G and Me – Part1 – Half Way There

My Badass Baby


hello everyonee~
i finially finished the chapter
and im still posting even if i only got 1comment LOOL~
i kept annoying my irl+aff friends saying that i was almost finished with the chapter
but kept adding parts and ended up making it 8 pages
i thought it would be important to show GD and Sunghee's relationship early on in the story
so bear with me for this chapter


–GD’s POV–


As soon as we were out of the park, she took out my oversized hoodie and put it on. It made her look more like a girl so it would be easier to be around eachother. I wrapped my arms around her waist and gently pecked her bruised cheek. “You did really well back there today.” I said, kissing her cheek again.

“Mm. No biggie.” She replied, brushing some lint off her arm and kissing my check back.
Now I know what you must be thinking. ‘HOLD UP A ING SECOND. THESE TWO ARE DATING!?!?!?’

My answer is no. But it doesn't mean we loved eachother any less. But to fully understand this, we’ll have to go back a few years.


– Flashback – 7years ago–

I had just managed to get away from the gang. I ing hate gangs. I hate them, I hate them, I HATE them. Of all the people in the ing world, why did MY dad have to be the biggest jopok leader in Korea? I don’t want to be violent. I don’t want to kill people. I just want to be a normal 12yearold kid who could go out with friends my age and play in the park. I sat there in the damp alleyway. I needed to figure out where I could go quickly. I didn’t have any friends to couch crash and the school was out of the question. Dad’s foot dogs are probably already crawling all over the place. I was going to have to try a homeless shelter, maybe an orphanage if I really had to.


I stood to leave, but as soon as I saw the long shadows of my father’s men, I froze. They started laughing manically, louder and louder with every step they took and before I knew it, they were beating me again. I felt someone hit me over the head with something metal, and that’s when my vision started to fade. However, just before I passed out, just before I passed out, I heard the tinkling sound of a little girl’s voice.

“Yah! Pick on someone your own size!” she spat out.

‘This little girl is crazy.’ I thought.

I could make out her cute apple-green dress and her long black hair, but her face was too blurred for me to see. I groaned in an attempt to wake myself up. Bad idea. As soon as I could make out her sharp eyes, one of the s kicked me in the head, knocking me out cold.


I came to in a familiar looking place.

‘.’ I thought miserably. ‘They beat me again…’ I tried to sit up, wondering what I did to get beat up this time.

“Dolyeon-nim(A/N: means young master or sir), please try not to move.” An arm belonging to a deep voice pushed me back down gently when I tried to get up.
I immediately spiked up fearing that the guy was going to kill me, before freezing at the realization that I didn’t even know this guy.

“Wh-who are you?” I asked warily.

“I am one of agassi’s bodyguards. Although we are only meant to work for her, she insists on being on a friendly level with us.” He explained.

I nodded warily, trying to recollect my thoughts. Who was this agassi he was talking about? Wasn’t I in my own house?

“How long have I been out for?” I asked instead.

“Almost a week now. You were hit on the head quite a few times. We had to cut your hair in a few places to clean it up. Sorry about that.” He said sheepishly.

“I see. It’s fine so don't worry about it.” I replied, unconsciously bringing my hand up to touch the crown of my head. I guess the guy saw my shoulder move and put his hand on it to stop me from doing so.

“It’s in a splint. It’s best to refrain from moving it for one more day. You’ll be fine to do whatever you wish after that.” He explained.

“Oh, okay.”

“I’ll call agassi. She’s been worried sick about you.” He stood, bowed and left.

I lay there looking at the closed door thinking about who this agassi could be. I could remember nothing that happened in the last day. So instead, I tried to back track the day before. I remembered staying up all night, waiting for the right moment before running and running and running from that prison of a home. Then, my memory was fuzzled. I could remember zip. I frowned trying to remember, however, was interrupted when the door opened.


A little girl in a black hanbok with jet-black hair flowing down just past her shoulders came into the room. Then, I saw those eyes. Sharp, beautiful, chocolate eyes.

“Annyeonghaseyo.” She bowed. “I’m glad you’ve finally woken up.”

