Chanyeol ☃

❄EXO Christmas One-Shots❄
¸.·´¸.·¨) ¸.·¨) 
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ (¸.·¨¯`♥
You sit there in bed with a fever while your best friend Chanyeol watchedyou.
"Can you stop starring?" You asked annoyed as you hid under the blankets.
"No, I have to make sure you're breathing." He replied.
"I'm breathing right now Chanyeol." You chuckled. "I won't die right now." 
"You better be awake when it's Christmas Eve." He answered.
"I will, I won't ever miss that event." You smiled as you poked your head out under the covers.
"Of course you won't." He grinned as he ringed out the water from the towel you used for your forehead. 
"Ah, it's too cold." You shivered as Chanyeol placed the towel on your forehead.
"Just it up." He replied teasingly.
"You're so mean." You pouted.
"No I'm not. I'm the nicest person in the world." He smiled proudly.
"In your dreams." You mumbled.
"Hey! What did you say?" He pouted.
"Nothing." You replied.
"If you're going to be mean like that Santa won't get your any presents." He said.
"Chanyeol, you know that there is no Santa." You answered.
"There's nothing wrong iu just believing right?"
"I guess you have a point. But you've known he doesn't exist since when we were 12 years old."
"Yeah, so?" 
"Well you're 21 already and you still believe in him?" 
"If you're going to act like that there's going to be no presents for you." He answered as he crossed his arms and pouted.
"Fine, I give up. Believe what your believe." 
"Okay." He smiled. "Do you want anything to eat?"
"Can you make chicken soup? Like how you usually do, the one that makes me feel better." You grinned.
"As long as it makes you feel better, ________." He smiled happily and skipped out my room.
Ever since Chanyeol and I have been apartment mates, or room mates I don't know which one, we've been getting closer everyday. I remember when we were little we decided we would live together like a husband and wife. I don't see anything from that decision unless living together just like best friends which we are counts. But to me almost everyday I see him, I start falling for him deeper and deeper. I don't know if I should be, but I know I am. I love when he smiles it's like the corner of his lips will reach his big, adorable ears. He's like a virus, he's always happy. He's a happy virus. 
"________, the chicken soup is finished." Chanyeol smiled as he walked into my rooom holding a bowl of chicken soup that still had steam rising. 
"Thank you." You smiled as you sipped.
"Is it okay?" He asked while he cupped both of his hands nervously. 
"Of course, it always is." 
"Good, that's the only thing I know how to cook." He chuckled as he took off the towel on your head and rested his hand on your forehead to check if you were still buring up. "You cooled off a bit."
"Yeah, I can see that. It's all because of your yummy chicken soup." You smiled.
"I know of course." He smiled and stared into my eyes which just made the both of us laugh. "You better get some rest." He suggested.
"B-but, it's almost Christmas Eve." You pouted like a small child.
"Within two hours, don't worry. I'll wake you up when it's time." He said as he my hair.
"Promise?" You said. "Pinkie promise?" 
"Pinkie promise." Chanyeol chuckled as he pinkie promised each other and chuckled. "Now go to sleep."
"Yes mommy." You teased as you turned, your back facing him.
"I'm no mommy. I'm your best friend." He said.
"I know, I'm just playing." I replied as I close my eyes. I laid there for a few minutes trying to sleep but I just couldn't. I turned around to see Chanyeol fiddling with his fingers in amazement. "Having fun there?" You asked as you turned to face him.
"Yes, and you should be sleeping." He said as he tapped the tip of my nose.
"Fine, okay." I snickered. "Chanyeol."
"Yes _______?"
"Did you know you're the greatest best friend ever?" 
"I am? I'm so touched." Chanyeol grinned. "You are too, we've known each other for years now. Ever since when we were little kids, we were best friends."
"Yeah, remember when we made that promise to each other that we would live together when we grow up and stay best friends forever?"
"I remember, we're living that promise right now." He smiled.
"I know we are. Do you regret making that promise?"
