Roar! Ikkakumon

Digimon and Idol Adventure

They are in the forest. "I feel cold." Sooyoung said. "Me too!" Chen said. "Maybe winter is coming!" Chanyeol said. "We can play snowball fight." Chen said. "Is it a food?" Tentomon asked. "It is a game that we throw snow at other." Chen said.

"We can build snowmen." Chanyeol said. "It is bad if is snowing." Onew said. "Don't be sad!" Amber said. "Maybe it will snow soon." Sehun said.

A few second later.....

That place fill with snow. Patamon and Sehun are playing. "This is snow!" Gomamon said. "We should continue." Chanyeol said. "It so cold!" Tao said. "We cannot stand here, we should walk across this field or climb that big mountain." Chanyeol said.

Then, Agumon smells something. "I think I smell something." Agumon said. "Me too!" Piyomon said. "I wonder what it is!" Gabumon said. "It is a steam!" Piyomon said. "Where is it come from?" Tao said.

They go nearer. "A hot spring!" Chen said. "I can't bath in this." Sooyoung said. "It is so warm." Palmon said. "At least we don't feel cold anymore." Tao said.

"I am hungry but cannot eat." Onew said. "We can eat." Sehun said. "How you know?" Onew asked. "That!" Sehun said while pointing at a refrigerator. "What a refrigerator doing here?" Onew said. "We so lucky!" Chanyeol said.

Chanyeol open the refrigerator. "It is eggs!" Agumon said. "Dinner will served!" Chanyeol said. "We don't know it is edible or not." Onew said. "I will taste them to check." Chanyeol said. "If it is edible we cannot eat them without permission or we will like a thief." Onew said. "We are hungry." Tao said. "The owner will understand if we explain." Amber said.

Amber fried the eggs on a stone that looked like table. Piyomon makes the fire under the stone bigger. Sehun boils the eggs in the hot spring. Agumon and Gabumon makes the bowl from the stone using their mouth and nail. Chanyeol and Chen looking for firewood.

At night.....

They eat the eggs. "It was a long time after we eat delicious food." Chanyeol said. "If I has salt and pepper, it will be more delicious." Onew said. Then, all of them arguing about seasoning they put on eggs.

After eat.....

Chanyeol and Tao are arguing. "What happen?" Onew asked. "They are arguing about we should climb the Infinity Mountain or not!" Chen said. "Infinity Mountain?" Onew asked. "The big mountain over there." Chen said while point at the mountain.

"Chanyeol said We must climb to see the surrounding." Amber said. "That true." Onew said. "But, Tao is against it." Amber said. "They are many ferocious digimon there." Piyomon said. "That dangerous." Onew said.

"We must climb to see our surrounding." Chanyeol said. "I know you are older but doesn't mean you are right. There are dangerous up there." Tao said. "Stop!" Onew said. "Who do you agree with hyung?" Chanyeol asked.

Onew was thinking. "I think Chanyeol was right, we can see our surronding when we climb." Onew said. "See? Listen to your hyung." Chanyeol said. "But Tao said is true too because that dangerous." Onew said. "So who you agree with?" Tao asked. "Of course me." Chanyeol said. Both of them arguing again.

"Stop. I'm thinking." Onew said. "You are the one who heating up." Tao said. "Stop" Amber said. "We should sleep." Agumon said. "You can continue tomorrow." Gabumon said. They sleep in a cave.

Onew climb the mountain alone. "Where you are going?" Gomamon asked. "Don't try to stop me." Onew said. "I don't." Gomamon said. Onew continue climbs the mountain. Gomamon follows him. "Don't follow me." Onew said. "I don't follow you, I have something to do at the mountain." Gomamon said. They climb the mountain together.

"If you need help I can lend you a hand." Gomamon said. "That is hand?" Onew said while looking at Gomamon front legs who is longer than the back legs.

They climb the mountain for a few hours. "I'm tired." Gomamon said. "You are great." Onew said. "You too." Gomamon said. "We just climb half of the mountain." Onew said. Then, a flying horse comes. "What is that?" Onew asked. "It is a good digimon, Unimon." Gomamon said.

Digimon Analyzer:

Unimon. Adult Level. A combination of legendary beast, Unicorn and Pegasus. Special Attack is Holy Shot release an electric ball from his mouth.

Unimon stop at the mountain and drink some water from the hole at the mountain. "It so beautiful let's look closer." Gomamon said. Then, Unimon lift his ear. Gomamon lift his ear too. "I hear something." Gomamon said. Then, a black gear comes and half of it enter Unimon's back. Unimon attack them.

In the morning.....

Amber wakes up early. She saw message on the ground. "I will be back soon. Stay here and wait for me. - Onew." Amber shocked. "Everyone, wakes up." Amber said.

Unimon uses his Holy Shot then, Birdramon push him. "Amber, Chanyeol!" Onew said. Chanyeol, Amber and Agumon jump from Birdramon. Unimon push Bidramon from the mountain. "Birdramon." Amber said.

"Agumon evolve.....Greymon."

Greymon try to attack Unimon but Unimon fly higher. Unimon kick him. "Chanyeol." Greymon said. "Greymon." Chanyeol said. "Mega Flame!" Greymon said. Birdramon fly to the mountain. "Meteor Wing." Birdramon said. Unimon dodge it and kick Birdramon.

Onew jump on Unimon. He tries to take out the black gear. He tries to pull the other half of black gear out from Unimon. "I must protect everyone because I'm the oldest." Onew said. Unimon angry and flying higher. Onew fall. "ONEW!" Gomamon said.

"Gomamon evolve.....Ikkakumon"

Onew fall on Ikkakumon. "Gomamon evolved?" he said. "Harpoon Vulcan!" Ikkakumon said. His horn flying and open and a rocket appear and shoot the black gear. Unimon flying away from that place. "Because Onew's courage, Gomamon evolved." Amber said.

Onew blush. "No! It is because of myself." Gomamon said. "Thank You!" Onew said and holding Gomamon's 'hand'. Gomamon blush. "Gomamon is blushing." Piyomon said. "No I'm not!" Gomamon said. They climb the mountain. They shocked when see the island they are now is an only island on the sea. "What?" Chanyeol said.


200px-Pukamon.jpg           Gomamon_b.jpg

Pukamon                                                Gomamon

Ikkakumon_b.jpg                   Unimon.jpg 

Ikkakumon                                                 Unimon




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i just found this and i saw my username exo1997. I will enjoy it. hope to see more updates.
I LOVE DIGIMON!! funny thing too im watching digimon (original) right now XD and i was also planning on making my own fan fic with digimon and exo. lucky i found this then ^~^
nadhirahsalihin #3
Chapter 1: Can you put sunny please!!!!!!!!! XD
Chapter 5: Ummmm you know that the Digi Baby Boom episode is where TK and Patamon spend time and they act like a baby. Are you trying to make Sehun be like that?
Chapter 3: Tsunomon sooo adorable!! Lol
umm i have to ask something like why does it says "I hope you enjoy this MyStarryNight." what i do to make this stroyy happen?
Chapter 2: Awwww koromon is so cute! Lol
Chapter 1: Like this! And youre using the japaneese name of digimon! Omg. Farid you should be waiting for Running Mon/ Digi Man 01! Update! I was thinking of making Gary being a man!
To readers who want to read my story heres the link!
So youre using the japaneese episode name? Im using the english name.