The Past

Can you see me?



Today was the result day, there was too much drama going on in the hallways, some of them are crying, some of them are screaming out of joy. Liya was walking down the hallway, she was searching for the person she wanted to see the most, Yeob. But somehow, every corner she checks, she didn’t see him. ‘I wonder what happen to him,’ she said to herself.

Liya opened her locker and saw a note scribbled by someone she knew. 

-wait for me here when everyone went home and the school is finally empty, love,Yeob-

Liya did smile when she read the ‘love’part. But somehow, this is not a good idea. How could he ask her to wait until the school is empty? From the way it looks now, it won’t be empty like right away. Liya sighed. ‘what is he thinking. It could take hours..’she muttered herself and went to the cafeteria. She bought some snacks with her so that she could fill in her hungry stomach while waiting for Yeob to show himself. Liya leaned against her locker and sat. Maybe everyone looked at her as if she was a freak. But she won’t care much. The thing she cared of was meeting Yeob.

She flipped opened the last page she had read from her novel she bought recently. It’s a nice story. It was about a modern Cinderella. The evil twin sisters reminded her about Minju. That bad Minju. She felt gross when that name being said. Why not? Minju is one big problem she had to go through. It was tiring. Apart from all the trouble, she got yeob to walk her home and school. Which was a good thing.

Time flew so fast that Liya didn’t realize everyone was gone. The whole hall was quite and it’s getting scary sitting there on her own. She closed her book and put it in her bag pack. She held out her phone. She dialed Yeob’s number. But the only thing she heard was the operator telling her ‘try again later..’She cursed under her breath. If Yeob won’t be coming, he should have told her earlier. She was about to walk when a little girl came rushing to her.

“Unnie.. “she huffed. “I’m so sorry that I’m late,”she said. Liya frowned. ‘whats with this little girl? I don’t think I know her,’she said to herself while examining the little girl’s face. “Oh! Before that, here..”the little girl gave Liya a red rose which Liya thought was very sweet of her. And strange.

“Little girl, I don’t think I know you. Are you sure you got the right person?”Liya said while scratching her head.

“Pfft.. what are you saying? Oppa told me to give you this rose and take you to where he is now. He says it’s a secret. That’s why he left you here all alone,”the little girl said with such excitement.

“Oppa? Yeob oppa?”Liya said slowly.

“Shuu.. he said that I can’t mention his name!”she said and pulled Liya’s hand. Liya smiled. “Lets go unnie..” the little girl said and both of them walked to a place not far from the school. As soon as they arrived, the litle girl spoke, "unnie, you have to wait here. i have to go back now. My job here is done." She chirpped happily and climbed up to a big tree where there is a treehouse. The place was lovely. There's even a little lake near the tree. And beds of blooming flowers. Then she spotted roses. Now she knew where the rose came from.

Liya’s attention was focused on the beautiful scenery she saw in front of her eyes now. It was almost sunset. The orange colour gleamed the sky above her. Everything seemed unreal like, is there such place like this behind the school? Suddenly, she heard someone whistled. It was coming from the big tree. Liya was curious as anyone would be. She looked up at the treehouse and walked slowly to the big tree. Next thing she heard is a giggle. She guessed that must be from the little girl. “helloo!” Yeob poked his head out of the treehouse, greeted her with his lovely smile that shows his dimple. “Yeob!”Liya was happy to see him. She waited long enough.

Yeob came down from the treehouse and stood beside her. Now, they were facing the sunset. “What took you so long to come?”he asked. Still having the smile on his face.

“What took ‘you’ so long to appear?”she back. “Aaahh… this is really beautiful..”she said. “Oh, bytheway, who is that little girl?”she asked.

“She was my little friend.” and pat the little girl's head that came to his left. “I always came here to play with her. This was my secret hideout. I would come here to release all of my worries,”Yeob explained. “I know I don’t look like the kind of guy that had much problem. But it is really calm here. So, I wanted you to enjoy it just like I did,”he said. Now, he was staring at her. But, she didn’t realize it. Just yet.

Liya chuckled. “Well, it was a splendid decision, “she paused. “erm.. how’s your result?”she turned to Yeob. She realizes he was looking at her all the way, she avoided having an eye contact. Luckily the sky was orange, or else Yeob could see her blushing face.

Yeob shrugged. “well, with what I got. My dad won’t ban my football,”he smiled. “And it all thanks to you..”he said softly.

Liya could feel her heart beating faster than ever. This is the first time it happened to her. Out of all people, it was Yeob all along that she wanted and love. “Yeah.. you have to buy me dinner then,”she faked a laugh. Trying to cover her nervousness.