"No, not at all." He smiled as he close his eyes probably thinking back years ago.
"What are you doing?" You ask.
"I'm thinking of our past, what did you think?"
"You." You answered.
"Nothing." You blushed as you covered your face with a stuffaed animal he got you for your birthday. 
"Well you can tell me anything okay?" He whispered in my ear.
"Yes sir." You smiled. "Same with you too okay?" I said as he nodded in approval. "Well good night Chanyeol, don't forget your promise."
"I won't, when have I ever forgotten a promise?" He smiled as he looked at his wrist watch and smiled as I drifted to sleep.
"__________." You heard as you slept.
"What is it Chanyeol?" You asked as you half opened your right eye.
"It's almost Christmas Eve!" He smiled as he poked my cheek.
"It is?' You yawned as you sat up and stretched your arms.
"Yeah, c'mon there's only 15 minutes left before it's finally Christmas!" He said happily.
"Okay, okay." You chuckled as he pulled your arm and your rode on his back. "You don't have to carry me. I can still walk you know." You mumbled as you buried your head on his neck taking in his strong, manly cologne that you just can't get enough of.
"I know, but I can't wait." He grinned as he carried you to the living room and gently placed you on the couch.
"Now what?" You asked as you hugged a pillow.
"Now we wait." He smiled as he took out his guitar and looked at me. "Since I personally can't wait I'll just play this for you right now." He smiled as he started playing a beautiful tune.
You smiled as you sat there and closed your eyes as you listened to the beautiful music he was playing. You opened your eyes to watch him playing the guitar with a smile on his face. After a few minutes he stopped playing and you stood up.
"Encore! Encore!" You smiled as you clapped your hands.
"Merry Early Christmas!" He grinned as he sat next to you.
"I loved it, thank you." You smiled as you felt his arm wrap around your wasit.
"That's not the only gift you know." He whispered in my ear that sent chills down my spine.
"I-it's not?" You stuttered as you turned your head to look at him.
"No." He answerd as he looked me in the eyes. "Do you know how long I've liked you?"
"You do?"
"Yes, I thought it would be kinda obvious." 
"Well I like you too but I thought we would just e best friends together." You replied.
"No, I was in love with you ever since we were in highschool." He answered.
"Me too." You smiled as his face leaned closer to yours.
"Can I give you your other gift? It's Christmas Eve already." He said with his sedutive deep voice. You blushed as you nodded. He leaned towards your face as he kissed you on the lips. As you kissed you felt his lips form a smile. "Will you be mine?" He asked as he held my hand. You sat there, your face red as a tomato, you couldn't speak, the only answer you could give him was a nod. "Great, now these lips are mine." He smirked. "I love you ________, and Merry Christmas."
"I love you too Chanyeol. Merry Christmas." I replied, those were the only words I could say at the time. 
"Hey, your fever is gone." He smiled.
"Yeah, because I'm with you." You smiled as he kissed your lips again.
(¯`•.•´¯) (¯`•.•´¯) 
*`•.¸(¯`•.•´¯)¸.•´ ♥ 
☆ ♥ `•.¸.•´ ♥ º ☆.¸¸.•´¯`♥ 


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Chapter 13: It is toooooo sweet for me to handle. Haha. Thanks!
Chapter 13: Tones of jewerly, indeed xD
Chapter 5: Love the one with Kai <3
Chapter 3: This was soooooo cute~ :3
Chapter 13: Omooo I love all of this!!♥♥ author-nim you're daebakk!!!^^
Author-nim! ^____^ I just found this today. /pouts/ Author-nim please can I have Chen please please, thank youu! Merry Christmas! <33333
x3lynnie #7
Chapter 6: Love this kris one hehe~
Chapter 2: Xiumin!!! I loved this one shot, thanks author!!!
PikaPanda7 #9
Chapter 1: aaw yay thank you so much!! it's really perfect! like a real miracle in december not like the sad sad vid we got yesterday ;)
thanks again! <3
Chapter 1: Sweet story!!!!