The Dancing Ghost! Bakemon

Digimon and Idol Adventure

Devimon was happy when he scattered the idol. "One of them will die when arrive at the Bakemon's place." Devimon said.

Sooyoung and Chen are unite. What happen to Onew and Amber?

Onew's bed fall on the ocean. His bed float on the ocean. "If I know, I won't come to camp." Onew said sadly. Gomamon eat something from Onew's bag.

Onew looks at Gomamon. He quickly take his bag. "You eat all the food?" Onew said. "Sorry." Gomamon said. "Why you?" Onew said. "We will survive. Just hope a good things will happen." Gomamon said. "You are right." Onew said.

Then, they saw a big crate.

Onew was happy. "It must be food!" Onew said. "I don't think so." Gomamon said. "You said to have hope!" Onew said. Then, Orgemon get out from the crate and try to hit them with his club. They keep avoid the hit.

Orgemon was angry and hit the bed. "Take this!" Orgemon said. The bed break into two. "I'm scared!" Onew said. Orgemon push Onew into the ocean.

"Gomamon evolve.....Ikkakumon."

Orgemon shock. "Harpoon Vulcan!" Ikkakumon said. Orgemon fall into the crate. He takes Onew away from that place. "You are lucky I can't swim!" Orgemon said. "I'm tired!" Ikkakumon said and become Gomamon.

At an island.....

Amber was fishing. "What are you doing?" Piyomon asked. "I'm fishing the fish." Amber said. "That a good idea!" Piyomon said. "But the bait is just a twig. I hope a stupid fish will think it as a worm." Amber said. 

Then, something pull the fishing rod. "I got a fish!" Amber said. She pulls it but it is too heavy. "I will help you!" Piyomon said. They pull it and saw Onew. "Oppa?" Amber said.

Gomamon tell them what happen to Onew.

A few minutes ago.....

Ikkakumon takes Onew. He was to tired and become Gomamon back. Onew was sink into the ocean. he pull Onew and saw a rope. He tie Onew with it.

End of flashback.....

Gomamon end his story. "You must make him a leader." Gomamon said. "He already a leader." Amber said. "A leader of a singer group is not the with the leader of an adventure group." Gomamon said. "Why?" Amber asked. "I want he become a brave and responsible person. He looks like a coward when come to this world." Gomamon said. "I think it is okay." Amber said.

Onew wake up. "Onew!" Gomamon said. "Our leader is awake." Amber said. "Leader?" Onew said confuse. "You are our leader." Amber said. Then, they heard a bell from a church. "It is welcoming me as a leader?" Onew asked. "No." Amber said.

They go near the church. "I will go look." Piyomon said. "Wait! Let our leader go first." Amber said. "What?!" Onew said. "Do you need help?" Amber asked. "No!" Onew said and looks at the back of the church. He saw human dancing. He call the others. "You need help?" someone come from their back.

They looks their back and surprised. They saw a man with a mask. That man take them enter the church. "What are you doing?" Onew asked. "This is the day we give offering to Lord Bakemon." that man said. "But, the Bakemon I know is a ghost digimon who lives in cemetery." Gomamon said.

That man angry. "How dare you say that?" that man said. "We are sorry!" Amber said. "Where the offering?" Onew asked. "It is here." that man said. "Where?" Onew asked. "You!" that man said and become a Bakemon. The other in the church become Bakemon too.

Digimon Analyzer:

Bakemon. Adult Level. A ghost digimon that wears white sheet. No one knows his real face.

They run to the outside and found many Bakemon. The Bakemons attack them. Piyomon and Gomamon are put in the jail while Amber and Onew are tied on the table at the church as offering to Lord Bakemon.

They put salt and pepper on them. "They want to eat us!" Amber said. "No! Don't eat me, I'm not delicious." Onew said. "You said mine delicious?" Amber asked.

At the jail.....

The guard was sleeping. "We must trick him to get out." Gomamon said. "How?" Piyomon said. "Hey you!" Gomamon said while throw stones at the Bakemon who guard them. "What you want?" Bakemon asked. "Torture us!" Gomamon said. "We love being tortured." Piyomon said. "How?" Bakemon asked. "We are hungry so eat in front of us." Gomamon said. "You two are weird." Bakemon said and get out.

The Bakemon come with a fruit. "Look at me. HAHAHA!" that Bakemon said. "We can't see, come closer." Gomamon said. The Bakemon go closer. "We still can't see." Gomamon said. The Bakemon go nearer at hitted by them. They take the food.

At the church.....

Amber and Onew are scared. The Bakemon chanting Lord Bakemon name. "We will die." Onew said. He and Amber scared. The Bakemons become a big Bakemon.

"Gomamon evolve.....Ikkakumon"

"Piyomon evolve.....Birdramon."

Ikkakumon and Birdramon saves their partner. "Meteor Wings!" Birdramon said. "Harpoon Vulcan!" Ikkakumon said. Bakemon absorb their power. "Hell's Hand" Lord Bakemon said while punch both of them.

Onew got an idea. "To defeat a ghost, we must focus while chanting a word." Onew said. "Huh?" Amber asked. "Lose! lose! lose! lose!" Onew said. Lord Bakemon was weakening. "Now!" Onew said. "Meteor Wings!" Birdramon said. "Harpoon Vulcan!" Ikkakumon said. Lord Bakemon explode.

They saw Black Gear inside the cemetery. Ikkakumon and Onew leaves the island on the ocean while Amber and Birdramon fly. What happen to Sehun and Patamon?


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i just found this and i saw my username exo1997. I will enjoy it. hope to see more updates.
I LOVE DIGIMON!! funny thing too im watching digimon (original) right now XD and i was also planning on making my own fan fic with digimon and exo. lucky i found this then ^~^
nadhirahsalihin #3
Chapter 1: Can you put sunny please!!!!!!!!! XD
Chapter 5: Ummmm you know that the Digi Baby Boom episode is where TK and Patamon spend time and they act like a baby. Are you trying to make Sehun be like that?
Chapter 3: Tsunomon sooo adorable!! Lol
umm i have to ask something like why does it says "I hope you enjoy this MyStarryNight." what i do to make this stroyy happen?
Chapter 2: Awwww koromon is so cute! Lol
Chapter 1: Like this! And youre using the japaneese name of digimon! Omg. Farid you should be waiting for Running Mon/ Digi Man 01! Update! I was thinking of making Gary being a man!
To readers who want to read my story heres the link!
So youre using the japaneese episode name? Im using the english name.