Daesung's Pain

How Could You Do This?

If you really want to get in the mood of this, listen to Yiruma's Moonlight: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99GyFmnH59s
I listened to it when I was typing this up, and I almost cried.


To my fellow members, Seunghyun, JiYong, Young-bae, and Seungri,

By the time you read this, I'll be dead. I know that's incredibly blunt and cliche, but I've been debating for ages whether or not to do this. Maybe you won't even read this letter.

But you probably will.

I was always so happy and grateful to be part of Big Bang and YG Entertainment. When we were trainees, I honestly didn't think I'd make it. I was so happy to be given a chance when I did. Since then, being part of all this has been amazing.

But when I had that accident, I saw the ugly side of being famous. I saw that sometimes, it's unglamorous. I started to resent it. When I was released from the police the day of the accident, all I wanted was to go home and remain anonymous. But instead, I found a reception of photographers and journalists waiting for me outside the station. I just wanted my privacy. I wanted to deal with what happened alone or with my close friends, without the rest of the world knowing every detail almost before I did.

The thing is, I probably could have handled that. Until I got the news. Guys, I killed that motorcyclist. It was me! He would've lived if it hadn't been for me! Have you ever felt like that? To know that you're the one who took a precious life away? To know that you're responsible for wiping someone off the face of the earth? To realize that if even one thing had been different, maybe everything would be?

I simply couldn't get that out of my head. It wouldn't leave me alone, or give me any peace of mind. I didn't want to see anyone, because I knew they'd try to talk me out of the guilt I was feeling, make me believe something that wasn't true. I knew I was guilty, and the police had every right to charge me.

You probably saw all those newspaper and magazine articles I included in with this letter. You're probably wondering why I had them. I was taking every article I could find on the accident. I know you think I'm stupid, that it made me more depressed, and that may be true, but I had to do it. I had to see what they said, see what they were saying about me. But it didn't do anything. Most of the articles were purely factual, and the few opinionated ones I found went either way.

But even the ones that showed support of me didn't do much. I felt like they were lying to themselves and to me by saying it wasn't my fault. It was my fault and it seemed like I was the only one who knew it.

It feels so liberating to know that I won't be here much longer. That sounds horrible, but I feel free for the first time in months, knowing I'm getting away from the terrible guilt I've been holding inside. I won't have to deal with it any more. I won't have to live with the choking feeling in my chest every time I breathe, knowing that every breath is one I'm stealing from someone else.

I know what you're thinking. Why did he hold it in? Why didn't he just come out and talk? Why did he hide himself away with his depression and not try to help himself? All these are legitimate questions and I'll answer as soon as I ask you one of my own.

Where were you?

Where were you in my time of need? I was barely holding myself together. Even if I wanted to, I don't think I could have come to you. That would mean admitting my guilt to someone other than myself, and I couldn't face that willingly and alone. I needed you to come to me. Why were you asking yourselves where I was when I was asking myself where you were? I was by myself in the dorm left with thoughts I'd rather not have. You didn't even . . . try. You just expected me to come, but I wasn't able to help myself.

I know you're already blaming yourselves for what I did. I know you and I'm not angry with you. I'm telling you this. This is not your fault. Any of you. You can't be blamed for something that couldn't be prevented. I don't want any of you blaming yourselves for something that's all me. Please, for me, don't. I'm sure it's hard enough already for you, don't make it harder for yourselves by placing unnecessary blame on anyone but me.

I know what's going to happen when you realize what I did. Siwon-hyung is going to be urging you to figure out what to do now. I realize that the future of Big Bang is in question, and again, it's because of me and I deserve that. But I want you to know something.

I don't want you to disband.

I would never, ever want that to happen. You guys and the group are too important to me, to Siwon-hyung, to YG, and to the fans to do that. You'd be disappointing a lot of people if you tried to disband and continue with only solo careers. Please don't do that to yourselves, you'd be so unhappy. You need each other. I know you do and I know you can continue to make Big Bang into an amazing group without me. I believe in you.

It's going to be hard, I know. But I wouldn't tell you to keep going if I didn't think you could do it. And I do think you can do it. I know you can.

