The game begins now

Can you see me?

“What are you doing here? How did you find me?” Lyn asked with a harsh tone.

“My my.. don’t get all excited already. You might want to keep it down. You’re a singer remember?” Minju said with a mocking smile. “It’s not that difficult to find you. Your face is all over the tv.. How could I miss you?” Minju grinned.

“You should just stay watching me in the tv than real life. That would make my life easier. Don’t ever come here again,” Lyn warned her. She was about to walk away when Minju grabbed her arm.

“What are you afraid of? Its just me..” Minju mummered softly yet crooky to her ears.

Lyn turned to Minju slowly. “Because it’s you that’s why. Whenever I see you, I sense danger. That’s why I don’t want to see you anywhere in front of my eyes..” Lyn said sternly. “I like you to disappear in thin air,” she shot her a glare.

“I wish the same thing. Why do you think I showed up? I don’t want to see you either. Do you think that you’ve become a singer you could be all boastful and arrogant? Think again missy,” Minju said while crossing her arms.

“Then both of us don’t have any reason to continue this conversation anymore, don’t you think? I’m busy,” Lyn said. “Don’t you dare show your face to me again..” she said sternly and make her way to the elevator.

“You are really making a big mistake here, Liya..” Minju smirked.

Lyn was in the elevator. Her heart was beating faster than ever. She never expected Minju to show herself like that. She thought what she saw the other day was just her illusion. But somehow, Minju is back and there’s more to come. Lyn bit her lips. ‘Why would she come? Is it because of Yeob?’ That struck her. She forgot all about Yeob. Minju might have seen him, that’s why she came to her. Lyn pressed the elevator button to level 3, which is where she was now. She got out from the elevator and ran down by using the stairs.

Lyn ran as fast as she could to the lobby. Minju was gone. It was not too late to chase her outside. So, Lyn went outside of the building. However, she didn’t think about the fans that came swarming to her. It was too difficult to track Minju now. Lyn stretched her neck. Trying to find the figure. She looks to her right, then to her left. She tried to pass through all the fans, but there was nowhere she could escape. Some of the fans are guys. They are too strong even though she tried pushing them to get through.

It was too late now. No more Minju. No answers about Yeob. Lyn wanted to scream her heart out. She looked around her without saying anything. She only thinks about finding Minju. The others around her seem mute. She can’t hear a word they were saying. She came back to reality when something bangs her head hard. Her head went dizzy and her world became pitch black.

Lyn’s eye went wide. Then, she felt the pain winched on her head. She closed her eyes for a moment. She slowly opens her eyes. She blinked. ‘Where am i? Am I still alive?’ she asked herself. She sat up. She got a clearer version of the room now that her eyes weren’t blurry. She was in the hospital. ‘What happen to me?’she asked herself. Then she remembered Minju, the fans around her then she was hit on the head.

“oh? You’re awake?”Michi asked and placed the jug beside the bed.

“Where am i?”Lyn asked with a husky voice. How long has she been sleeping. She felt very thirsty. She took the glass full of water that Michi lend to her and drank the whole glass in one-shot.

“You fainted. This tall big dude accidentally bummed his head to you. His head must be soo strong that he put you here,”michi explained.

Lyn blinked. “Are you sure I fainted because of a big guys head?”she asked. That was a weird way to faint. Michi nodded. Lyn stared at her face for a moment. Then she shrugged. “oh whatever. Now I’m back.. I guess I have to start practice,”she said with a smile.

“Yeah.. you were sleeping for the whole 2 days. You must be soo waking up now. But you’ll be out of the hospital by tomorrow. Don’t worry..”Michi said. “well, I’m gonna go and grab something to eat. Seonhyu and Hyeri will be coming. Just wait for them and don’t go anywhere..” Michi smiled.

“Okay..”Lyn smiled back.

Michi closed the door behind her and start to dial Hyeri’s number. “unnie?”
“Oh Michi.. is she awake now?”
“Yeah.. she’s fine now..”
“You didn’t tell her what exactly happen right?”
“Yeah.. I said that some big guy hit her head..”
“Good. If she knew she got attacked by her anti-fans, she would be very upset.. Those anti fans are the worst! How could they hit her with a wood? That’s crazy!”
“I know. Luckily she was caught.”

“Who got caught?”Lyn asked. Michi gasped. She quickly hung up.

“Lyn.. What are you doing out here? Get back into your room..”Michi ordered.

“Who were talking too? Are you hiding something from me?”Lyn asked. Michi looked down to her feet. Trying to find an answer. “Michi.. You should tell me the truth.. I know it’s not even reasonable that I fainted because a big head guy bummed into me. My head bleeds..”Lyn said while pointing the back of her head.

Michi bit her lips. She didn’t want Lyn to feel bad. They just started to be a band. It seems too early for them to get hated. “Actually.. urmm.”Michi paused. “You’ve been hit..”

“By whom?”

“Anti fan..”

‘omo~its not Minju right?’ Lyn thought.“Name?”

