
My Badass Baby


hi guys~
this is a short chappie that i quickly wrote up in the middle of my exams so i'm really sorry that it's a slow update
it's actually 2.40am right now and i just finished cramming so i really need to get sleep for my exam tomorrow.
thankyou guys for being so patient and i'm sorry that this one isn't as long as i'd like it to be ><
i hope you enjoy it~!




BIGBANG were a mess. Their house was trashed and they couldn’t contact their two missing members and since one of them was their leader, that just made things a whole lot worse. Top was frantically searching through the apartment for anything that could lead them to how or where they disappeared to, Taeyang was searching databases and CCTV footage for where they could have been last and Daesung had already set out to contact their friendlies.


Top had searched every nanometre of the house looking for anything that didn't belong but still came up blank. Taeyang had hacked into every security system in Seoul but only found that everything in the last 24hours had been cleared off the face of the planet. And Seungri along with SHINee and Beast had contacted everyone they knew, but no one knew a thing. Well, it was either that or they refused to say anything about it.


Either way, they had no more leads and in the end BIGBANG sat around a table and contemplated telling the head of the Kim family. Now before we continue, let's just clear up a bit of confusion.


Now, you may be wondering, exactly why is it such a big deal to tell their grandfather about their disappearance? Well, first off, he'd be extremely worried, as most loving parents/grandparents are. Since Sunghee had worked so hard to nurse him back to health, they didn't want to put her efforts to waste if he were to fall ill again because of it. And if anything worse were to happen to him, they would never be able to look their leader in the eye again.


“Look, hyung, I really don't want to call them. She might have just had a really bad day and she wants some extra time.” Seungri tried to reason, he had always had 100% faith in his noona. To him, she was invincible.

“Come on maknae, be reasonable about this.” Taeyang grumbled angrily, attempting to converse with him and hack into another database at the same time. “It’s not like we can keep this from her own family. They deserve to know.”
“But hyung! You know exactly how they’re going to react. They’ll flip out and send their family all over Seoul to find her. And then what? They get caught out and they’ll all get arrested and we’ll never see noona or GD hyung again.” Seungri aspirated.

“Still, that’s no excuse to keep family from family.” Top cut in. He looked like he was in deep thought and his eyebrows were furrowed. “It’s not only lying on our half, but it’s also selfish to want to keep her for ourselves. She does have more than just us in her life you know.”

Seungri bit his bottom lip in frustration and cussed. “Fine. But I’m not going to be the one to call them.”

“Nor am I.” Taeyang cut in quickly.

Top sent a deathly glare at them. “Chickens.” He childishly name called them, picking up the phone and bracing for the worst.


It was a peaceful average day at the Kim hanok. The sun was high in the sky and pleasantly warming the earth. However, all this serenity was shortly interrupted by a phone call tone ringing through the house.

“Yeoboseyo?” The elderly leader picked up.

“Hello Hyung.” A rough voice replied.

The older of the two immediately straightened up. “Hyujoon. What do you want?” he demanded.

“How is your granddaughter?” he asked, avoiding the topic at hand.

“She’s just fine. What is this about?” he demanded again.

“Are you sure?” he asked. “I saw her not long ago and I can assure you, she’s not as ‘fine’ as you say she is. At least, not anymore.” He cackled.

“What do you mean by that?” he asked, panic and worry setting into his voice.

“Let’s just say I had her and her and my son to pay me a visit.” He replied snidely.

“What? What have you done with them?” he asked, fear and worry practically leaking out of him.

“Oh, old man. You’re catching onto it now aren’t you?” he chortled in his disgusting fat voice. “Don’t worry; they’re safe with me. I’ll make you a deal. Surrender your gang to me and I’ll give back your precious granddaughter. Of course, I’m going to keep what’s rightfully mine. But at least you get your heir back in one piece. It’s win-win isn’t it?”

The older of the two was silent for a bit. “Fine. But don’t hurt her. Please.” He begged.

“Oh look at this. The mighty Kim Myunggoon, begging me for something. What a sight.” He laughed.

The Kim held back a scowl and let him damage his pride. Afterall, it was for his granddaughter. He would do anything for her.

“Wake her up.” Hyujoon ordered, his voice directed away from the phone.

A loud smack was heard and the sound of Sunghee’s groan could just be heard.

“Sunghee!” Myunggoon yelled into the phone, almost expecting her to be able to hear him.

