Back to School

My Badass Baby



at least I saved my rough draft on my laptop
but its not edited as well as it was before TT^TT

*devo for life



– Taemin’s POV –


So as soon as we got back, I started to hang out with noona as much as possible. I would ‘accidentally’ bump into her in the hallways a lot more and I always made sure I had an extra lunch packed in case she forgot hers. And soon, I felt her getting closer to me over the first three weeks of term.


It was a wonderful feeling. She would smile more around me and it made my heart warm and fluttery.

“Yah! Mak~nae~” I heard someone call me from behind.

“Hi Jonghyun hyung~” I sang back, feeling particularly happy.

He raised an eyebrow at me. I stared back at him for a minute, questioning what he was so curious about with my gaze.

“How come you’re so happy today?” he asked, not bothering to keep up with our shortlived staring competition.

“Nothing really~” he giggled back happily.

“Oh really?” he asked, raising his eyebrow again.

I nodded. “Whats wrong with being happy?” I scoffed playfully, poking him in the side as I caught of the girl in my thoughts walk by. My eyes must've followed her because hyung caught on and started yelling like no tomorrow.


I quickly covered his mouth with my hand. "Shush hyung! I can't let her know" I hissed at him, glancing over to the (thankfully) unaware girl.

He raised an eyebrow at him and I immeduately knew I'd been fooled by the dinohead. "So you do like her then." he smirked at me cockily.

I let out a whimper as I tried to force some brilliant excuse out of my mouth. Obviously, it didn't work.

"I can't wait to tell the others about this." he cackled evilly and took off in the general direction of the cafeteria.

My eyes widened and I took after him in a wild panic. I ran as fast as my legs would let me, but by the time I got to the table, every last word had exploded from the boy's mouth.

The othere guys looked at him in shock, then to me and back to him. Minho hyung was the one who broke the ice.

"You only just worked that out?" he asked, looking at his hyung as if he just told them that humans can't breathe under water.

Both Jonghyun hyung and I were dumbfounded.

"You knew?" we both asked at the same time.

"I'm your mother Taemin. I always know." Key told me before turning to Jonghyun. "You're his father Jongie! You should know that!" he repremanded. "Even Onew the dububrain haraboji knew!"

"My wife told me." he told us. "She knows things, y'know."

We all looked at him weirdly. "Your wife?" we repeated.

He didn't say anything more, but held up a drumstick to our faces.


Onew hyung's scary charasmatic leader image went completely down the drain whenever chicken was involved. Unless you insulted/'hurt'/chickenapped his chicken. Then he was REALLY scary.


"Onew hyung, either eat your chicken or put it away." Sunghee's voice came from behind me as she pushed past our little ring and sat down grumpily.

"Ok." he replied happily, taking out a massive chunk of the drumstick.

"Hello there Grumpypants." Key greeted sarcastically. "Who shoved their head up your ?" he asked.

"Mr. Cho. ing. Kyuhyun." she replied, spitting out each word. "I really need some help on the work I missed while I was away, but NO, he wanted to be 'cool' and have a class discussion about his beloved Starcrap." she grumbled.

"Yah. What did you just say about Starcraft?!" Minho asked in a dangerous tone, standing up and slamming his hands on the table.

Sunghee shot him a flaming death glare powerful enough to cut the whole planet in half and still have enough left over to give Mars a good lashing as well. "Choi Minho. Did. You. Just. Raise. Your. Voice. AT. ME?!" she roared with enough fury to blow up the entire solar system.

"Sorry." the younger of the two replied quickly, sitting back down. Ever since we got back from Sunghee's hanok, he's been a lot more open and talks a lot more as well. It was a bit weird at first, but it was a nice weird.

"Noona, don't be mad, ok?" I tried to cheer her up. "Taemin will buy noona a drink. You like iced coffee right?" I asked her even though I already knew the answer. I just wanted to talk to her more. She looked to me and gave a small smile, making my heartrate skyrocket again.

"It's alright Taemin. I'm fine." she said, brushing off the topic altogether.