“N-ne. Thankyou for looking after me.” I replied, trying my best not to sound like I was already completely infatuated with the girl. She had to be around ten years old, two years younger than me.

“It’s no trouble. My grandfather is such a boring man at home anyways.” She gave an eye smile.

‘Haha, cute.’ I thought.

“If you can recall anything, can you please tell me? I need to assess the condition of your head. If it proves too damaged we’ll have to send you to the hosp–“

“NO.” I cut her off without realizing it. “Uh, I mean… I can’t go to the hospital…” words spilled out of my mouth.

“Why?” she asked.

I blinked. Why did I say that? “I… I don't know…”

“Hmm…” she hummed in thought. “Can you tell me your name?”

“Of course, its…” I trailed off. What was my name?

She hummed again. “Looks like you’ve got amnesia.” She told me. “I can keep you here till you get your memory back, if you want, but if you don’t get better, I’ll have to call in a doctor at the very least.”

I nodded. “I don’t mean to pry, but how old are you?” I asked. “You seem to know a lot.”

“I’m 10.” She replied. I guessed right.

“Wow.” I breathed. “You’re so smart for your age.”

“There’s not much to do when you’re cooped up in your own house.” She replied, shrugging casually. “I go down to the library when I can and borrow books on human nature. It’s interesting to see how we react to things, and it makes it easier for me to understand other people as well.” She explained, wringing a towel that was soaking in a small tub of warm water before placing it on my forehead.

“Th-thanks.” I stuttered at her touch.

“It’s no problem.” When she smiled, her eyes curved into happy arcs that made me jittery inside. “I’ll get some food. You must be starving.” She told me, before bowing and leaving.


She came back a few minutes later with a tray, which she then set down next to me on a small bedside table. On it, there was a small bowl of rice porridge, a few small dishes of cold vegetables and a plate of a few different meats.

“It’s not much, but it’s better to be starting with smaller meals first. If you’re still hungry afterwards, I’ll make more for you.” She said, helping me into a sitting position.

We got pretty close that day. Her subordinates (I couldn’t find a better name for them) came in every now and then to offer taking a shift for her, but she refused every time, insisting that she must be the one to see me better.

That made me fluttery inside. No one had ever bothered to look after me before. Wait… Where the hell did that come from?
I cringed as a headache came over me. Maybe I was getting my memory back?

Sunghee (the girl who looked after me) immediately rushed to my side. She must’ve noticed my face scrunch up. She asked if I was alright and if I needed anything and whenever her hand touched mine, an electric tingle would zip up my arm and down my spine.


The next morning, she helped me out of bed. She said it was best if I start moving around as soon as I can. It took me a bit of time, but my legs got used to moving again and I was walking around in crutches soon enough. She introduced me to the whole family. The chefs, the medic, the ones who she was with on the day she found me being beat up and her grandfather. I learnt that her parents were killed before she started remembering things and that she didn’t have any pretty dolls like other girls did. She didn’t have any friends her age and she couldn’t go to school. But she said she was content with what she had because her life mainly consisted of staying at home, which was situated next to the mountains. She told me that she had taken up a habit of climbing halfway up the East Mountain every dawn to watch the sunrise from a plateau there.


I felt bad, not remembering enough about myself to share anything with her, but we became the best of friends in no time.


My headaches became more frequent and I was back in bed for another day when it was as its worst, but it eventually died down. However, at the same time, I recalled everything about my life and eventually told her. I told her my name was Kwon Jiyoung, and that I was just like her. I couldn’t go to school, I didn’t have any toys like other kids I see on the street, and I didn’t have any friends. When I told her about my family, I explained that I wanted nothing to do with gangs. I saw a flash of disappointment in her eyes before she replied, “Well, I guess there’s no point hiding it anymore. You’re currently being housed in the Kim residence.”

“Y-You’re a K-K-Kim?!” I stuttered. I was a Kwon. Our families had always been the biggest enemies. I was hella scared they were going to kill me.

“Yes, I’m the leader’s granddaughter.”

“G-granddaughter?” I stuttered.

She simply nodded and a short silence settled between us.

