
How Could You Do This?

Taeyang's horrified gaze roved over the whole scene. He didn't say anything, didn't make a sound. His mind refused to comprehend exactly what it was he was seeing.

"Young-Bae-hyung?" he heard Seungri call curiously from the other room. Taeyang's frozen limbs unlocked and he stumbled from the room, mumbling, "Oh my god, oh my god." over and over again. As he got back to the doorway, he tripped on the carpet, landing on his back in the hall. The others were seriously concerned now, as this was unusual behavior for him.

He got onto his hands and knees, feeling a rush of nausea rise up from his stomach. Just as the others reached him, he threw up everything he had and retched, again and again.

"Young-Bae, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Top asked, kneeling beside him. GD made to go into the bedroom, but Taeyang stopped him with a harsh whisper.

"Don't go in there!"

GD stopped short. "Why not?" he asked, dread starting to creep through his body.

By now, Taeyang was sobbing. "D . . . Daesung . . . it's Daesung . . ." then he was rendered practically incoherent by tears. "Why did he do that?"

He closed his eyes to block their worried faces out, but all he could see was Daesung's still body on the bed.

"What's wrong with him?" Top asked.

Taeyang didn't say anything. He took Seungri's outstretched arm and pulled himself up into a sitting position. He leaned, trembling against the wall, his shaking hands shoved in his sweatshirt pockets.

Despite Taeyangs warning, Top cautiously entered the bedroom. He walked over to the bed and bent over what he thought was Daesung's sleeping form. As he leaned over, he caught sight of the weapon on the floor and reeled back instictively.

He rejoined the others in the hall a minute later, eyes wide and shocked.

"We need to call manager-hyung. Now." he whispered.

"Why? What's going on?" Seungri demanded.

"It's Daesung." Top muttered, pulling out his cell phone.

"What about him?"

Taeyang glanced up at him. "He's dead."

Seungri and GD just gaped at him. "What?" they asked together, both in blank tones.

"He . . . he . . . s . . . shot himself." tears started streaming from Taeyangs eyes again. No one spoke, except for Top, who had gotten their manager on the phone.

"Hyung, we need you to come right now . . . I know you're busy, this is an emergency . . . no. It absolutely can't wait . . . it's . . . it's Daesung . . . I think he shot himself." he pulled the phone away from his ear abruptly and turned to the others. "He's coming."


I decided that Taeyang would take this extremely hard, way harder than the rest of them. If you're curious, keep reading and see how they deal with this!

And again, please don't kill me for this. Daesung is my bias and I would NEVER want this to happen.

Please comment!

=) Aiko

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Thekoreanreader #1
Rapidrules #2
Chapter 19: Omg I'm crying and IV only know bigbang for a few months. Ahhhh tears keep coming :'( one of the most saddest things IV ever read
I found this story in wattpadd... Is Gira_Noona already ask your permission to re-write your story??? Thank you...
Chapter 19: You know.This is the best Big Bang fanfic i ever read.You make me cry so hard when they read Daesung last letter.I'm such a stupid to find this wonderful fanfic in 2015 when you wrote it in 2013.Until now when i am writing this comment my tears keep falling.Yes i can't stop when it comes to the song they made and the last conversation between Young Bae and Daesung.After reading this,you don't know how much i feel grateful that Daesung manage to handle his feelings after the accident.I can't imagine what will happen if this happen.There will be no MADE album.No Daesung playing drum while laughing.No laugh and joy anymore in Big Bang.Kamsahamnida authornim.For making me appreciate BigBang more and more.Love them more and i think,this is the best kpop group forever.And if you mind,i want to post this fanfic in Wattpad.I will give credit to you and promote your Account here.Thanks
Chapter 19: It's been 3 years since you wrote this? how could i just find this story now? in 2015?
......... i dont know how much i cried for this story. to be honest i was feeling sad and i was looking for the story to read. and then i found this story. when i read the first chapter, i could feel my eyes were teary, and then i read the next chapters....... and guess what? I AM CRYING HARD HERE. I FEEL MORE SAD. Daesung is my bias and...... i cant imagine if this things will be happened to them.
But in the same time, i feel happy cuz it's been a long time since i read this kind of story.

well thank you so much for make me chokes and sobbing hard. i feel more calm right now.

red_knight #6
Chapter 19: OMG i'm crying!! I loved it , Authornim!!!
Chapter 19: I was looking for something to make me cry.. this is the answer. . thanks author-nim for writing this story.. it's so beautiful. .
Pikachau #8
Chapter 19: I loved this. It's sooo good! You had me in tears over how sad and amazing this was!
Chapter 19: I love and hate this story. I still cant make up my mind.
I refuse to re read wat I wrote b4. Prob dun even make sense I dun give a shyt.
What I do love is your writing.
I bow at ur feet for making me sob so hard I shoulda choked.
For breaking my heart and still making me give u props for ur writing.

And.that.song. omg I cried so loud I freaked out my own damn self. That.song.is.wow.
Imagine if bigbangb really sang that song..bigbang as 5 of course.
Lol I still hate u.
Hahaha no I think I love u.
Hahah yes im bipolar. So wat?
Youre a freak-breaking peoples hearts n crushing their souls then making them thank u.
Well thank u ok thank u.
Please write more bigbang.
U can make it up with bigbang fics.
I love what u wrote abt thanking dae for not giving up. I feel u..I wrote everywhere online wanting him to muster through. Hwaiting indeed.
All I wanna say is that u r strangely wonderful, addictive and an absolute freak. Stop breaking my heart n making ppl cry all over the world lol

Now where can I find more bigbang fics uve written?

In all seriousness. I pledge my adoration to u.

Bipolarlike fan
Chapter 19: Omg I cant see myveyes are pouring and my nose is crying tooo so snotty I dun even care rn. Eww.
I cant see but I can feel. Tgis is sooo paifnul my heart is breakin gbroken gone my chest is really tight w grief. Damn u. Damn u. Why do u hurt me..ill cone bacj when I can see again but..damn u