Drive Me to Busan

Minhyun fell asleep again. He didn’t mean to, he just found himself lying down in the backseat two hours later. The sun had risen already, and Aron still driving. Minhyun forced himself up. He didn’t want to be more spoiled then he already was.

“You’re up!” Aron said enthusiastically, as if they hadn’t had a disagreement the last time they talked.

“Good morning,” Minhyun said, stretching his body. “How did I get in in the backseat?” He distinctly remembered being in the front seat the last time he was awake.

“You looked uncomfortable sitting up like that, so I carried you to the back. You were so deep in your sleep you didn’t even notice,” Aron chuckled.

“I feel like , hyung,” Minhyun said, rubbing his forehead. He really did feel like such a brat, pampered by everyone around him. By Aron, by the manager, by Sihyun…

“You shouldn’t…”

“I took manager-hyung’s car from him. I’m getting you stay up and drive me while I’m falling asleep. You didn’t get any rest last night and you still carry me to the backseat so I could rest. And plus I got you caught up in a dilemma by forgetting my wallet. I took money from Sihyun, and now I can’t even reply to him. And I just feel like a helpless brat with nothing better to do than drag people into my problems,” Minhyun said with a sigh.

“Don’t think like that, Min. Unless we wreck his car, manager-hyung really isn’t losing anything. And we’re going to pay that gay boy back his money, and so you don’t have to worry about that. As for me, it’s really no big deal. Oh and by the way, if you could seduce another gas boy right about now that would be helpful,” Aron chuckled, looking at the gas meter.

“We’ll be there in like an hour, can’t we make it with the little gas we have left?”

“Let’s hope so,” Aron shrugged.

A little later, they heard their song play on the radio. They both smiled. It was always nice to hear their music play on the radio specifically. Somehow, hearing it on the radio was more special. There was a sense of communion as both of them fell silent and just listened. Minhyun turned up the volume and closed his eyes.

A few seconds later, there was a sudden jerky movement with the car, resulting from Aron drifting off for a bit. Aron slapped himself a couple of times and rubbed his eyes.


“I’m okay,” Aron said.

“No you’re not. Pull over and get an hour of rest.”

“You’ll be late though…”

“It’s okay. You need the rest.”

Aron nodded and pulled over to the side, realizing that driving in his state was a hazard. He parked and turned off the car, and looked over towards Minhyun apologetically, “I’m sorry about this…”

“Don’t you dare apologize! You are not in the position to apologize. I’m the one who has to apologize. Now get your in the backseat and rest.”

“Wake me up in 30 minutes.”

“An hour.”

“30 minutes.”

“An hour!”

“Minhyun, remember your promise.”

“Fine 30 minutes,” Minhyun yielded.

He was asleep within seconds. Minhyun was very uncomfortable with the entire situation, guilty that Aron was so tired right now. Just as he was reveling in his guilt, he felt his phone ring.

It was Sihyun. Minhyun was tempted to answer it. He looked towards Aron’s sleeping face. He knew he would be breaking his promise to Aron if he answered Sihyun, but he already felt guilty as it was owing the gas boy money. Ignoring him would only exacerbate his guilt. With a little hesitation, Minhyun stepped out of the car and answered the phone. What Aron doesn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.

“Hi Sihyun!”

“Hi Minhyun! Are you at Busan yet?”

“No. Aron’s taking a nap right now…”

“I see. Aron is so cool! I looked up your name and I saw your music videos! You guys are all so cool!”

“Thank you, Sihyun-ah! I’m so glad you think so!”

“How are you guys going with gas by the way? Aren’t you hungry too?”

“A little,” Minhyun said with a slight laugh, “and we’re hoping that we’d have enough gas to get there.”

“Open the fuel door to the car. You’ll see a little surprise there for you.”

Minhyun was already outside. He opened the small fuel door of the car and 30,000 won. “Sihyun…”

“Don’t worry about paying me back. Just get some gas and buy Aron some coffee and breakfast. All on me.”

“You’re too nice, Sihyun-ah,” Minhyun said guiltily, “thank you very much.”

“Minhyun, are you dating anyone?” Sihyun asked out of nowhere. Minhyun then recalled what Aron has speculated about Sihyun being gay and attracted to him.

“Yes I am,” Minhyun lied, just in case.

“Oh. Okay,” Sihyun sounded disappointed.

“Don’t tell anyone though! Fans would go crazy if they knew,” Minhyun laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

“I won’t,” Sihyun said.

“Are you dating anyone?” Minhyun asked Sihyun.

“I used to be. I broke up with him a few months ago…” Him. So Aron was right after all.


“Yeah, I’m gay. I hope that doesn’t bother you.”

“Not at all,” Minhyun said quickly. “I’m sorry to hear about your boyfriend.”

“It’s okay. Anyways, I have to go to school now! I’ll see you tonight? Or tomorrow morning? Just call me an hour before you get to the gas station!”

“Got it!”

Somehow, the phone call made him feel more terrible then he already felt. He felt like he was wronging Sihyun by lying to him about the fact he was dating. He realized that maybe Aron was right to tell him to avoid him after all.

He looked at the money in his hand. That was a lot of money. It then stuck him that he would have to explain to Aron how he got this money.

I’m going to tell him the truth, Minhyun concluded. He had already lied enough and broken his promise to him. Minhyun began walking around and stretching his body. He received a text from JR a little later.

