A New King

My Badass Baby


– Taemin's POV –

I can’t say how relieved I was when I walked into Sunghee’s room. She was up and chatting away with Jiyong who was sitting by her bed with a crutch resting against his leg. Her room was full of bouquets, balloons and chocolate boxes (some of which had already been finished and were sitting in the small bin provided) and it all seemed very, un-Sunghee-like. Her head turned slowly towards us and a look of surprise registered on her face. Behind her, Jiyong was now wearing an apologetic look and refused to look back up to us after the initial glance. I could tell immediately that something was horribly wrong but I pushed it aside and bravely stepped forward.


The next thing that happened broke me into a million pieces. She turned around to Jiyoung, cheery as ever, and asked him. “Sorry, did your friends decide to visit? You can go back to your room if you want to t-”

I hadn’t noticed I’d lunged myself at her and cut her off until I felt her arms gingerly wrap around my head. She muttered a couple of soothing, albeit confused, words that I didn’t quite pick up on as she my hair. It was some time until I was able to raise my head away from her body and I noticed I’d been crying. Of course I would, this was noona we were talking about. I couldn’t deal with loosing her.

“D-do you really not remember who we are Noona?” I managed in a shaky breath. “Do you remember me? Taemin? We used to fight and then you helped me and bought me banana milk? Don’t you remember?” I asked, desperately. Anything to jog her memory would do. She hung her head and looked away. She was still the same kindhearted girl before she knew us, and she didn’t want to hurt us.


I slumped down in one of the chairs and the rest of my hyungs found themselves somewhere comfortable to sit, whether it be a chair or the ground, but what happened next caught all of us off guard. She laughed. She and Jiyoung burst out in their loud, cackling signature laugh and continued to do so for a good five minutes. “PABO.” One of them managed to shout in between their insatiable giggling. It was at this point that we realized we’d been had and lunged at the girl, screaming accusations of ‘heartless’ and ‘’ and all sorts of creative names. It was a wave of pure relief for me, more than the first time I walked through the door.


– 3rd Person POV –


Somehow, they all ended up in a big hugging-fest. Taemin, of course, held on the longest; long enough for everyone to have left to give them a bit of space. Jiyong had offered to show everyone his room, claiming he had more gifts than she did. It was some time until the boy released the girl from his grasp, not quite wanting the feeling of her holding him back to be gone yet.


He pulled up a chair beside her bed and spoke. “Noona, when everything is sorted out, will you go out with me?” He hadn’t even realized he’d said it until it was done. It came out much easier than he thought it would, but he decided to blame the adrenaline for that.

Sunghee sat in dead silence for quite some time, not being able to respond. Taemin guessed it was either being overwhelmed by emotion, or she genuinely didn’t know how. Unfortunately for him, it was the latter.

“I can’t.” Was the reply. Short, simple and it cut straight to the bone.

“Wh- What? Why not?” The boy shot up immediately. “Is it a gang related thing? You’ve already defeated the Kwons! You did it yourself! Th-“

“It’s nothing like that. I-” She cut him off quickly and took a moment before she could continue. “Earlier- Jiyoung came in and asked me if I would be his girlfriend. I’ve already accepted.”

“What?!” Taemin all but screamed. “What about me? Haven’t you noticed anything I’ve been doing for you? I’ve even told you about how I feel! Don’t you like me?”

“Taemin! It’s not like that!” She spoke loudly first but quieted down quickly. “I have loved Jiyoung for a very long time, longer than I’ve even known you, and we had been together before but it wasn’t safe for us so said we’d wait until the Kwons had been defeated until we decided to do anything officially. All this time, he has been my best friend and I… I have been waiting for him.” She admitted quietly. “So don’t get me wrong Taemin, there were times when I thought there might be he possibility of us being together, but when it came down to it, Jiyoung always came out on top.”


Sunghee was an honest person. She’d been raised that way, and she was intent on maintaining it. Now was no exception. Taemin was young, yes, but he was old enough to understand what was happening. The last few months were life changing for them all, and it wasn’t going to be in only one area. Sunghee worried that Taemin might burst into tears, or maybe he might get angry and curse her, or even curse Jiyoung, but he didn’t. Instead he held one of her hands in his and squeezed it tightly, resting his forehead against it and squeezed his eyes shut for a few moments.

“I understand.” He replied quietly. “I understand, and I want you to be happy and I want you to know that I will still love you despite all this and if anything ever happens between the two of you, I want to be the first to know. Whether it’s good or bad, I want to be the first, okay?”

Sunghee smiled and clasped her other hand around his and kissed it lightly. “Okay,” She echoed. “I promise.”


Soon after, she declared it was all too much like a soap opera and requested that he stopped holding her hands like she was dying because the fact of the matter is that she wasn’t. Sure she had a fractured everything, but that was a long stretch from dying. (It was, wasn’t it?) Taemin, on the other hand, was delighted to find she currently required the assistance of a wheelchair to go places, and asked if he could wheelchair her to Jiyoung’s room so they could all be together and be merry as they typically did.


Some time later, they found their teachers in their room as well, having only just finished dealing with the police. Taeyang’s friend (now girlfriend), Dara, was able to help with covering up as she was a techie at the department. Kyuhyun, while hyper-aware of the fact that his student was bruised, cut and fractured all over, gave no s and hugged the life out of her. Boy was he relieved to see his only attentive student alive. They raved on and on about how staff lunches would be incredibly boring without her which lead to the monstrosity of a day that followed. Shindong brought out, I kid you not, a five-kilogram tub of grapes. The grape game (obviously) ensued until closing hours where the teachers, reluctantly, went around picking up any fallen grapes and cleaning any spilt grape juice. Of course, before they left, Siwon insisted on a quick prayer circle. Sunghee thought it was adorable to be blatantly honest.