“Then, can you come with me to the vending machine?” I asked, putting on a bit of aegyo for insurance.
She sighed and got up from her seat and slung an arm over my shoulders. “Alright kiddo, let’s go.” She said in a submissive voice.
I giggled happily and hugged her arm, dragging her along with me and jumping everywhere. She gave me one of those heartwarming eyes miles of hers and I swear I could have melted right then and there, but I couldn’t do that in front of her. I needed to show her that I was a strong and manly. Girls like Sunghee don’t like whimpy guys right?

When we got to the machine, I bought myself a banana milk and an iced coffee. “Here.” I told her, passing over her drink.

“Huh? But I said I didn’t want it.” She blinked at me, confusedly taking the can and looking over it as if she would find an answer to her question on the label.

“I want noona to have it.” I replied, beaming back and opening my banana milk popper.

She smiled softly at me and ruffled my hair. “Thanks kiddo.” She said, cracking open the can and beginning to walk back to our table. “And stop calling me noona in public.” She said, winking at me.

“Oh, right.” I responded quickly, catching on that she didn’t want anyone to know about her being a girl.


– Sunghee’s POV –


Taemin was just too damn cute for his own good. How was it even physically possible?

“So, hyung, what have you been up to?” he asked me, emphasizing on ‘hyung’.

I shrugged. “Not much. Cleaning up our apartment and chasing teachers for homework.” She replied.

“Homework? Why would you do that?” he asked sounding genuinely confused.

She shrugged again. “I might not seem like it, but I want to go to college and get a good job. Maybe own a salon or a café or something.”

“You want to work in a café?” Jonghyun asked as we approached the table.

I nodded.

“I always thought the waiter-look was pretty hot.” Key laughed, sending me a playful wink. Jonghyun’s mouth was gaping at the diva, sending him a look of mock disbelief and hurt.

“Yeobo! Are you imagining Sunghee in a waitress outfit? How could you do that to me?” he cried in ‘outrage’, before slipping his arms around the waist of the slightly taller boy and burying his face in Key’s neck.

Key hit his shoulder lightly. “You know that I only love you baby.” He cooed back, being the typical diva that he usually is and going all mushy-gushy on him.

“Hyungs… Please… Taemin’s still innocent.” Minho said, covering the eyes of the mushroom headed child and faceplaming himself. I laughed at the scene. It was nice to see them acting like a family.

“Well, I’m going to run to my locker now and then go to class early to do some cramming. I don’t want to miss anything else.” I said, excusing myself. The guys all nodded and said their goodbyes, knowing it would be useless to try and go against my stubborn nature.


I casually strolled to my locker, since it was the beginning of lunch break and I had plenty of time. I quickly fixed in the combination to my lock and opened the door to take out my books. I dug out my thick scrapbook and my text book on Shakespearian literature. As if normal English wasn’t hard enough. I sighed and went to close my door, when I noticed three little, white, folded notes sitting on the bottom of my locker. Not remembering what they were for, I picked them up and opened it.

‘He’s mine’ ‘Give him back’ and ‘Thief’ were written in a deep red ink in messy handwriting.
I furrowed my eyebrows in thought for a good minute. I had absolutely no idea what relation this had to anything. I brushed it off as nothing and decided that I didn’t want to be completely distracted by the strange letters for the time being, since I wanted to focus on my studies, so I folded them back up and put it in the back file pocket of my scrapbook and left to class.

However, every day that I went by, the number of notes appearing in my locker duplicated. On Tuesday, I had a small bundle and Wednesday it was a pile on the bottom of my locker. They all went bay the same sort of message. ‘Give back my baby’, ‘I want him back’ and so on and by the time it got to Thursday, half my locker was filled with those messages. I literally had to dig out the papers to get to my textbooks.

I was pissed off to the max. I could literally think of no-one that I had wronged at this school and it didn’t make sense that someone from another school would stalk me here and stuff notes in my locker. I never did anything terribly bad, and even if I did, I never did anything to anyone that would choose this kind of a tactic to get to me.


Muttering about the situation to myself, I sat down at our table at lunch and stuffed my mouth with a large bite of my sandwich.

“Wow Mr.CrankyPants. What’s wrong with you?” Key asked.