“Oh I’ll do more than just a dinner,”he paused. Before he could continue, Liya pointed at the sky. She could see the sun setting.

“Omg.. that is really pretty,”she said with amusement.

Yeob turned to where she was looking. “Yuph.. just like you..”he muttered slowly.


“Nothing..”he said, looking down. He cleared his throat. This time, he is going to say it. Its now or never! “Liya..”he paused. Liya looked at him. “I know this may sound ridiculous to you, but…. I do have something that I would like to tell you,”he said.

“yeah sure.. go on.. I’m listening..”

“Well, I’m not going to tell you now, its going to ruin this friendship moment were having. I’ll tell you when-“Liya broke in his words.

“Why wait?”


“What if-“Liya paused. ‘what if I flew to Korea without hearing those words from you?’she said to herself. “What if..” she still can’t say those words.

“What if what? Are you afraid that I’ll change my mind?”he laughed. ‘oh man, what are you saying! It doesn’t make any sense at all,’he scolded himself. “I’ll tell you at graduation party. So, whatever happens, you have to be there,”he said. “You know what I’m going to say don’t you?”he gulped. Of course she would. It was written all over his face. Not to forget, hers.

Liya smiled. “But it’s still is different from hearing it in your own thoughts than hearing it from the person’s mouth,”she spoke.

Hearing that makes Yeob more relief. He thought it would end. Thinking of that, does she likes him too? He thought of that for a while. Maybe she does?

The next day, Liya was in her room, packing her stuff on the table, the magazine she bought, books and all the stuff. Liya sank in her seat when she touched the calendar. There was a mark there. Shows Graduation party and Korea. Will she ever hear what Yeob will tell her? She sighed and put the calendar inside the box. Suddenly, her phone rang.

“Hello.. is this Liya?”
“yeah..who’s this?”
“hey! This is Mark? You remember me?”
“M.. mark? Which Mark?”
“Aisshh.. Mark since kindergarten? Remember? We used to fight a lot?”
“Oh! Mark! Where have you been? You lost contact when you moved two years ago!”
“Heee.. well, I’m here now. Just for a while, business. Are you free tomorrow?”
“yeah sure..”
“great.. I’ll see you at dinner?”
“okay..see you,” Liya hung up the phone. She had a smile on her face. Mark was one of her bestfriend. She cherished him a lot. He moved two years ago and now he came back? Why not she goes and sees him? They were long lost friend. 
On the other hand, Yeob was walking home after his football practice when someone called. He looked at the screen. It was Minju.

“What do you want?”
“I just.. can we meet tomorrow? At dinner? I have something tom tell you..”
Yeob paused for a moment. Dinner with Minju? For what she had done to Liya? Not a chance. But then, this may be the time he would settle he problem. He should cleared things up so that Liya won’t get hurt anymore. “Where?”
“Happy Café..” 
“Don’t be late, I hate waiting,” and he hung up.

It was 7 o’clock. Liya was waiting at the bus stop near her house. Mark said he’ll pick her up there. While waiting for Mark, she admired the environment around her. Everything is very calm. Then she remembered the tree house. She smiled to herself remembering those. She was in her own world when suddenly a car honk bought her back to reality.

“Hye,” Mark said and opened the passenger seat for Liya.

“Why, thank you,” Liya shoved in. As both of them were in the car, Liya just too anxious to know, “Where are we going?” she asked.

“Somewhere happy.. Happy café,” Mark muttered.

“Oh? I love their pancakes!” Liya chirped happily. “You should try some of them,” she said and Mark smiled. The thing that Liya didn’t know that trouble was on her way. She didn’t know who will be there. As they arrived, Mark took the inside seat. Liya wanted to seat outside, she loves to see starts from there but Mark said he was hot and wanted to go in. So, Liya had to agree with him since he’ll be the one to pay dinner.

“May I take your order, sir?” the waiter asked as she passed the menu to mark and Liya. Liya was browsing the menu very carefully, she thought that she should pick something not too expensive, she didn’t want to trouble Mark. After they had order their foods, Mark start to open the topic.

“So, how have you been? How’s study?” he asked.

“Oh, I’m doing fine with it, I’m going to graduate in two days..” Liya answered. “Mark, what do you do now? I mean, are you working or are you still studying?” Liya asked. Who knows what this guy is capable of. Although they are in the same age, but Mark was the one who’s not into study.

“Well, I’m working with my dad now. Part time job while studying. You know how I dislike studying don’t you,” he said while tapping the table.

“Of course..” Liya laughed.