“You’re not going to kick me out are you?” I managed.

“Depends on what you really think about your father’s gang.” She replied, deep in thought.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Well, you ARE Kwon Jiyoung. It’s not like you can go out onto the streets and expect not to be found.” She explained. “It might actually be better if you stayed with us…” she said absentmindedly.

“Really?!” the words left my mouth before I even realized I’d said them.

“Well, we are second to them, so we’d be the best to stay with. On top of that, it sounds to me like you would do anything to go against them and we could do with another member.” She said.

“But what will your grandfather say?” he asked.

“He’ll probably want you to be on our side or theirs. So if you really want to stay, you’ll have to take the tests.” She explained.

“Tests?” I repeated.

“The blood bond test.” That did not sound good. “He believes to be part of the family, you have to prove with your body and willpower that you want to be part of our blood. He won’t take in anyone who is even slightly neutral.” She said bitterly.

“I’ll take it.” I decided, hearing more determination in my voice than I thought there would be.

“Huh?” she asked, dumbfounded.

“I want to be Kim blood. Not Kwon.” I said, taking one of her little hands in my bandaged one. “I want to be with you.” Of course, at that age, I knew nothing about love. I just wanted to be with this amazing little girl who looked after me and accepted me for who I was as a person, even after she found out I was the son of her greatest enemy.

She enveloped me in the greatest hug and I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed her just as tightly. “Komowa.” She whispered.

I let her go and looked her in the eye. She was tearing up. “What for?” I asked.

“For staying.” She said simply. “No one has ever wanted to be around me.” She said dismally.

“Well, I’ll be the first, arrasso? We can be best friends.” I gave her my biggest smile, and she replied with one just as wide.

“Then let’s get approval from my granddad and then we can start training! I want you to pass with the highest score!” She grabbed my hand and dragged me to the main room, laughing as I whined about my splints and bandages. Her grandfather was a kind man, much to my surprise. I expected him to be strict, and controlling and probably heartless. Sure, he was a bit strict and as a leader, it’s only expected, but he was nothing like my dad. My dad was coldblooded, stupid, hardheaded and a trickster. Sulyeongnim (as I was told to call him) agreed to allow me one season for Sunghee to train me since I was inexperienced in fighting.


For her small frame, she was surprisingly strong. It was actually quite a big shock to find that she was stronger than me. From the first day of the training until I was completely healed, I would only work on cardio. She didn’t make me fight yet since she was worried my injuries would heal more slowly if I did.


After that, we started with small spars, mainly of me hitting her and her dodging or blocking. As we went on, she started to be more aggressive, showing me that she wanted me to start using more force. Every single time, she would end up pushing me over and when I fell, she would tell me to get up on my own. It annoyed me at first, but I brushed it off and pushed on. I guessed she was only trying to test my willpower. Although I actually did try to hit her, she would easily dodge and simply push me over. The process went on for hours every day until one day, I refused to get up.

“Is that all you have?” she asked, slightly out of breath.

I glared at her, not saying another word. It’s not like I didn’t like her or anything. I guess the exhaustion just got to me.

“Is that all the willpower you have? Are you really content on simply sitting below me?” she barked. “If you really want to stay here, you have to fight for your place. I may be your best friend, but there is no way I will be able to help you unless you really want it.”

I refused to respond.


That make me freeze up.

Did I want to stay?


How badly did I want to stay?


What was I willing to give up to stay here with her?

Anything and everything.


I shot up and without knowing, landed a good blow to her stomach. She stumbled back a bit, holding her abdomen. My eyes widened. Had I really just hit her? I looked to her face for a reaction and, much to my surprise, a wide smirk was fixed before she suddenly bust out in laughter. While I was in my state of confusion, she had tackled me in a massive bear hug, bringing me down to the ground with her.
“Aigoo. I’m so happy!” she squealed. “I was starting to worry that you were actually thinking what I was saying.”

I smiled and wrapped my arms around her torso as well, taking in her scent of sweet apples. Although I ate apples all the time, her scent was simply intoxicating. “I was worried too.” I admitted. “But then I thought some more, and thought about what you mean to me and now I truly how much you are worth to me.”
“Good.” She pulled away a bit and smiled so widely, I was convinced her jaw was going to break. “Let’s continue with our sparring then.”

