The New Kid

My Badass Baby

hey guys~
DFMB here again~
i've been watching too many j-dramas and i couldnt resist writing one about school life&gangs
i will work hard and try to keep all three stories going at the same time so please be patient if my updates are uber slow
> <
anyhows, i tried really hard on this genre so i hope you like it!!

Seoul West Boys’ High was a dreary place full of rowdy delinquents and tired, powerless teachers. I stood outside the main building with a scowl on my face. They sent me to another cheap crap filled place. I wasn’t even going to bother to try and get along with anyone this time. I was going to jig after first break with my gang anyway.


I came to school late since I didn't want to bump into anyone. Humans are annoying anyways. I’m not implying that I’m not human. It’s just an honest opinion. I took my timetable from the lady at the reception desk, found my class and walked in.


“Ah. You must be the new student.” The teacher said and checked his roll. “Hyunsuk right?” he asked, adjusting his glasses slightly.

I nodded.

“I’m your homeroom teacher, Cho Kyuhyun. I’m also new here.”

I blinked at him, wondering why he even bothered while the class of boys was throwing things everywhere and yelling.

“Can you come to the front and introduce yourself?” he suggested. I shuffled to the blackboard, grabbing a piece of chalk as he called for the class’ attention. I saw him smirking in the corner of my eye as I started writing on the board. However, all traces of his smile disappeared as soon as I turned around and the class cracked up in howls of laughter.

‘Are you missing half your brain, sir?’ was written on the board and I carelessly chucked the chalk over my shoulder.

“Hyunsuk-shi.” Mr. Cho started. “That wasn’t what I was looking for.” He grumbled as the class went back to its rowdy self.

“Fine. I’ll introduce myself.” I said, picking up a meter ruler and slammed it down on the table to get the attention of the class. They all went silent. Thank freaking Jesus.

“Listen up. I will say this once, and once only. My name is Kim Hyunsuk. I’m 17 years old and I don’t take from anyone. Don’t touch me, don’t talk to me. Annoy me and I’ll kill you.” I said coldly.

Of course, my name’s not really Hyunsuk, it’s Sunghee. In fact, I’m not even a boy. (Thank god I had a cold that day. Otherwise my voice may have given it away.) I’m the granddaughter and heir of a notorious Jopok leader (like the Korean version of Yakuza lords) and it’s hard for me to get around without being bashed and kicked out of the school every few months. So I decided, if I can’t join the goody goody two shoed world, I may as well go against it. And while I was at it, I may as well become a male delinquent. I ended up cutting my hair short and since I have zero chest anyways, it wasn’t hard to pull it off as a guy. Anyways, back to the current time.


The class was eerily silent as I dropped the ruler on the floor as well.

“Eh… Would you like to take a seat at the back next to Kibum?” he suggested. “Kibum-shi, please put up your hand.”

The said boy did so and barked out a comment. “It’s Key you idiot of a teacher.”

Mr. Cho rolled his eyes. “Fine, Hyunsuk-shi, can you please sit next to Key?”

I shuffled to the back of the currently silent classroom and dumped my bag next to the unoccupied desk in the corner next to the window.

“Now, let’s begin class.” Mr. Cho started and turned to the blackboard. Instantly, the class started yelling and returned to their previous state. I rolled my eyes and leaned into my chair, lazily observing the class.

The class was like a massive gang. There were two guys in my class that everyone basically followed. The first guy was the guy I was sitting next to and the other was the silent, tall guy next to him.

“Key, can you answer this question please?” Mr. Cho said, breaking up the conversation he was holding at the time.

Key gave the man an unbelieving look and stood up. “Excuse me?”

“I asked you to answer the question on the board, Key.” The teacher said.

“And if I don’t want to?” he asked again, smirking this time.

“Then I’ll keep the class behind until you do.” It was the teacher’s turn to smirk this time. Smart teacher.

Key looked infuriated. “Are you kidding me, ?!” he yelled and stormed up to the front of the classroom, holding the teacher by the collar.

“No I’m not!” Mr. Cho yelled back. “I will keep each and every student behind until you answer the question!”

“YOU KNOW DAMN WELL I DON’T EVEN UNDERSTAND THE UP THERE.” Key spat, raising his fist up to the teacher.