“Someone’s stuffing notes in my locker and I have no idea what it means.” I snapped back. I didn’t mean to snap at them, but I was damn pissed at that moment.

“Notes?” Minho repeated, confused.

I pulled out of one the notes from my pocket and slid it across the table. “It better not be you guys because it’s seriously pissing me off.” I warned them.

“’You took my baby.’ Noona, what does it mean?” Taemin asked me.

“That’s what I wanna know.” I replied icily.

Everyone was silent or a moment, trying to decipher the strange notes.

“Noona, can you come and get a drink with me?” Taemin asked me out of the blue.

“Not right now Taemin, I’m no-“
“Noona. Come get a drink with me.” He repeated, this time in a more serious tone.

I sighed, and reluctantly followed him to the vending machine.


– Taemin’s POV –


“Here.” I said as I passed her a can of green tea.

“I don’t-“ She cut herself off when she saw the look I was giving her and reluctantly took the can.

“My omma used to say green tea is good for when you’re stressed.” I said absentmindedly and bought myself a banana milk.

I saw her smile back weakly. Noona was so pretty when she smiled.
“I don’t understand why you do all this for me, Taemin.” She muttered.

I in a breath. ‘Confess now Taemin! Do it before it’s too late!’ I told myself.
“It’s because you’re the best hyung I could ever ask for. I really like you, so I’ll do anything for you.” I said, managing to sound normal.
She smiled at me again. “And you’re the best dongseng I could ever ask for.” She replied and ruffled my hair. “Come on, let’s go back.”
I could only stand there and watch as she walked away. Did she not hear what I said? I just confessed! Maybe I didn’t make it obvious enough? Aish, Taemin. Why can’t you do anything right? I mentally slapped myself before running off after her.

Plan A, obviously isn’t working too well. So it’s time to move onto Plan B: Go all out.

I didn’t get to see noona until lunch time the next day, but when I did, she was beyond angry. Hell, she was pissed to the moon. In her hand was a scrunched up piece of paper and all the other hyungs had their own which they were reading with confused looks on their faces.

“Noona? Are you alright?” I tried, gingerly placing my hand on her shoulder.

“No Taemin. No I’m not alright. I got to school today and when I opened my locker, a ing sea of these goddamned notes came pouring out and I still have no idea what ing relationship these have to do with me.” She shot at me in an icy tone, a dark aura surrounding her body. She withdrew her anger immediately after snapping at me. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.”

I shook my head. “It’s okay. I know you’re angry about this whole situation. I would be too.” I replied before changing the subject. “Do you want to get a drink with me?” I asked.

This time she didn’t protest and just walked with me to the vending machine.

I bought her another green tea and a banana milk for myself. She turned to leave first, but I grabbed her by the arm and made her turn back to face me.

“Wait, noona. Before we go back. I have something I need to tell you.” I spoke more confidently than I felt, but that was quite short-lived as my confidence then completely crumbled and died. “Well, actually, I need to ask you something. But the point is… I… um… I really… I mean, will you… I’d like to…” my words turned into a jumbled mess of nothingness.

“A bit confused there are we?” she chuckled and sat down on the bench on the side of the hallway. “Take your time. We’ve got an hour for lunch.” She smiled.
I sat down beside her nervously. All of a sudden, I couldn't say anything. So instead, I quickly leaned towards her and placed a quick peck on her cheek.

I couldn’t bear to look at her face afterwards. It was so embarrassing! I could feel the heat engulfing my face.

“Aigoo, Taemin-ah. You’re too cute.” She chuckled and pinched my cheek before standing up to leave.
Seriously? She still didn’t get the message? Maybe I still wasn’t obvious enough? Eottoke?! I was running out of ideas.

“Wait! Noona!” I stood up and called after her, even though she had only moved around two steps away from me.
She turned around and blinked at me. “Yes?”
My mouth opened, and my brain was ready to blurt out the words that I had been dying to say, but my voice simply wasn’t ready. “Don’t stress too much… It’s not good for you.”
She smiled at me in appreciation. “Come on, let’s go back.” She replied, stretching out a hand for me to take.
Maybe I shouldn’t try so hard. Noona might not be the kind of girl who wants to be in a relationship anyway. Or maybe noona was just really oblivious. Hehe, my oblivious noona. ‘Don’t worry noona, I will make you fall for me one day!’ I promised her in my head before linking arms with her and walking to the table together.