JR: You guys are in so much trouble.

If he wasn’t already feeling bad, this was making him feel even worse. He had ignored the prospect of the consequences of disobeying his authorities until now. He hesitantly wrote back:

Minhyun: What happened?

JR: CEO is really angry.

Minhyun: Did he take it out on you or manager-hyung?

JR: Yeah, manager-hyung and I were reprimanded. You should have at least told me Min.

Minhyun: I’m sorry… :(

JR: Don’t feel bad, it’s okay. Just be back soon, okay?

Minhyun: Okay :(

JR: Lighten up!

Minhyun: I’m sorry.

JR: Stop apologizing! Are you in Busan yet?

Minhyun: An hour away.

JR: Have fun. Make sure Aron gets lots of rest, and send my regards to your mother. I hope she gets better!

Minhyun: Okay. Thanks. Sorry again.

JR: If you apologize one more time I’ll smack you.

Everything felt terrible all of the sudden for Minhyun, and he began regretting this decision of stowing away like this. The fact he was causing everyone problems, breaking promises, and lying made him feel so downcast. He felt like a bad person.

He went back into the car, and there he saw a text from Sihyun.

Sihyun: I think you noticed already that I like you a lot. I’m sorry if I come off creepy or anything…

Minhyun: You don’t come off creepy at all. And I like you too, Sihyun.

Sihyun: Not the way I do.

Minhyun didn’t know how to reply. He didn’t think Sihyun would be so open very quickly. He hesitated a bit, trying to think of a proper reply, when Sihyun texted him again.

Sihyun: Forget I said it! That probably made everything awkward. Oopsie. I would love to be your friend though. How does that sound?

“Minhyun,” Aron then suddenly called out tiredly, getting up. “I think I’ve gotten enough sleep to keep me going a hour!”

Minhyun quickly texted “I got to go, see you later!” to Sihyun as Aron made his way back to the driver’s seat.

“Who were you texting?” Aron asked.

“Uh... JR,” Minhyun said. It was the truth. Kind of.

Minhyun got a text back from Sihyun saying, “I feel very bad for ruining everything. I’m sorry for confessing to you like this. You probably hate me and never want to talk to me again. You don’t have to pay me back for the gas. You can just ignore me from now on and never text me again. I’m so sorry. I feel like .”

“Was that JR?” Aron asked.

“No,” Minhyun told Aron, “it’s Sihyun. And I’m going to call him,” Minhyun insisted.


Minhyun called anyways. He was breaking his promise and ignoring Aron, but somehow he could just hear Sihyun’s heart breaking in the distance. He didn’t want Sihyun to feel like this; he wanted to make it better for him.

Sihyun answered immediately.

“If I weren’t dating right now, I would go out with you,” Minhyun told Sihyun immediately.


“Yes, I would have. You’re cute and one of the nicest most considerate guys I’ve met. Please don’t feel bad about anything, because more than anything you’re flattering me because you like me.”

“Are you just saying that?”

“I’m saying because I mean it. And I would love to be your friend, Sihyun.”

“Thank you,” Sihyun said.

Minhyun noticed Aron glaring at him.

“Anyways, I really have to go now. I will call you an hour before we get to your gas station.”

“Sounds great! I can’t wait.”

When Minhyun hung up he turned to face Aron guiltily.

“Wow,” Aron said.

“Aron, he was feeling bad because he confessed to me and made everything awkward. I was trying to make it better for him…”

“By lying?”

“He won’t ever know the truth.”

“Would really ever date him?” Aron asked.


“Why not?”

“What do you mean why not?”

“Just answer…”

“Because he’s a boy of course.”

“So you’d never date a boy?”


“Even if it were me?” Aron asked.

Minhyun was slightly taken aback by the question. He didn’t know how to answer it, or whether answering it with a “no” would offend Aron, or what Aron even expected.

“Umm…” Minhyun managed to say.

“I’m asking because I’ve liked you for a very long time, Min,” Aron confessed.

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Coffee2s #1
Chapter 15: Cutest kiss scene ever!!!
Chapter 1: I'm just finding this today. I wish you would decide to do more of this story.
Chapter 16: WHAT?!! Are you seriously trying to end your story like this??!! No way! I want sequel where they tell about their relationship to other NU'EST members.
Chapter 13: Awwh that was adorable~ I can't wait for the next chapter~! ^^ what happened to the car by the way?? Are they gonna get it fixed??
Tbh I didn't liked this chapter- o.o idk it just didn't felt right-
Chapter 12: Awwh that's so cute xD lol
Chapter 11: -dies- -squeals- afgsjdkdhdksghs this is seriously gold o.o so awesome u.u hehe you always make me think that the things they answer are so realistic so it all could actually have happened o.o I mean in most stories Minhyun would just probably have fallen in love with Aron the second he confessed ( or well close-) but you make it so Minhyun actually seem like a real individual o.o because what he does could very well happen o.o you're awesoooooome ~~~~~

I am very happy they are a couple now, but what's gonna happen with them now? Even more, WHATS GONNA HAPPEN TO THE CAR?!
Chapter 11: Awww Minhyun is really cute ^^
I hope he'll eventually fall in love with Aron, despite the rather unconventional circumstances under which they've come to be boyfriends :D