Luhan ☃

❄EXO Christmas One-Shots❄
"Hey let's go get mint ice cream!" Luhan said cheerfully.
"Right now? Luhan, it's at 10:30 at night, I don't think any ice cream shops are open." You reply.
"Please?" Luhan pouted cutely.
"But it's freezing outside and you want to get ice cream?" You asked him as he nodded cutely smiling. 
"Yes ma'am." He chuckled nodding.
"Fine, but just this once, if I get a cold, you're dead meat." You threatened him while chuckling.
"Okay, I accept my punishment." He smiled as the both of us put on our jackets and walked out of my apartment. This year we planned to spend Christmas Eve at my house since we celebrated it at his house last year. It's like our tradition, celebrating Christmas Eve at each other's house. "Hey, we're taking my car this time." He smiled as he unlocked his car.
The both of us sat inside the car quietly until Luhan broke the silence.
"So, what flavore ice cream you gonna get?' Luhan asked as he kept his eyes on the road.
"I don't know, probably __(insert ice cream flavor)__." You replied.
"That's a good flavor too." He smiled. "I'm getting the usual."
"Of course, mint ice cream." You smiled.
"Oh, _______. You know me so well."
"Of course, I knew you since we were in middle school." You chuckled.
"Yeah, but you gotta admit, I was pretty popular in highschool." He said proudly.
"I know, and I remember girls would send you love letters." You sighed, because you too sent him a anonymous love letter. You have to admit, you adored your best friend.
"Hey ______." You friend said.
"Hey Nari." You smiled.
"Come with me to drop a letter in Luhan's locker." She said.
"Why? You know he's my best friend."
"______, I know you like him too. Now stop being a chicken and come with me."
"C'mon, you can bring your letter too." She said.
"W-what letter." You stuttered while your face turned red.
"You know, that letter you wrote when we hungout at your house."
"I don't know what you're talking about." You said looking away.
"You know, when I was writing a letter for him you wrote one for him too."
"Y-yeah, I guess you're right. But I'm making it anonymous though." You say as the both of you grab your letters and walk towards his locker.
"Hey _____, are you okay?" Luhan said as you waved his hand over your face.
"Y-yeah, I'm okay." You smiled. "Thanks."
"You okay? You we're thinking for a while."
"Yeah, I was just thinking about something that happened in highschool." You blushed.
"Oh, really? What was it about?" He asked.
"It's nothing important really." You smiled awkwardly.
"If you say so." He said as he continued to drive.
"We're here!" Luhan smiled as I looked out the window.
"Are you sure about this? It's snowing right now." You shivered not wanting to get out if the car.
"Yes." He grinned as he opened his door and walked towards your door and opened it as you felt the wind blow against your skin that made you shover even more. "You must be freezing." He said worried. He stood there as he took off his jacket. "Here, wear my jacket." He smiled.
"No, it's okay. I don't want you to be cold." You replied.
"Let me." He smiled. "I have another one."
"If you say so." You mumbled. "Thanks you Deer." You smiled.
"Welcome Bunny." He smiled as the both of you walked into the ice cream place.
The both of you walked towards the front of the store.
"Hi, Merry Christmas, what would you two want?" The lady smiled.
"I would like to get mint, and she would like to get, _insert ice cream_." Luhan replied.
"Okay, just give me a moment." The lady said as he walked away.
"I'll pay." Luhan smiled.
"Thank you Lulu." You smiled as you patted the top of his head which caused you to go on your toes.
"Welcome Bunny." He smiled as he bent his knee to poke my cheek.
"Hey! I'm not that short." You complained.
"Of course you're not, you're fun size." He chuckled as he turned back to look at the lady getting the ice cream.
"Here you go sir." She smiled as Luhan paid. We walked towards a table where we sat and started eating our ice cream. 
"I haven't eaten ice cream with you in a while." He pouted.
"We ate ice cream here last week." You chuckled.
"But that week felt like a year." He mumbled.
"Aww, did my Deer miss me?" You teased as you moved your face a few inches towards his face. He nodded and moved his face closer to yours. Both of your faces were so close that your noses were touching. None of your moved, you just looked into his eyes. Next thing you know your lips were attached to his.
"Ehe, can you keep a secret?" Luhan said as he pulled away. "I like you, you know." He said. "Merry Christmas." He whispered while a small smile. You looked at the time, and it was indeed Christmas Eve.
"I like you too." You replied, that was the only thing that could come out of your lips. You never knew he would like you back after years of liking him, it was just. Wow, you couldn't describe how you were feeling. It was a Christmas miracle. 
"Will you be mine for Christmas?"
"Of course."
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Chapter 13: It is toooooo sweet for me to handle. Haha. Thanks!
Chapter 13: Tones of jewerly, indeed xD
Chapter 5: Love the one with Kai <3
Chapter 3: This was soooooo cute~ :3
Chapter 13: Omooo I love all of this!!♥♥ author-nim you're daebakk!!!^^
Author-nim! ^____^ I just found this today. /pouts/ Author-nim please can I have Chen please please, thank youu! Merry Christmas! <33333
x3lynnie #7
Chapter 6: Love this kris one hehe~
Chapter 2: Xiumin!!! I loved this one shot, thanks author!!!
PikaPanda7 #9
Chapter 1: aaw yay thank you so much!! it's really perfect! like a real miracle in december not like the sad sad vid we got yesterday ;)
thanks again! <3
Chapter 1: Sweet story!!!!