhan had been pretty distant to them for the past few days. He was too busy with Seohyun and her friends.

Sehun latched onto Chanyeol's arm, swinging it back and forth. "I'm just kidding, hyung," he spoke in his aegyo voice.

Chanyeol inched away with a disgusted expression. "Yikes. And to think I thought Sehun was very chic. Boy, was I wrong."

The others laughed at Chanyeol's reaction. They were very used to this.

"Sehun has a cold appearance, but he's really just the opposite," Baekhyun rolled his eyes. "You'll get used to it eventually."

Minah carefully leaned onto one of her crutches so she could use her other hand to slap Sehun. "Stop being so gross," her face contorted.

"Ow!" Sehun flinched, rubbing his arm. "Geez, like I said before. Even when you're injured, you still hit me." He frowned.

"I'm sure Chanyeol would have hit you if I didn't," Minah countered.

"Anyways," she continued. "I better go to class now. It'll take me a while to get there and I don't want to be late."

"I'll take you," Baekhyun offered kindly.

"It's okay, Baekhyun," Taeyeon cut in. "I have vocal class with Minah right now anyways. Your dance class is on the opposite side."

"Oh," Baekhyun blurted, disappointed. "Well, alright then."

"Let's go, Baekhyun," Chanyeol said, moving away from Sehun.

As everyone started dispersing to go to their separate classes, Sehun was left alone. "Aish, why did I choose to take English as my language course?" he grumbled, heading to class alone.

***end of flashback***

"Baekhyun-ah," Chanyeol called.

"Huh?" Baekhyun looked up from his desk.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go," Chanyeol gestured to the door.

The two of them found an empty music room and went in, setting their binders down on the table inside.

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MinMin_HanHan #1
Chapter 26: Love love this because Minah start to realized her feelings to baek ♥♥ AuthorNim Update juseyo~~~!
SoshiLuver327 #2
Chapter 26: Poor Baekhyun :( He must've felt betrayed
I'm glad Minah is starting to realize her feelings
Author-nim please update soon!!!
Chapter 26: What about seohan??
Hehe I'm kidding^^!
Update soon~
Chapter 26: Drama!! You should watch One and A Half Summer!
Michellejnmln #5
Chapter 26: Drama? Hmm maybe you can make luhan comeback to minah or something /? Tbh i dont like luhan in here, im so mad because he didnt think about minah feelings. and he just doing what he wants, he dont care with the others feeling except himself and seohyun.
sone909 #6
Chapter 26: omo he kiss minah . but where seohan ?
Chapter 26: OMFG! He kissed Minah! Hope she realizes that she likes him!
Seohan0924 #8
Chapter 26: I wish minah will fall in love with baekhyun and be together and luhan and seohyun be together
Chapter 26: they have kissed, i hope baek will become a bit agressive to live up with his true personality. no more insecurity. he owns minah's heart. aww baek is shy.

i think more seohan moments would be sweet hihi
Chapter 25: *giggles and rolls on the floor*
Baek.... Wait.. My feels... Hehehehe