
How Could You Do This?

And he came, two minutes later, cell phone ready in his hand. "Okay, tell me exactly what happened." he said, relatively calmly. Everyone turned to Taeyang, who looked up at their manager, tears still sliding down his cheeks.

"I . . . I thought he was asleep. B . . . but then I noticed the g . . . gun on the f . . . floor . . ." at this point, he totally broke down, incapable of saying anything else. He covered his face with his hands and bowed his head.

Their manager took a deep breath. It was obvious that he was trying not to freak out on them, not when they were so scared. "Okay. I want the four of you to go out to the car. Help Young-Bae, we'll take him to the hospital for shock. I'm calling the police." stepping carefully around the vomit on the floor, he entered the bedroom, already on the line with the police, who arrived a few minutes later with an ambulance in tow.

The police attempted to ask Taeyang to tell them what he saw, but he was unable to speak. He was still on the floor and hadn't moved. GD and Seungri, at a look from their manager, went over to him and took his arms. They gently pulled him to his feet and helped him walk outside.

As they made their was outside, they saw a huge crowd of people waiting, wondering what was going on. They'd been drawn by the police cars outside Big Bang's dorm. When the three of them made their appearance, everyone started talking, naturally assuming it was Taeyang who the trouble was about, as he was chalk-white, eyes bloodshot with wet cheeks. Cameras flashed.

They made their way through the crowd to their manager's car; Top catching up to them as they opened the door. Taeyang glanced back at the dorm as he was helped inside the car and saw their manager coming out, leading the way for the police officers. GD saw also and moved to block Taeyang's view of the stretcher being brought out with a body bag on top. Then the crowd really went nuts, assuming correctly that it was Daesung in it.

The stretcher was loaded onto the ambulance, which drove away. Big Bang's manager (Siwon) sidled into the car with the remaining four member and followed it to the hospital. The only sound in the car was Taeyang's ragged breathing.

They pulled into the hospital parking lot a few minutes after the ambulance did. Everyone got out as they brought the stretcher out of the ambulance. The others weren't quick enough to block Taeyang's view again and, looking at the black bag on the stretcher, he had to swallow another rush of nausea.

They made their way inside. "Are you okay, Young-Bae?" Top asked anxiously. Taeyang only kept his gaze on the ground and said nothing.

A few minutes later, Siwon was pulled aside.

Daesung had been declared dead by suicide.


Sorry for the short update, but things'll start happening soon.

=) Aiko

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Thekoreanreader #1
Rapidrules #2
Chapter 19: Omg I'm crying and IV only know bigbang for a few months. Ahhhh tears keep coming :'( one of the most saddest things IV ever read
I found this story in wattpadd... Is Gira_Noona already ask your permission to re-write your story??? Thank you...
Chapter 19: You know.This is the best Big Bang fanfic i ever read.You make me cry so hard when they read Daesung last letter.I'm such a stupid to find this wonderful fanfic in 2015 when you wrote it in 2013.Until now when i am writing this comment my tears keep falling.Yes i can't stop when it comes to the song they made and the last conversation between Young Bae and Daesung.After reading this,you don't know how much i feel grateful that Daesung manage to handle his feelings after the accident.I can't imagine what will happen if this happen.There will be no MADE album.No Daesung playing drum while laughing.No laugh and joy anymore in Big Bang.Kamsahamnida authornim.For making me appreciate BigBang more and more.Love them more and i think,this is the best kpop group forever.And if you mind,i want to post this fanfic in Wattpad.I will give credit to you and promote your Account here.Thanks
Chapter 19: It's been 3 years since you wrote this? how could i just find this story now? in 2015?
......... i dont know how much i cried for this story. to be honest i was feeling sad and i was looking for the story to read. and then i found this story. when i read the first chapter, i could feel my eyes were teary, and then i read the next chapters....... and guess what? I AM CRYING HARD HERE. I FEEL MORE SAD. Daesung is my bias and...... i cant imagine if this things will be happened to them.
But in the same time, i feel happy cuz it's been a long time since i read this kind of story.

well thank you so much for make me chokes and sobbing hard. i feel more calm right now.

red_knight #6
Chapter 19: OMG i'm crying!! I loved it , Authornim!!!
Chapter 19: I was looking for something to make me cry.. this is the answer. . thanks author-nim for writing this story.. it's so beautiful. .
Pikachau #8
Chapter 19: I loved this. It's sooo good! You had me in tears over how sad and amazing this was!
Chapter 19: I love and hate this story. I still cant make up my mind.
I refuse to re read wat I wrote b4. Prob dun even make sense I dun give a shyt.
What I do love is your writing.
I bow at ur feet for making me sob so hard I shoulda choked.
For breaking my heart and still making me give u props for ur writing. omg I cried so loud I freaked out my own damn self.
Imagine if bigbangb really sang that song..bigbang as 5 of course.
Lol I still hate u.
Hahaha no I think I love u.
Hahah yes im bipolar. So wat?
Youre a freak-breaking peoples hearts n crushing their souls then making them thank u.
Well thank u ok thank u.
Please write more bigbang.
U can make it up with bigbang fics.
I love what u wrote abt thanking dae for not giving up. I feel u..I wrote everywhere online wanting him to muster through. Hwaiting indeed.
All I wanna say is that u r strangely wonderful, addictive and an absolute freak. Stop breaking my heart n making ppl cry all over the world lol

Now where can I find more bigbang fics uve written?

In all seriousness. I pledge my adoration to u.

Bipolarlike fan
Chapter 19: Omg I cant see myveyes are pouring and my nose is crying tooo so snotty I dun even care rn. Eww.
I cant see but I can feel. Tgis is sooo paifnul my heart is breakin gbroken gone my chest is really tight w grief. Damn u. Damn u. Why do u hurt me..ill cone bacj when I can see again but..damn u