“Sher.. something.. I forgot. She’s at the police station,”Michi said.

Lyn sighed of relief. Luckily it wasn’t Minju or else things would get worst. “Just let the girl go.. it’s not her fault she hate me. Tell manager Shim that I said its okay. You don’t have to press charges on that girl,” Lyn said.

“It’s been all over internet already.. It happened in public. People won’t shut their mouth easily, you know,”Michi sighed. “I’m so sorry about what happen..”she said while patting Lyn’s shoulder. Lyn smiled.

“No worries.. I’m fine..”Lyn said. “I’m going in now.. have a nice meal and trip..”she waved to Michi and went to her room. Lyn sighed. Her smile faded. She could have been lucky that she’s still alive even after being hit. She wondered why that girl hates her. I guess Minju was not the only one who wants to kill her. She sat on her bed and stared out through the window. Then she stood up and walked to the wondow.The sky was blue. She looked down and she could see the whole Seoul from there. She smiled. Being an artist, she had all the Seoul people in her palms. All of the people love Dejavu when they first debut. How could she have haters now? “Maybe I’m not good enough..”she said when suddenly she felt someone was hugging her from the back. She turned and saw Yoseob’s face.

“Heard that you woke up..”he said. Lyn turned her attention back to the scenery.


Yoseob rest his chin on her head carefully not wanting to poke her injured head. “Don’t worry about what happen..”he said. Trying to comfort her.

Lyn turned to face him. “Is it possible that I get hated?”She asked Yoseob. Yoseob frowned.

“Well, different people have different perspective.. Some people adore Beast.. some don’t..”Yoseob explained. Lyn nodded and look away. “Don’t get so many things inside your head. This time it will explode,”Yoseob teased and Lyn laughed.

Doojoon opened the door. “Lyn..!”He said and rushed to her.

“Oh.. oppa..”she smiled.

“Are you okay? Let me see your head..”Doojoon said and turned her head to him. He could see there’s still a bandage on it at the right side of her head. “Omg.. I’m soo worried. It’s been a long time since you get bullied. My heart was going to explode when I heard you were in the hospital..”he said.

Yoseob snorted. “If your heart was going to explode, mine already did..” he joked back and Lyn laughed.

“He’s going to argue with you.. My horse is bigger than your horse-fight..”Lyn laughed again. Lyn make her way to the bed. She saw a big fruit hamper in front of her. “YUmmm…”she said.

“Yoseob ah~ I think she’s back to herself.. We won’t have to worry about her anymore..”Doojoon and Yoseob nodded.

“Want some?”She asked while pointing to the red apple.

“No thanks. We have to go now. Just came to stop by. We’re really sorry. We have busy schedule today..”Doojoon said. Lyn pouted.

“Nee.. araso..”

“Yah! Your making me feel guilty..”Yoseob said.

“No.. I’m really okay..”she grinned to them. “You can go.. no biggie..”

Doojoon ruffled her hair. “Forgive me.. Stay healthy.. bye..”

Yoseob barged between them and kissed her on the forehead. “Take care..”he winked. Lyn went blushing.

Doojoon pulled Yoseob away. “Yah yah.. she’ll be dragged to the emergency room if you continue to do that to her. Her face is getting red..”Doojoon chuckled.

Lyn snapped out of it. “I am not.. now go… you’ll be late for the next schedule..”she said.

Doojoon and Yoseob said goodbyes and went out the room. While they were walking to the parking, Doojoon had something in his mind. ‘Was the girl named Minju had anything to do with this?’he shrugged. Even if she did, he would have ripped her into pieces for doing that to Lyn.

Back at the police station, the suspected girl was sent out from the jail. “They won’t press charges you. You should be thankful,”the police man said to her. She snorted. “Whatever..”she went out from the police station. It seems that the reporters are not even there. She got confuse. The reporters were supposed to swarm to her about what just happen. She shrugged. Maybe the company gave the wrong information or something. She started to dial a number.

“Hello..?”A lady’s voice was heard at the end of the line.
“Yah Minju! You better pay me double. I got into the jail because of you..”
Minju laughed. “Yes.. You did a really good job..”
“I’ll be famous soon. But as we expected, the company might have say something to the media. They’re not even here..”
“Our plans are going just fine. Did you hit her head hard enough..”
“Yeah.. But she’s not going to die easily..”and both of them laughed.
“You better hide yourself..”
“I know. Don’t worry about me. I’m pro at this part.”she said and hung up.

Minju smirked. Then she laughed her evil laugh. “That is for talking back to me,”she said while staring at Lyn’s picture. “Jackpot!”

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this is so cute! :3 <br />
i cried a bunch of times! <br />
this is great!
xMiracleStarz #2
Hehe, welcome! :D Yay, they met! xDD Excited to know what will happen during the idol army, update soon! :DDDDDDD
xMiracleStarz #3
Awww, Lyn didn't get to meet Seobbiee. <br />
Update soon!((:
Update soon!!~!~!~