So now that Plan A and B have both failed, I can only resort to Plan C: let time take its course. Obviously, this was my last plan. Noona didn’t figure it out when I was being subtle, and she didn’t pick it up when I was being obvious either, so what could I do other than wait? Sure, it was risky for me since she would possibly never even realize what my intentions were and run off with some other guy, but it’s not like I could force anything on her. She had done too much for me already.


“Are you going to hang around for lunch or are you going to head to class?” I asked, attempting at small talk.

“I think I’ll be heading to class early today.  I have things to catch up on.” She replied, sighing about one thing or another.

“I’ll walk with you then.” I offered with a smile. “I don’t feel like hanging out with the hyungs today anyway.” I told her as we passed our lunch table.

We mentioned to the hyungs briefly that we were going to take a walk and catch up on stuff, even though we were together all the time. They sent me looks as if to say ‘I know what your intentions are, you sneaky maknae’ and said that they’d do fine without us. We made small talk as we walked from one side of the school to the other where her locker was. I was complaining about how Jonghyun had stolen my banana milk while she was opening her locker and then all of a sudden, a sea of white notes came pouring out.


The smile on her face quickly faded into a look of absolute anger. I watched her as she walked over to the nearest bin, dragged it over and began digging the notes out of her locker. She was almost done with clearing the notes when she suddenly stopped halfway through a scoop. She stuck her hand in and pulled out a box. It was a tin, secured closed with some red ribbon, tied neatly into a pretty bow. She quickly ripped the ribbon off the container and opened it up. Inside, there was the heart of some animal. The bottom of the container was filled with a few centimeters of blood and a note had been stuck to the underside of the lid. The note had been soaked in the blood of whatever it was and the black letters stood out boldly.

‘A heart of a puppy in exchange for the one that you stole from me.’ Was written on the small post-it note.

I was personally confused into oblivion. What was all this about? Did she steal something from someone? It says she stole a heart, so what was that about? Did noona already have a boyfriend? Obviously, I didn’t have the answers to such questions, but it looked like Sunghee had some ideas about what was going on.

“Taemin, I need you to keep your mouth shut on this one ok?” she said turning to me.

I nodded affirmatively, silently swearing to keep it a secret.

“Good.” She smiled a bit, closing the lid on the tin. “I’m going to leave school early today. I need time to think about stuff.” She said, taking her bag out of the locker. I nodded again, understanding that she wasn’t feeling all that great about the whole situation. I mean, if I were in her situation, I would be in hysterics from fear. You only see this kind of stuff in the movies, so to see it in real life with my own eyes was really scary.
“Take some time off noona.” I told her. “And don’t stress too much.” I reminded her.
She smiled back weakly and nodded in appreciation. “Have a nice weekend Taemin.” She said to me before leaving.


– GD’s POV –


When Sunghee got home, she stormed into the apartment room and slammed a tin box down on the eating table.

“Sunghee?” I called her name. I had no idea what was up with her behavior.

“Yeah.” She replied shortly. “I came home early because of this thing.” She sighed and slumped down on a chair.

“What is it?” I asked her, eyeing the box carefully.

“See for yourself.” She told me. She watched me as I cautiously lifted the lid and took a peek inside before slamming the lid back down immediately after. There was a ing heart of some poor animal in there and it was half full of blood. It made me ing sick.

“What the ?!” I shrieked. “Why the do you have that?” I asked her.

“It was in my locker.” She told me. “Someone’s been breaking into it and leaving me weird notes, this is the worst I’ve got so far.”

“Breaking into your locker?” I repeated out of confusion. She went to a delinquent school where the students there hardly even USED the lockers.

She sent me a look to say ‘Don’t even ask’. “I don't know why anyone would do that either. I haven’t ticked off anyone at school other than Taemin’s gang, and we’re cool now.” She said, thinking aloud. “Did you know if the guys have anyone they pissed off?” I asked.