“Ouch. Jeez old man, it’s not like she can hear you.” Hyujoon told him in an annoyed voice. “I’m guessing you’d like to talk to her?” he asked.

“Please.” Myunggoon immediately replied.

There was a bit of shuffling before Sunghee’s voice rasped through the phone. “Who is this?”

“Sunghee-ah. It’s grandpapa.” He replied, worry and fear laid all through his voice.

“Haraboji?” she asked. She sounded tired, and pained. It worried the elderly man to no end.

“Yes, it’s me. Sunghee, are you ok?” he asked.

“Sort of.” She replied shortly, before more shuffling was heard.

“And that’s the end of your conversation time.” Hyujoon cut in with mock disappointment oozing out of his voice. “Did you get everything out?” he asked.

“What do you think?” the older gruffly replied.

“Oh well, too late now.” He sighed, before his voice was directed away from the phone again. “Do it.”


There was a faint clicking of a metal object before two gun shots accompanied by a short shriek of pain rang through the phone.

“S-Sunghee?” Myunggoon stuttered, not wanting to believe what he had just heard.

He was answered with an evil cackle that you’d only hear in horror movies. “Oh old man, it’s much too fun to fool you. You’re such an old fashioned, senile old . Did you really think I was going to hand over your granddaughter? When I took her, it was a declaration of war, and now that she’s dead, you have no choice but to avenge her. This is war gramps. 5 o’clock at my airport hanger tomorrow or I’ll start without you.” And with that, the opposing family leader hung up.


Then all of a sudden, Jungmin came bursting through the door. “Sulyeongnim! I just got a call from Seunghyun and he said that Sunghee and Jiyoung are missing!” he managed through panicked and confused words. “And around 50members of the family randomly started trashing the house and just left!”
Myunggoon’s brows were knitted together tightly in angry thought. “The war has begun.” He muttered to himself. “Get every able bodied man that you can and prepare them to fight. We’ve been called to fight war with the Kwons. Have the cooks and cleaners fix up the place while we’re gone, and keep a few men here to keep guard.” He ordered. “And keep BIGBANG and their friends out of this. They would just end up as unnecessary casualties.”

“Ne, Sulyeongnim!” Jungmin replied, bowing before racing off.

is hitting the fan now.
remember to comment~

back to cramming now TT____TT
must do well in my exams!!
*ties study bandana around forehead

HWAITING *fistpump


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minkiji #2
Also in regards to my comment below/previous comment I meant *to and *scene. Sorry writing from my phone is a bit difficult.
minkiji #3
Chapter 1: Nice start. It was interesting and yo say the least got me reading and interested for the next chapter. However if I could add a criticism or two/three. I would say that some of the story was a bit clichéd. Such as how you described the fighting scenes. And the last bit with her drinking the boba tea. Also you tend to repeat a lot of stuff when it is already implied. Such as again with the fight scenes or when she was in class and she introduced herself. A more specific example is when you describe the scene and then say this is how he/she felt. That's not necessary if you describe the scene well (which you did) you shouldn't have to say directly how they were feeling. The reader would/should know by the description. One last criticism is that you tend to add character descriptions too directly into the story. Which breaks up the flow of your story and makes it a bit rocky. Again if you describe the sceme or a characters actions well enough you don't have to outright state that he's a bad or a great friend or whatever the case may be. As the saying goes, "show don't tell". In any case the chapter was good, besides the above criticisms. Your writing was good overall and the storyline is interesting.
elliptical #4
congrats x
Chapter 19: Wow. Just wow. I think this is the best fanfic I've read since I started reading these things. Not kidding.

Loved it! It was awesome. :) Poor Taemin, though. :( I was really shipping him and SungHee for a while. Oh well.

Great job! :D
Chapter 19: Wow. Just wow. I think this is the best fanfic I've read since I started reading these things. Not kidding.

Loved it! It was awesome. :) Poor Taemin, though. :( I was really shipping him and SungHee for a while. Oh well.

Great job! :D
Chapter 19: Wow. Just wow. I think this is the best fanfic I've read since I started reading these things. Not kidding.

Loved it! It was awesome. :) Poor Taemin, though. :( I was really shipping him and SungHee for a while. Oh well.

Great job! :D



Chapter 19: Wow, that was so good!!
Reading this story has been such fun! Thank you for writing something so great :)
WatashinoOrenji #10
Chapter 18: THIS.IS.AN.AWESOME.STORY! It's too good that i almost cry. ;D