Included in with this letter was a picture, one of the five of us. I put that in to try and remind myself of what I'd be leaving behind. I guess I was trying to talk myself out of this. But it clearly didn't work. I'm giving it to you to remind you of how amazing we were and can still be. Remember how much fun we had and how much you can still have. And, also, I guess I'm scared you won't remember me. I'm including this picture so you will.

I hope you guys can move on and get past this, unlike me. I guess I just wasn't strong enough. But you are. And please, don't do what I did and hold it in. I should have come to you. But it's too late for that now.

Please don't forget me.

Your friend and fellow member,
Kang Daesung


I actually made myself cry when I wrote this. This is literally the saddest thing I've ever written, and that's saying something.

Tell me what you think of Daesung's letter, please!

=) Aiko

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Thekoreanreader #1
Rapidrules #2
Chapter 19: Omg I'm crying and IV only know bigbang for a few months. Ahhhh tears keep coming :'( one of the most saddest things IV ever read
I found this story in wattpadd... Is Gira_Noona already ask your permission to re-write your story??? Thank you...
Chapter 19: You know.This is the best Big Bang fanfic i ever read.You make me cry so hard when they read Daesung last letter.I'm such a stupid to find this wonderful fanfic in 2015 when you wrote it in 2013.Until now when i am writing this comment my tears keep falling.Yes i can't stop when it comes to the song they made and the last conversation between Young Bae and Daesung.After reading this,you don't know how much i feel grateful that Daesung manage to handle his feelings after the accident.I can't imagine what will happen if this happen.There will be no MADE album.No Daesung playing drum while laughing.No laugh and joy anymore in Big Bang.Kamsahamnida authornim.For making me appreciate BigBang more and more.Love them more and i think,this is the best kpop group forever.And if you mind,i want to post this fanfic in Wattpad.I will give credit to you and promote your Account here.Thanks
Chapter 19: It's been 3 years since you wrote this? how could i just find this story now? in 2015?
......... i dont know how much i cried for this story. to be honest i was feeling sad and i was looking for the story to read. and then i found this story. when i read the first chapter, i could feel my eyes were teary, and then i read the next chapters....... and guess what? I AM CRYING HARD HERE. I FEEL MORE SAD. Daesung is my bias and...... i cant imagine if this things will be happened to them.
But in the same time, i feel happy cuz it's been a long time since i read this kind of story.

well thank you so much for make me chokes and sobbing hard. i feel more calm right now.

red_knight #6
Chapter 19: OMG i'm crying!! I loved it , Authornim!!!
Chapter 19: I was looking for something to make me cry.. this is the answer. . thanks author-nim for writing this story.. it's so beautiful. .
Pikachau #8
Chapter 19: I loved this. It's sooo good! You had me in tears over how sad and amazing this was!
Chapter 19: I love and hate this story. I still cant make up my mind.
I refuse to re read wat I wrote b4. Prob dun even make sense I dun give a shyt.
What I do love is your writing.
I bow at ur feet for making me sob so hard I shoulda choked.
For breaking my heart and still making me give u props for ur writing.

And.that.song. omg I cried so loud I freaked out my own damn self. That.song.is.wow.
Imagine if bigbangb really sang that song..bigbang as 5 of course.
Lol I still hate u.
Hahaha no I think I love u.
Hahah yes im bipolar. So wat?
Youre a freak-breaking peoples hearts n crushing their souls then making them thank u.
Well thank u ok thank u.
Please write more bigbang.
U can make it up with bigbang fics.
I love what u wrote abt thanking dae for not giving up. I feel u..I wrote everywhere online wanting him to muster through. Hwaiting indeed.
All I wanna say is that u r strangely wonderful, addictive and an absolute freak. Stop breaking my heart n making ppl cry all over the world lol

Now where can I find more bigbang fics uve written?

In all seriousness. I pledge my adoration to u.

Bipolarlike fan
Chapter 19: Omg I cant see myveyes are pouring and my nose is crying tooo so snotty I dun even care rn. Eww.
I cant see but I can feel. Tgis is sooo paifnul my heart is breakin gbroken gone my chest is really tight w grief. Damn u. Damn u. Why do u hurt me..ill cone bacj when I can see again but..damn u