– Key’s POV –


Damn this pissed me off. My fist was just about to hit him when I felt a weight stopping my hand. I spun around, fuming at whoever dared to stop me. To my surprise it was the new kid.

“The are you doing?” I spat at him. I noticed his skin. It was completely clear and looked soft. Che, he looks like a wus.

“Calm your ing balls and sit your the down. No one wants to hear the sound of your stupid voice in the morning.” He said in that cool voice.


I raised my other hand to punch the guy and give him my two cents. However, he stopped it and twisted it behind my back and before I knew it, I was being thrown to the back of the room. Like, literally flying in the air thrown across the room. I groaned as I slumped on the floor. Minho stood, infuriated, and ran to hit the guy. However, the result was not so pleasing. He, too, was slumped on the floor next to me in a matter of seconds. Now the class was REALLY silent.

“Eh… Th-thankyou for that Hyunsuk-shi… uh… Let’s continue with the class… P-please take your seats.” Kyuhyun stuttered, breaking the silence. That wimp.

I limped to my seat and Minho did the same. Hyunsuk flipped his fringe to the side and tucked his hands in his pockets as he sat down. This new kid’s really going to get it.


At break, we all left and Minho and I went straight to our corner at the cafeteria.

“Whoa. What’s up with you.” Onew gave me a look.

“We got decked by the new kid.” I muttered darkly.

“We? Don’t you mean YOU did?” Jonghyun remarked, sipping on his drink. “There’s no way Minho could have been decked without the guy being sent to hospital.”

Taemin didn’t say anything and nodded in a different direction. “Is that him hyungs?”

The new kid and his stupid white-blonde hair wandered through the cafeteria. I watched him as he lazily looked around and paused when he saw me, before turning and walking out in another direction, a small group of our classmates trailing behind him.

“Che, the bastard’s already got a fanbase.” I scoffed.

“Do you want to go bash him up?” Onew asked, picking up his leather jacket and standing up.

“May as well. Deal with prinks before they get arrogant.” Jonghyun stood as well. No one else objected and we walked to the school gates. I spotted him and was just about to call when Onew held his arm out, signaling for us to stop. He cocked his head a bit as he watched him. We didn't say a thing. Onew has this sixth sense where he ALWAYS knows if something’s going to go wrong.


In a matter of a few seconds, 4 other guys rounded the corner, two of them in Downtown Seoul High’s uniforms. I noticed the brightly colored bandana scarves they wore around their necks. The tallest one greeted Hyunsuk first, fist bumping with him before bumping shoulders. The mohawk guy fist bumped him as well and handed him a scarlet red bandana and he tied it around his neck and turned to walk away.

“We can take them. Let’s go.” Jonghyun was ready to run up and start the fight.

Onew grabbed his wrist. “Don’t do that.” He said.

“Why not, hyung?” Taemin asked.

“Look at the mohawk guy’s jacket.” He said.

I looked closer and noticed a small logo sewn into the bottom right hand corner of the leather.
Badass Baby IMG#1
“It’s BIGBANG’s logo.” Minho said. It was the first thing he said today. It as rare that he spoke at all anyway. He was always the silent type.

“Aren’t they legends or something?” I asked. I had heard of them before. One rumor said they put someone in a coma and left that person paralyzed hip down for playing and then cheating on a friend's younger sister. I shuddered at the thought. Sure, we were bad kids but we weren’t that violent. At least, I wasn’t. My clothes are just too precious y’know?

“Leave him alone today. We’ll get him later when he’s alone.” Onew said, and turned to walk the other way.


–Taemin POV–


We decided to jig school and went straight to the café across the park. I was still thinking about the guy from earlier. I thought it was weird that a small guy like him would be on friendly terms with a gang like big bang. I sigh and sipped on my banana smoothie and looked out the window. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a red bandana. It was the guy Key was talking about. Yangsung or Hyunchung or something. He was walking through the park alone holding a baseball bat on his shoulder and texting as he went.
“Hey hyungs,” I got their attention. “isn’t that him?” I pointed.

Key’s wild smirk appeared. 

“Let’s go.” Onew stood up to leave.

Ho ho ho~ So many kinds of are going down today.


