Explosive Evolution! Greymon

Digimon and Idol Adventure

Kuwagamon make them fall. "Help!" Chanyeol said. Patamon tries to pull Sehun. "I am adult. You can never pull me!" Sehun said. Patamon and Sehun fall faster. Piyomon and tentomon tries to pull their master but failed. Onew almost reached the river. "Marching Fishes!" Gomamon said.

A school of fish comes and become a raft. All of them falling on the fish. "The rock is falling!" Onew said. "Faster!" Gomamon said. "We are saved!" Chanyeol said. "What a luck!" Chen said. 

The fish stop at the river bank. "We are saved!" Onew said. "I thought I will die." Amber said. "Thank You Pukamon?" Onew said. "It is Gomamon now!" Gomamon said. "You become bigger!" Sehun said. "We evolved." Patamon said.

The digimon introduce themselves. "I'm Pyocomon, now Piyomon." "I'm Motimon, now Tentomon." "I'm Tsunomon, now Gabumon." "I'm Tanemon, now Palmon." "I'm Koromon, now Agumon."

"I think you looks stronger." Chanyeol said. "Thanks!" Agumon said. "What we want to do?" Sooyoung asked. "Let's go rest for now." Onew said. "Yes hyung!" Chanyeol said.

"I think I saw a big ocean!" Chanyeol said. "Maybe we can take a bath." Sooyoung said. "You want to bath?" Amber said. "Why?" Sooyoung said. All of them go to the ocean.

Patamon was flying. "Sehun looks, I can fly!" Patamon said but slower than Sehun. "You better walk." Sehun said. "Amber looks, I can fly!" Piyomon said but just like Patamon. "You should walk." Amber said.

Suddenly, they heard a sound. "What is that?" Tao said. They go to that sound. They saw some telephone booth at the beach. "Telephone booth at the beach?" Sehun said. "We must eat!" Chen said.

All of them check their bag. "I don't have food!" Sooyoung said. "Me too!" Amber said. "I have some snacks." Sehun said. "I have some fried chicken." Onew said. All of them looks Onew. "What?" Onew said. They shared their chicken.

"We will find our food." Piyomon said. The digimon go to find their food. Then, "Is it delicious?" Chanyeol said. "Yeah!" Agumon said. "Digimon should find their own food." Tentomon said. Then, Shellmon comes.

Digimon Analyzer:

Shellmon. Adult Level.

Shellmon attack all of them and destroy the telephone booth. "Baby Flame!" Agumon said. The other digimon attack was missed. "Why only Agumon can attack?" Tao said. "I'm hungry." Gabumon said. "I think because Agumon ate earlier." Amber said. "Agumon, only you and me now!" Chanyeol said.

"Baby Flame!" Agumon said. Chanyeol takes a pole that broken from telephone booth. "You ugly monster takes this." Chanyeol said. Chanyeol was lifted into the air by growing vines from Shellmon's head. "Baby Flame!" Agumon said. Shellmon step on Agumon.

Shellmon blast water to other digimon and human. "Chanyeol!" Agumon said. "Agumon." Chanyeol said. The thing they get from the sky glowing. Light surround Agumon. They other surprised.

"Agumon evolve.....Greymon."

Shellmon release Greymon. Chanyeol is freed. "Grey...mon?" Chanyeol said. Shellmon blast water to Greymon. Greymon uses his fire to push the water back. Greymon throws Shellmon to the sky. "Mega Flame!" Greymon said. Shellmon fall into the ocean.

Greymon shrink and become Agumon. "Agumon!" Chanyeol said. "I'm hungry." Agumon said. "We must go from here." Onew said. "Maybe monster will come again." Tao said. They go from that beach to other place.




Koromon                                                                               Agumon

Greymon_b.jpg             Shellmon.gif


Greymon                                                                     Shellmon

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i just found this and i saw my username exo1997. I will enjoy it. hope to see more updates.
I LOVE DIGIMON!! funny thing too im watching digimon (original) right now XD and i was also planning on making my own fan fic with digimon and exo. lucky i found this then ^~^
nadhirahsalihin #3
Chapter 1: Can you put sunny please!!!!!!!!! XD
Chapter 5: Ummmm you know that the Digi Baby Boom episode is where TK and Patamon spend time and they act like a baby. Are you trying to make Sehun be like that?
Chapter 3: Tsunomon sooo adorable!! Lol
umm i have to ask something like why does it says "I hope you enjoy this MyStarryNight." what i do to make this stroyy happen?
Chapter 2: Awwww koromon is so cute! Lol
Chapter 1: Like this! And youre using the japaneese name of digimon! Omg. Farid you should be waiting for Running Mon/ Digi Man 01! Update! I was thinking of making Gary being a man!
To readers who want to read my story heres the link!
So youre using the japaneese episode name? Im using the english name.