Drive Me to Busan

“If you think about it,” Minhyun told Aron when they went back into the car and started moving again, “dating is a social construction.”


“I feel like romantic relationships are such a reified thing. I mean now that you and I are in a supposed romantic relationship, it’s not like anything concrete happened, right? It’s not like the constellations shifted and we’ve transpired some spiritual zone…”

“What are you on about?” Aron laughed.

“I mean… like you seem so surprised I agreed to date you. I was even surprised at myself when I first decided. But now that I think about it, it’s not supposed to be surprising. Now that we’re dating, what’s changed?”

“We were friends and now we’re like... lovers,” Aron answered like it was obvious.

“But what exactly is the difference between a friend and a lover?”

“There are many differences!” Aron claimed.

“Not really. I mean lovers are honest with each other. Lovers tell each other everything. Lovers trust each other fully. Lovers depend on each other. That’s exactly how me and you were when we were friends. I think the only difference is that lovers are expected to be a lot more physically intimate, right?”

“Yeah, if you put it that way…”

“So agreeing to date you was like agreeing to be more physically intimate with you. It’s no big deal, and it saved us from that fight that we had. I think it’s more than worth it.”

“Is you agreeing to date me really just agreeing to be more physically intimate with me ?” Aron asked, a little sadly.

“No,” Minhyun answered. “There is something more to it, I just can’t put my finger on it.”

“Minhyun, what’s going to happen in the future to us? You don’t like me in that way, so does it mean it won’t last long?”

Minhyun shrugged his shoulders. “I think it’ll last as long as it takes you to fall out of love with me. Or for me to fall in love with someone else. Or maybe… I happen to fall in love with you while I date you. Maybe it’ll last forever,” Minhyun said.

Aron smiled, “so there’s a chance.”

Minhyun nodded. “Of course there’s a chance, hyung. My mom already gave you her blessing as her son-in-law so we’re one step ahead of every other gay couple,” Minhyun laughed.

Aron laughed as well, “when your mom said it, my heart stopped. I forgot you had a sister for a minute and thought she was talking about you and me.”

“Me too, actually,” Minhyun replied. “She’s going to be so surprised when I tell her… wait, do you want me to tell her?”

“How do you think she’ll take it?”

“I don’t know, to be honest. I don’t think she’ll be too pleased, but because it’s you and she loves you, I’m certain she’s not going to hate me at least.”

“I haven’t told my parents,” Aron said to Minhyun, “they don’t know that I have feelings for a guy.”

“How do you think they’ll take it?”

“Not very well,” Aron said, “and I’m not going to tell them until I know that what’s between us isn’t just a transient thing.”

Minhyun nodded, “I guess you’re waiting for me to fall for you then?”

“Yeah, something like that,” Aron shrugged.

“I think I know the difference between being friends and lovers now,” Minhyun told Aron, “it’s not just physical intimacy. It’s also that it comes with the prospect of falling in love.”

Aron smiled.

“As friends, I would have never considered it,” Minhyun told Aron, “but now that we’re more than that, I need to try.”

“You can’t try to fall in love,” Aron said with a chuckle, “it’s something that just comes. And I hope it does come to you.”

Minhyun turned his head and saw that there was this bliss in Aron’s eyes. Aron looked so happy and relaxed, the exact opposite of how he had looked just an hour ago. Minhyun also felt happy. A little scared of what was to come, but still happy. Happy that the tension and the awkwardness was gone, happy that Aron was happy, happy that they got out of fighting very quickly.

Minhyun smiled and realized that becoming Aron’s lover was actually a very good decision.


A/N: Look at me, updating quickly haha :)

I realize this story has been dragging for far too long. Sorry about that! Anyways, hopefull this story is nearing its end~

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sorry its taking long to update!


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Coffee2s #1
Chapter 15: Cutest kiss scene ever!!!
Chapter 1: I'm just finding this today. I wish you would decide to do more of this story.
Chapter 16: WHAT?!! Are you seriously trying to end your story like this??!! No way! I want sequel where they tell about their relationship to other NU'EST members.
Chapter 13: Awwh that was adorable~ I can't wait for the next chapter~! ^^ what happened to the car by the way?? Are they gonna get it fixed??
Tbh I didn't liked this chapter- o.o idk it just didn't felt right-
Chapter 12: Awwh that's so cute xD lol
Chapter 11: -dies- -squeals- afgsjdkdhdksghs this is seriously gold o.o so awesome u.u hehe you always make me think that the things they answer are so realistic so it all could actually have happened o.o I mean in most stories Minhyun would just probably have fallen in love with Aron the second he confessed ( or well close-) but you make it so Minhyun actually seem like a real individual o.o because what he does could very well happen o.o you're awesoooooome ~~~~~

I am very happy they are a couple now, but what's gonna happen with them now? Even more, WHATS GONNA HAPPEN TO THE CAR?!
Chapter 11: Awww Minhyun is really cute ^^
I hope he'll eventually fall in love with Aron, despite the rather unconventional circumstances under which they've come to be boyfriends :D