–Sunghee POV–

It felt good to be back with the gang and play baseball with them. I can hardly live without those guys for a few days. GD wasn’t there though. He was busy with work. He needed the money to support his sick mom. Now, I know what you’re probably thinking. Yes, we are delinquents. And yes, we beat up people. But remember that before all that, we are normal people with friends and family. Anyways, I made a last minute decision to visit him at his work place. He was working at some bubble tea store across town and I felt like it would only be fair to see him if I was going to see everyone else. Plus, he was my BFF.


OMGI’MSIDETRACKINGAGAIN. = = ANYWAYS, I had just hit send, telling him where I was and that I would be there soon, when someone suddenly ran up and ing roundhoused me in the face. I clutched onto the phone making sure I didn’t drop it before I felt myself hit the concrete floor. I felt a small trickle of blood down the side of my lip and I scowled angrily. I looked up to see who had hit me and luckily rolled out of the way before my face was introduced to the bastard’s shoe. Behind me, I heard the metallic scraping of my baseball bat against the pavement as some lazy picked it up.

“Yah. Damage that bat and I will bring your funeral around a couple years early.” I snarled, pocketing the phone and picking myself off the ground. TOP gave me that bat for my birthday 4 years ago; my first birthday present. Call me stupid, but I would protect that bat with my life. I’d protect anything that those guys have given me.

The shortest guy with spiked hair laughed at me. “You’re just a little kid. How the hell would you go up against the 5 of us?” he swung his fist at me.
I quickly ducked under it and stepped forward so that I would be behind him before grabbing his arm and throwing him onto the grass off the pavement around a meter away.

The guy with the light brown hair looked like he was about to explode. He looked a little familiar. Probably just saw him on the street or something.
“WHY YOU MOTHERING SONUVA-“ he grabbed my bat from the blonde haired kid and ran forward to hit me with it. I blocked it with my hand and twisted it off him, before kicking him in the stomach, sending him stumbling back a few steps. Ah~ it was good to have my baby back~

The blonde haired kid and the tall guy (who also looked familiar) decided to team up against me.
They both ran up and split to either side, attacking at the same time and swinging their fists at different areas every time. It looked like they had some practice at this. While I was busy dodging, the other two got up and ran up to join in the fight. I grabbed the shoulder of the blonde kid and pulled down on it, pushing him onto the concrete. I jumped up and used his back as a platform to jump higher and over the tall guy. Unfortunately, I forgot how tall he was and he grabbed my ankle, bringing me down to the ground. However, I managed to pull hard enough and used my leg as a sort of hook and used that to flip him over and throw him onto the ground.
He groaned at the pain shooting up his back and didn’t attempt to get up. Poor guy, I knew how much that move hurt. Anyways, one down, four to go.

I picked up my bat and turned around to face the three angry guys. If looks could kill, their fugly, contorted faces of pure hate would probably have me in a deep-frier.

All three of them charged at me at the same time. Although all this was originally to get my baseball bat back (flerghiubdk whatta tongue twister) I had completely forgotten that I could use it against them. I dodged their hits and gave them all a whack to the knee and a strong hit to their lower backs and they went down like shots of vodka in a drinking competition. The pain should keep them at bay for a good five or so minutes.
However, me being the forgetful babo that I am, I forgot that the last guy, who looked like the leader, was still there. I received a painful kick to the back and I fell forward, I rolled to soften the fall and make it easier to fight back.

“Messing with my guys is a no-no. I won’t let you live this down.” He snarled.

I suddenly realized that I never even knew why these guys attacked me in the first place. As soon as someone hits me, I automatically go into fight mode. What can I say? I love a good punch up.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up a second.” I held up my hands, making a ‘time out’ sign. “Before you kill me, why in the hell did you attack me anyways?” I asked. I would be in DEEP if it happened to be one of haraboji’s enemies. They weren’t even meant to know I existed.

“You got two of my guys during class. In return, we get you back.” He explained simply.

Wait… Class? What the hell, I never did– oh wait, that's right. I flipped two guys… who was it again? Kay or something and another guy I didn't know. I looked to the guys on the floor. OH... NOW I KNOW WHERE I RECOGNIZE THEM FROM.

I let out a laugh. “Oh, the annoying in class.”

“B-.” His annoying voice.

I rolled my eyes and kicked him hard in the gut. He groaned and rolled over, clutching his stomach. “At least I won’t be expecting you tomorrow morning.” I ‘tch’ed.