And then they all went home, everyone married each other + a million ships that I’ll leave to your own imagination. The end.


Did you really think I would leave it there? Of course not! You don’t even know who won the grape game!


Siwon was the first to back out, making claims of it being unholy, but everyone knew he was silently enjoying the pained looks on people’s faces as they stuffed grapes in their mouths. Hangeng dropped out after Heechul sent him a stink eye and they simply opted to feed each other grapes whilst watching the free entertainment that was being provided as any couple would. Key, of course, was horrified at just the concept of the game and asked Sunghee if she was actually in a right state of mind and that perhaps she’d hit her head too hard. She simply shrugged and popped the first grape in.


Taemin was the first out at three grapes. He’d all but inhaled the fruit in his excitement, which was of course quickly watered down by the realization of his loss. Key shoved a note into his hand and told him to buy himself a banana milk, or ten if he wanted. The diva was in a generous mood. Ryeowook stumped at five, mainly out of embarrassment. Yesung and Kibum were having a poke-war during the game and the latter poker the former too hard and caused him to bite down on a grape, which disqualified him. Of course, Yesung then tackled Kibum to the ground and the two then assumed positions for a wrestling match. Both were taken out at seven grapes. Onew followed shortly after just one grape later, muttering something about it not being the same as chicken.


It was quite some time till Zhou Mi flailed out at eleven grapes, his cheeks being filled to the brim from the fruit. Donghae followed quickly at tweleve and guilt-tripped Eunhyuk into losing with him. Minho died out at thirteen, a good score for a first-timer. He was given a pat on the back for his efforts. Kyuhyun bummed out at fourteen and Jiyoung at fifteen so they could take turns in stuffing Sunghee’s face for her. Kangin stupidly smiled at sixteen grapes, effectively pulverizing the fruit and disqualified him. Sungmin and Shindong crashed and burned at seventeen leaving Henry and Sunghee to glare at each other once more.


“Hagh agh ahgahg.” We meet again. Is what Sunghee was trying to say, although with a face full of ninteen grapes that alone was quite impressive.

Henry shot her a bewildered look and promptly burst into laughter, sending some grapes falling out and others crushed. It wasn’t pretty, but it was amusing and Sunghee found it hard not to laugh at the sight, so that’s exactly what she did. She burst into a fit of giggles at the transfer teacher and pointed and laughed at him. However, stopped when she realized she and Henry were the only ones laughing. Sitting up, she looked over to where everyone else was looking and found none other than Jonghyun stuffing grapes into his face, one after the other. There must’ve been twenty-something of those little ovoid things in his mouth and he’d been stuffing his face at a highly impressive speed.


He stopped suddenly and looked up to see everyone staring at him. Quickly, he bit down and chewed as quickly as he could and swallowed.

“A new king!” Shindong declared happily, placing a paper party crown on his head. Everyone cheered and fed each other grapes, sometimes throwing them across the room until a nurse came and told them to shut the hell up.


Hi guys! I'm back for a little bit! I'm going to be honest with you guys and say I have no idea when it'll be up. School is a mess and I'm working four nights a week as well, which is super y. Anyway, I hope to hear from you guys in the comments. I love you all and thank you so much for supporting me up to here!


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minkiji #2
Also in regards to my comment below/previous comment I meant *to and *scene. Sorry writing from my phone is a bit difficult.
minkiji #3
Chapter 1: Nice start. It was interesting and yo say the least got me reading and interested for the next chapter. However if I could add a criticism or two/three. I would say that some of the story was a bit clichéd. Such as how you described the fighting scenes. And the last bit with her drinking the boba tea. Also you tend to repeat a lot of stuff when it is already implied. Such as again with the fight scenes or when she was in class and she introduced herself. A more specific example is when you describe the scene and then say this is how he/she felt. That's not necessary if you describe the scene well (which you did) you shouldn't have to say directly how they were feeling. The reader would/should know by the description. One last criticism is that you tend to add character descriptions too directly into the story. Which breaks up the flow of your story and makes it a bit rocky. Again if you describe the sceme or a characters actions well enough you don't have to outright state that he's a bad or a great friend or whatever the case may be. As the saying goes, "show don't tell". In any case the chapter was good, besides the above criticisms. Your writing was good overall and the storyline is interesting.
elliptical #4
congrats x
Chapter 19: Wow. Just wow. I think this is the best fanfic I've read since I started reading these things. Not kidding.

Loved it! It was awesome. :) Poor Taemin, though. :( I was really shipping him and SungHee for a while. Oh well.

Great job! :D
Chapter 19: Wow. Just wow. I think this is the best fanfic I've read since I started reading these things. Not kidding.

Loved it! It was awesome. :) Poor Taemin, though. :( I was really shipping him and SungHee for a while. Oh well.

Great job! :D
Chapter 19: Wow. Just wow. I think this is the best fanfic I've read since I started reading these things. Not kidding.

Loved it! It was awesome. :) Poor Taemin, though. :( I was really shipping him and SungHee for a while. Oh well.

Great job! :D



Chapter 19: Wow, that was so good!!
Reading this story has been such fun! Thank you for writing something so great :)
WatashinoOrenji #10
Chapter 18: THIS.IS.AN.AWESOME.STORY! It's too good that i almost cry. ;D