In the next two months, she trained me to my last ounce of energy, climbing the East Mountain, swimming across the Southern Lake and taught me all that she could. Things like how to properly wield a knife or a sword, how to use a gun and how to fight in a three on one and before I knew it, the last half of the training season ended, and it was the night before the day-long trail would commence.
Sunghee sat me down and talked me through what they would do as she massaged my sore back muscles. She explained the endurance tests, how I would be made to run distances with weights, made to hold things, places I would have to sneak into and steal things from and how long it would go for.

“The endurance tests will go for as long as the sun wishes to watch you.” She said.

“And the infiltration test?” I asked.

“You only have an hour for that. It shouldn’t be too hard though. I’ll be coming with you to get you out if you need it and you won’t have that much trouble with getting your way around anyways.” She told me.

I looked at her in confusion and asked why.
“I can’t tell you yet. You’ll find out when time comes.” She replied simply, getting up and walking over to her bed. (And yes, we shared a room. A remote branch of the family came to stay so everyone had to pair up for the time being.) “Now sleep, you need all the energy you can get.”

Way before dawn, I felt myself being shaken awake by someone. I groggily opened my eyes and found myself staring straight into the sharp eyes of that beautiful girl.

“Sunrise is about to come. You need to be ready before the sun breaks over the mountains.” She said, helping me out of the warm bed. She was already dressed and I managed to take in her scent as she leaned in to pull my slumped form off the frame. She always had a refreshing scent of chilled watermelon, reminding me of summer. Yeah, she smelt like summer.

I snapped back to reality and made my way to the bathroom. I washed up and mentally prepped myself for the trails ahead.

‘This is for Sunghee.’ I told myself. ‘I’m fighting to stay with Sunghee.’

I came back out soon after, washed and ready to go.

“Come here.” She waved me over. I glanced out the window as I complied. The sky was starting to grow lighter. I turned my head back to her and watched as she started quickly wrapped my hands and wrists in white bandages. “It’ll be better for you and you’ll have less blisters when you’re done.” She explained, tying down the last one before standing up. “There’s not much time left, so let’s go.” She left first.

I touched the bandages on my hands and sat there for a bit, just thinking about… well, I was thinking about her.

“Yah! Pali! The sun’s almost up!” She burst into the room, snapping me back to reality, again. I sprinted out with her. She split paths with me and headed for the viewing room. She was treated like royalty here after all.


“In front of you, is a weighted bag. You are to carry this and climb the East Mountain and find the old wishing well that will be near the top. There, you will have to take two more weights and make your way back.” Sulyeongnim announced in his rough old voice. “However, as you have had longer training time than other applicants and you’ve been trained my Sunghee herself, your hands will be tied for the duration of this task.”
I swallowed. Hard. I managed to get a peek at Sunghee’s face and she seemed surprised.
“You have until midday. Put your bag on and we’ll tie you up.”


Around two hours passed and I wasn’t even close to half way up the mountain. I mentally slapped myself and trudged on, reminding myself why I was doing this. Around another hour passed and I made finally got to the plateau. From here on, I would be running almost blind. I made a quick pit stop, drinking some water from the little creek that made its way down the whole mountain to the Hanok(traditional Korean house).
Although I didn’t completely know where I would be going, there would be fewer trees the further I went up, making it a little easier for me.

I climbed for another two hours and fount myself staring at the face of a vertical wall of rock. Finding no other way around it, I stuck my hands and feet into the ledges and hooks of the rough surface and began to climb the forty-meter wall. I slipped twice, but pushed on. I ignored the pains in my legs and arms, only thinking of Sunghee the whole time I inched up the wall and I guess it worked because around half an hour later, I was at the top. I looked to the sky and took a guess that I only had around another four hours to find the well and sprint down the terrain with the weights.