He sent me a glare and I turned back to the leader. “Your guys, huh? Pretty tough bunch you got here. Probably as out of practice as your one inch amigo.” I scoffed at him.

“Asswipe, it’s way bigger than yours.” He yelled back.

“Oh yeah? That’s not what your girlfriend said when I did her last night.” I was enjoying this SOOOOOO much. Being a guy only got better every day.

“BASTARD.” He ran forward to hit me, which he actually did, sending my head snapping to the side. He stood there in shock for a second, surprised that I didn’t get out of the way. He was probably confused that although I could dodge it, I just stood there and took it. A smirk formed on my lips and I grabbed his shoulders, bringing his body towards mine before bringing my knee up to leader junior, ensuring he wouldn’t be banging anyone for a good year. Heh~ That was a good feeling.

He fell to the ground, holding his disfigured nether region and I picked up my bat that I had somehow dropped.


Behind me, I suddenly heard the sound of someone clapping. I spun around and came face to face with a familiar white-blonde bubbly badass idiot.

“GD Hyung!” I exclaimed happily, glomping the guy. Of course, he knew I was a girl, but he had grown accustomed to me acting as a guy and calling him by ‘hyung’ for the last 2 years.

“Hey kiddo.” He ruffled my short hair. “I brought bubble tea.” He held up a large plastic takeaway cup.

“Thankyou.” I quickly took it off him and proceeded to down the drink and walk off.

“Yah.” A labored voice called out behind me.

I turned around, lazily glancing at the beaten up guys sprawled on the ground.

“Hmm?” I hummed my reply, occupied with the boba straw in my mouth.

“We will put you through hell in school. I swear on my life we will.” The leader panted out.

I let out a laugh and GD laughed along with me. “Whatever floats ya boat.” I replied.

And with that the two of us left.


so to anyone who bothered to read all of that
thankyou and congratulations on reading all 3021words of this long chapter
since this is the first chapter i really really need your feedback!!
i will start updating regularly as soon as i hit 5comments so if you want to read more you
to comment
and if you can, please leave a little more than just
'please update'
because i really want to know what you think > <
sorry for being so picky = ="


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minkiji #2
Also in regards to my comment below/previous comment I meant *to and *scene. Sorry writing from my phone is a bit difficult.
minkiji #3
Chapter 1: Nice start. It was interesting and yo say the least got me reading and interested for the next chapter. However if I could add a criticism or two/three. I would say that some of the story was a bit clichéd. Such as how you described the fighting scenes. And the last bit with her drinking the boba tea. Also you tend to repeat a lot of stuff when it is already implied. Such as again with the fight scenes or when she was in class and she introduced herself. A more specific example is when you describe the scene and then say this is how he/she felt. That's not necessary if you describe the scene well (which you did) you shouldn't have to say directly how they were feeling. The reader would/should know by the description. One last criticism is that you tend to add character descriptions too directly into the story. Which breaks up the flow of your story and makes it a bit rocky. Again if you describe the sceme or a characters actions well enough you don't have to outright state that he's a bad or a great friend or whatever the case may be. As the saying goes, "show don't tell". In any case the chapter was good, besides the above criticisms. Your writing was good overall and the storyline is interesting.
elliptical #4
congrats x
Chapter 19: Wow. Just wow. I think this is the best fanfic I've read since I started reading these things. Not kidding.

Loved it! It was awesome. :) Poor Taemin, though. :( I was really shipping him and SungHee for a while. Oh well.

Great job! :D
Chapter 19: Wow. Just wow. I think this is the best fanfic I've read since I started reading these things. Not kidding.

Loved it! It was awesome. :) Poor Taemin, though. :( I was really shipping him and SungHee for a while. Oh well.

Great job! :D
Chapter 19: Wow. Just wow. I think this is the best fanfic I've read since I started reading these things. Not kidding.

Loved it! It was awesome. :) Poor Taemin, though. :( I was really shipping him and SungHee for a while. Oh well.

Great job! :D



Chapter 19: Wow, that was so good!!
Reading this story has been such fun! Thank you for writing something so great :)
WatashinoOrenji #10
Chapter 18: THIS.IS.AN.AWESOME.STORY! It's too good that i almost cry. ;D