I thought hard for a little bit. “Not to memory.” I mumbled.

“Then what about exes of fanboys?” She asked again. “Some people still know me as a girl so they might be angry at me for ‘stealing’ their boyfriends.” She mentioned. It was true. Even though she was seen by most people as some sort of bringer of death, she had guys falling at her feet, asking her out on dates, left right and center. The rebel look was very appealing apparently.
“None that I can remember of.” I sighed, sitting myself down opposite her.

“Your fangirls?” She tried with some form of desperation in her voice.
“Too many to name, but none of them seemed crazy enough to stalk you and demand that you give us up. Especially since half of us have already graduated and moved schools.” I said, running my hands through my hair and clasping them behind my head. I could list enough girls to cover a whole wall in size 10 Times New Roman font that fit that description. Fact of life: as soon as Sunghee joined highschool, she had a massive mob of antifans. They were all jealous that the new girl who literally just strolled in and made herself comfortable with the jjang kingkas who, by the way, didn’t like talking to anyone other than themselves. Not that we were completely anti-social, but we just weren’t really interested in being the nice social kingka type of people. We’re all too messed up to be social anyway.


Sunghee heaved a sigh and stood from her seat. “I’m going to go chuck this out. I can’t look at it anymore.” She said, taking the tin and moving towards the door.
I nodded in understanding.

“You should take a walk.” I suggested, out of the blue. “It’s best if you clear your head.”

She looked back at me for a second and nodded before she closed the door and left. I sighed and stood to go back to my previous housework. I should have at least given her some money before she left. She would be staying elsewhere for the night and she would need money for food at least. Damnit, Kim Jiyoung. How can you be so forgetful?

–Sunghee’s POV –


I walked down the apartment trash area and went to ditch the box. There were so many questions that I needed answered, and I didn’t even know where to start with it.

“Hello, Kim Sunghee.” A barely familiar voice called my name from behind me. “Did you like my presents?”
I spun around immediately and quickly fixed my eyes on my visitor.

“You.” I managed to breathe out my words without sounding like I was going to die from fear.

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minkiji #2
Also in regards to my comment below/previous comment I meant *to and *scene. Sorry writing from my phone is a bit difficult.
minkiji #3
Chapter 1: Nice start. It was interesting and yo say the least got me reading and interested for the next chapter. However if I could add a criticism or two/three. I would say that some of the story was a bit clichéd. Such as how you described the fighting scenes. And the last bit with her drinking the boba tea. Also you tend to repeat a lot of stuff when it is already implied. Such as again with the fight scenes or when she was in class and she introduced herself. A more specific example is when you describe the scene and then say this is how he/she felt. That's not necessary if you describe the scene well (which you did) you shouldn't have to say directly how they were feeling. The reader would/should know by the description. One last criticism is that you tend to add character descriptions too directly into the story. Which breaks up the flow of your story and makes it a bit rocky. Again if you describe the sceme or a characters actions well enough you don't have to outright state that he's a bad or a great friend or whatever the case may be. As the saying goes, "show don't tell". In any case the chapter was good, besides the above criticisms. Your writing was good overall and the storyline is interesting.
elliptical #4
congrats x
Chapter 19: Wow. Just wow. I think this is the best fanfic I've read since I started reading these things. Not kidding.

Loved it! It was awesome. :) Poor Taemin, though. :( I was really shipping him and SungHee for a while. Oh well.

Great job! :D
Chapter 19: Wow. Just wow. I think this is the best fanfic I've read since I started reading these things. Not kidding.

Loved it! It was awesome. :) Poor Taemin, though. :( I was really shipping him and SungHee for a while. Oh well.

Great job! :D
Chapter 19: Wow. Just wow. I think this is the best fanfic I've read since I started reading these things. Not kidding.

Loved it! It was awesome. :) Poor Taemin, though. :( I was really shipping him and SungHee for a while. Oh well.

Great job! :D



Chapter 19: Wow, that was so good!!
Reading this story has been such fun! Thank you for writing something so great :)
WatashinoOrenji #10
Chapter 18: THIS.IS.AN.AWESOME.STORY! It's too good that i almost cry. ;D