As I continued, the trees got fewer and fewer and I could see a small grey stone structure was just ahead. The well! I literally sprinted to it with the weight on my back but slowed down to walking pace as I approached it. Call me weird all you want, but was a truly mesmerizing well. It was the sort of thing that fairies would live around if they even existed. I stood there for a few minutes, just taking in the sight of it. I noticed a small coin on the ground next to it and picked it up. Maybe it was a wishing well? I thought for a bit and tossed the coin in. “Please let me stay with Sunghee forever. That is I will ever ask for.” I said aloud. I grabbed the two sandbag looking sacks and stuffed them under my arms before bowing to the well and taking off. I had roughly an hour left to get down, but at least I knew my way now.


–Sunghee POV–

I was anxiously waiting in the courtyard, restlessly swinging my legs back and forth on the edge of the platform around the courtyard. Would he be able to make it on time? I didn't want him to leave. For some reason, I think it would kill me if he couldn't stay.

“THE BOY IS COMING DOWN THE MOUNTAIN!” someone from the front of the house shouted.
Before I realized anything, I found myself at the front of the house, sprinting to the gate. I couldn't go any further though, that would disqualify him. I saw him struggling a bit, around two to three hundred meters away.

“GREAT JOB OPPA!” I yelled, cheering him on. “ONLY A LITTLE MORE NOW! HWAITI~NG!”
The next few minutes seemed to last an eternity but when he reached the gate, it was all worth the wait.
He dropped the bags and tackled me in a lung-crushing hug. I gladly accepted and replied with one just a tight.

“I made it~” he sang in that sing-song voice of his.

“I’m glad.” I replied, snuggling my head into his damp chest. Yes, he was sweaty, but I could care less. He was half way there and I was overjoyed.

so congrats to anyone who actually read all 4009words of this chapter
i hope you enjoyed it and that you'll look forward to the next chapter ^^
and please comment ^^

also, a big shout out to my most favourite subscribers in the whole world XD
imnotpro, nomnomninja & WhiteAsian
please click their names and check out their fics ^^


oh, also a big thankyou to all of you guys who sent me happy birthday messages
you guys are awesome (;


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minkiji #2
Also in regards to my comment below/previous comment I meant *to and *scene. Sorry writing from my phone is a bit difficult.
minkiji #3
Chapter 1: Nice start. It was interesting and yo say the least got me reading and interested for the next chapter. However if I could add a criticism or two/three. I would say that some of the story was a bit clichéd. Such as how you described the fighting scenes. And the last bit with her drinking the boba tea. Also you tend to repeat a lot of stuff when it is already implied. Such as again with the fight scenes or when she was in class and she introduced herself. A more specific example is when you describe the scene and then say this is how he/she felt. That's not necessary if you describe the scene well (which you did) you shouldn't have to say directly how they were feeling. The reader would/should know by the description. One last criticism is that you tend to add character descriptions too directly into the story. Which breaks up the flow of your story and makes it a bit rocky. Again if you describe the sceme or a characters actions well enough you don't have to outright state that he's a bad or a great friend or whatever the case may be. As the saying goes, "show don't tell". In any case the chapter was good, besides the above criticisms. Your writing was good overall and the storyline is interesting.
elliptical #4
congrats x
Chapter 19: Wow. Just wow. I think this is the best fanfic I've read since I started reading these things. Not kidding.

Loved it! It was awesome. :) Poor Taemin, though. :( I was really shipping him and SungHee for a while. Oh well.

Great job! :D
Chapter 19: Wow. Just wow. I think this is the best fanfic I've read since I started reading these things. Not kidding.

Loved it! It was awesome. :) Poor Taemin, though. :( I was really shipping him and SungHee for a while. Oh well.

Great job! :D
Chapter 19: Wow. Just wow. I think this is the best fanfic I've read since I started reading these things. Not kidding.

Loved it! It was awesome. :) Poor Taemin, though. :( I was really shipping him and SungHee for a while. Oh well.

Great job! :D



Chapter 19: Wow, that was so good!!
Reading this story has been such fun! Thank you for writing something so great :)
WatashinoOrenji #10
Chapter 18: THIS.IS.AN.AWESOME.STORY! It's too good that i almost cry. ;D