After an hour, Minju cursed under her breath. If Yeob didn’t show himself now, her plan will ruin. “Oh Yeob !here!” Minju called his name. Minju was sitting outside of the café. Since, she knows someone was inside there. Yeob walked with both of his hands in his pocket. He didn’t want to deal with Minju. It makes him really mad thinking about what she had done.

Yeob sat down. “I have something to do after this, so make it quick,.” He said.

“why don’t we order something, I heard the smoothies here are really nice,” Minju said while flipping the menu.

Yeob snorted. He glared at Minju. “What are you planning? You know I won’t stand another minute with you, don’t you?” Yeob said sternly and turned his attention to the people walking on the street.

Minju closed the menu and place it gently on the table. “Why? Did you like that girl so much? You don’t, don’t you?” she asked with a clam tone.

“What if I do, does it have anything to do with you?” Yeob said.

“Yes it does! Look Yeob! I still love you for all this years. You know that don’t you. I never cheated on you last time, it was a big mistake,” Minju said. Her eyes were getting teary.

Yeob sighed and stared at Minju. Before he could open his mouth, he saw someone he actually knew was walking out from the café, side by side with someone. They seem happy. Without Yeob realizing, Minju smirked. But then, she pretends she didn’t know anything. She looked at where Yeob is looking.

“eh? Isn’t that Liya? Who’s that guy?” Minju mumbled loud enough for Yeob to hear. Yeob quickly stood on his feet and followed the couples. He quietly followed the couple. His heart sank seeing Liya laughed happily with some other guy. Minju just kept following her from the back. Until one sudden, Yeob saw Liya was hugged by the tall guy. His eyes went wide.

{Liya’s P.O.V}

Both of us are walking by the street together, its fun to talk to Mark. There are lots of stories that I miss about him. About him travelling and get caught by his dad. His life was full of excitement. I like that. But something that I didn’t thought happen. Happen to me.

“Ermm.. Liya.. I think I have one last secret to tell you..” Mark stopped his step and looked straight to my face.

I frowned. “What is it?” I asked. Still didn’t catch up on what he was about to say. Suddenly, he leaps his arms and hugged me.

“I love you.. I really do.. please stay by my side,” he said to my ear.

I was too stunned to say anything. I froze.

{End of P.O.V}

{Yeob’s P.O.V}

I was walking right behind them. Both of them didn’t realize I was there. Who is he? Why is he so close to Liya? I had to find more answer.

“Yeob, come one, lets go home. It’s a waste of time,” Minju called. But I ignored everything she said. I have to know what is going on between this two. Then I heard something.

“Ermm.. Liya.. I think I have one last secret to tell you..”
What secret is he talking about? As I was searching for the answer, I didn’t realize how fast he was that Liya was now in his arms. My heart ache. I bulked up a fist. He can’t hug a girl like that. Especially MY girl! I was about to walk and punched him, but my step stopped when I heard him saying the words that I was suppose to say to her.

““I love you.. I really do.. please stay by my side,”

This is not what I want. This is not the ending that I hope for me and her. My world suddenly became blur. I had to clear my mind. Before I heard anything came out from their mouth, I was already walking the opposite direction. I could feel the heat on my face. I could feel my heart is beating fast. Is this it?

“see? I told you that she’s not a kind girl,” Minju shouted.

I turned to her. “Don’t you have any thing to do besides being a busy body?” I said to her. I shot her one last glare.

“Don’t you think she’s just playing with your feelings?” she said which caught my attention. Liya? Played with my feelings? No way.. she won’t. “Your denying it Yeob. Why would she hug that guy in front of all people at the street? Don’t you think its overreacting?” she said again. I scratched my head hard.

“Look~! The only thing you have to do now is shut up! I don’t want to hear any word coming out from your mouth!” I said while pointing straight to her face.

Minju shrugged. “You disappoint me Yeob. I thought she was good for you. But, it turned out like I imagine it would be. She’s just a girl who wants attention from a popular guy like you. That’s why she agreed to tutor you,” she said.

“Shut up!”

“suit yourself. Don’t regret it..” Minju said and she walked away.
I leaned against one of the store’s wall. This is frustrating. The more I don’t want to hear the words that came out from Minju’s mouth, the more the words hunt me.

{end of P.O.V}

Liya quickly pushed Mark from hugging her. She cleared . “I a.. I’m sorry.. I have somebody in mind. Can we just emm.. past this subject?” she said politely.

Mark sighed while looking at his feet and nodded. Liya smiled. She would like Mark and her stay friends. But she didn’t want that to happen with Yeob. She was hoping more with that guy. Why not? She loves Yeob anyway.

The next day, Liya woke up early. She had to face something today. She promised herself that she would tell Yeob everything about her moving to Korea. She had to tell him at least a little about it. If not, she doesn’t want to imagine what will happen. She gathered up her energy so that she could get it out from .

