Finally we met

Can you see me?



The school was empty. Everyone had head back to their homes. Only the football and cheerleader team at the field, practicing. But, this one girl.. she stayed back because she wanted to study.

“You have to help me.. please..”Yeob pleaded to the girl infront of him. She had a black hair and she wore spectacles.

She glanced to him. “why?”

“I have already asked everyone is this school who is good in their studies. But none of them said yes. Please.. If not, my dad will ban me from football for good,”he said. Still, his words won’t convince her. Not yet.

“Don’t you think your dad make a good choice? You have to concentrate on your studies now,”She said. She was about to walk away, somehow, Yeob just won’t give up.

“You’re my last hope,”he paused. Liya turned to face him. He bowed. “Please..I’ll do anything as you say. I won’t skip any class.. just please tutor me,”He said. Still bowing.

Liya knew how that guy was feeling. He loved his football like how she loves to study. When Liya didn’t answer anything, Yeob stood straight and let out his hand. Liya hesitate for a while. ‘You better not regretting this,’she said to herself and placed her hand on his. He grip it and in a second, he pulled her into his arms.

“Thank you.. you save me..”he said happily.

“ermm.. can’t breath here…”she muttered as his hugs were to tight. He let go of her. There’s a sudden awkwardness between them. 
“I’m Yeob..”



I was on my way to The Star Golden Bell Challenge. Sheeesh.. I was hoping I could say I’ll-go-to-idol-army-thingy.. That would sound nicer, don’t you think?

I arrived at the set. Somehow, I don’t see any of the singers or anyone there. It was like..


Suddenly, my phone rang.

“Yah! This is your manager speaking..”
“About time.. why didn’t I see anyone here?”
“About that…. I’m sorry.. I mix up the schedule. The Golden bell was supposed to be on 24 Marc.. not Feb..”

You are so dead.

“Omg! How could you.. now I’m all alone..”
“That is why I called you. You have 20 minutes to come here..”
“Here where?”
“At the Idol Army set..hurry!”

Did I heard right? Did he just say…. IDOL ARMY??

“20 minutes? I don’t know if I can make it…”
“You better move now.. I’ll stall some time here.. k, bye..”

He hung up. I bit my lips. 20 minutes. How am I supposed to go there in 20 minutes with this big van. It won’t move fast enough. I had to make plans. I wished I had a car.


Weird.. I heard voices calling my name…..

“YAH!!! OVER HERE!!!!”

There it is again… I looked around and saw Doojoon and Yoseob waving at me from their car. I rubbed my eyes.. Yoseob? For real? My mouth smiled as long as it can.

“Yah! Come on.. we heard it from you manager. Hop in.. we don’t have much time,”Doojoon said.

“Yeah.. come on..”Yoseob said. I can’t take my eyes of him. But still, I have to pretend not to be madly his fan. I just act cool.

Hypocrite you say? I know.. I know..

Without wasting any time, I hope in the car.

“Hold on tight…”Doojoon said and the car speed up.

p/s: i just love this part... jk4.. thank you for reading...
and thanks 2 everyone....^____________^
please keep supporting my story..

XMiracle Starz Pink_Spotlight K-ninja gjshinee


XMiracle Starz: Thanks for reading and the commenting. Hehe. he can finally meet him now.. =) *dancing happily*

B2UTY_Dezza: I've updated. =) thanks for reading. hehe

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this is so cute! :3 <br />
i cried a bunch of times! <br />
this is great!
xMiracleStarz #2
Hehe, welcome! :D Yay, they met! xDD Excited to know what will happen during the idol army, update soon! :DDDDDDD
xMiracleStarz #3
Awww, Lyn didn't get to meet Seobbiee. <br />
Update soon!((:
Update soon!!~!~!~