School was more freely now, since there will be A graduation ceremony tomorrow and the graduation ceremony is at night. Liya wondered if she would make it. Everyone was busy helping the teachers at the hall. Some of them are playing. Liya was confused. She was suppose to be excited,right? After she graduate, she will have to continue her study in Korea. On recess, she couldn’t find Yeob anywhere. She is getting worried every second.

Finally, she saw him in his class with Minju Trios. The school already ends that day. As Liya entered Yeob’s class, she could feel a different aura around her. Minju and her gang were surrounding Yeob and he seems to be fine with it.

“what are you doing here?” Minju asked.

“I want.. to talk to Yeob about something..” Liya said. He heart felt as if it was stab by a knife.

“Leave us alone. Go mind your own business,” Yeob said softly to Minju.

“You’re lucky Yeob is here,” Minju said and halted out of the room with her friends. But somehow, Yeob was acting weird. Usually he was all cheer up. But now, he seems so cold. Which makes Liya more terrified.

“I a.. want to say something..I mean.. I have something to tell you,” Liya said. But it seems like Yeob didn’t give her any response. “Are you okay Yeob? What happen?” she asked.

Yeob snorted. “What happen? Ask yourself what happen. I would like to know too..” he said and stood up.


“Don’t pretend you don’t know Liya,” Yeob said coldly. He was glaring at her.

“What’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong?” he scuffed. “Where were you last night?” he asked.

“Last night?” Liya started to sweat.

“Yeah, last night. The night where you went out with some guy,” Yeob said. His heart was about to explode when he tried to rewind the scene.


“You what? Sorry? You made a mistake? Save it! I don’t want to hear anything,” Yeob said and took his bag. He was about to walk out of the class room.

“Wait! Its not like what you think it is, Yeob..” Liya said.

Yeob grinned. “Not? I saw he hug you last night. I saw it with both of my eyes. Are you saying my eyes are seeing things?” he said.


“You disappoint me, Liya. And I thought you were different. I guess.. you are just the same as other girls that wants my fame,” Yeob said. Those harsh words broke Liya to tears. Before Yeob could take a step forward, Liya threw her pencil case that she had in her hand and it hit his shoulder.

“I don’t want your fame, you idiot!” Liya yelled and ran out from the room. How could Yeob did this to her. He never gives her a chance to actually explain what happen. He never believed her. She leaned against the locker and cried her heart out.

Yeob was still in the class. A tear drop. His heart hurts seeing the one he love cried in front of him. Especially because of him. He kicked the table in front of him and screamed. Slowly, he bent down and cried.


“And that is how I left him. My phone was off the other day. The only thing I got that evening before I went into the plane was a note saying that his sorry. My mom gave it to me because she spots it in the mailbox before we left to the airport. It was too late,” Lyn paused. “I always wonder what if I stayed that night. Will everything be okay?” she said and looked down to her feet. She bit the ice cream stick and looked at Doojoon.

Doojoon smiled weakly. Listening to her story makes his heart sank. He suddenly felt the pain that she feels. “It must be hard for you. That explain why you cry really hard the first time I saw you,” Doojoon said and Lyn smiled.

“yeah.. but I still owe you oppa.. without you, I won’t be this cheerful girl or even interested in being a singer,” Lyn said and Doojoon ruffled her hair.

“My cute lil girl, don’t worry. Your oppa is still strong to protect you,” Doojoon said and both of them laughed.

“yah! What are you two doing here late at night?” a voice beamed. Both Doojoon and Lyn looked up. Lyn gasped. “Hyung! You can’t be with her this late! She’s a girl!”

“Yo.. yoseob?” Lyn cupped with her hands.

“Yah lil boy! What brings you here?” Doojoon stood up.

Yoseob snorted. “I won’t hand her to you that easily, hyung.. I may look like a lil boy not to mention cute to you.. but I’m serious inside,” he said.

“rubbish,” Doojoon laughed.

Lyn looked at Doojoon then to Yoseob. Yoseob seem to have his bag with him which she knew from the way it looks like, that Yoseob will be staying at Doojoon’s. ‘Is this guy crazy or what?’she said to herself and smacked her forehead.


*wink wink*

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this is so cute! :3 <br />
i cried a bunch of times! <br />
this is great!
xMiracleStarz #2
Hehe, welcome! :D Yay, they met! xDD Excited to know what will happen during the idol army, update soon! :DDDDDDD
xMiracleStarz #3
Awww, Lyn didn't get to meet Seobbiee. <br />
Update soon!((:
Update soon!!~!~!~