Drive Me to Busan

Minhyun went form shuddering at the thought of kissing Aron kind of wanting it over the course of one day.

Over the next few weeks, Minhyun went from kind of wanting it to desiring nothing more.

With every passing day, Minhyun began to lose any doubts he initially held about agreeing to be in this kind of relationship with Aron.

They didn’t really have much time alone, but sometimes Aron would pull him to the side and they would talk. There was nothing particularly romantic about their relationship besides the fact that Aron would remind Minhyun everyday that he was happy to be with him.

He sighed. How was he going to get Aron to kiss him when he had stupidly agreed that this would be a no-kissing kind of relationship in the beginning? How is he going to let Aron know that he wanted a kiss to happen? He was much to shy to just straight-out request it.

He needed advice. Usually he would go to one of s for advice, but given that they don’t even know the nature of his relationship with Aron, he couldn’t ask them.

Sihyun. He was the only one who did know.

Minhyun didn't hesitate for long before finally calling him.

“Minhyun!” Sihyun beamed excitedly as soon as he answered.

“Hi! Sihyun, I am in desperate need for advice,” Minhyun said.

“Hit me.”

“So… you know about me and Aron. Thing is… we haven’t kissed yet.”



“Wow you guys are slow.”

“We agreed in the beginning that we won’t do all the intimate stuff because I wasn’t comfortable with them. But now…”

“Now you are,” Sihyun continued.

“And so I want him to kiss me, but I don’t want him to know that I want him to kiss me. But he won’t kiss me unless he knows I want him to kiss me and so…”

You should kiss him then,” Sihyun interrupted. “Simple.”

“I can’t. I don’t have the experience nor the bravery to do it,” Minhyun answered sulkily.

“Mm, then you should at least prompt him. Don’t straight out tell him, but show him that you’re more comfortable with skinship. And then get closer to him. Make it so that your faces are really close. Encourage him with touches. If you do it right, he won’t be able to help it.”

“Seems hard.”

“Here, I’ll tell you exactly what to do. Sneak up from behind him. Snake your arms around his waste and rest your chin on his shoulder. Talk to him, and then tell him something that will surprise him in a good way, something that would make him turn his head to look at you. Like… mmm, have you told him you loved him yet?”


“Then tell him that and…”

“But I don’t yet love him like that.”

“Are you sure? I mean you do want to kiss him.”

“That doesn't mean I love him.”

“Well it sure doesn’t mean you think of him as a platonic friend either,” Sihyun said, “okay. Don’t tell him you love him then. Have you ever told him that you like dating him?”


“Then that’s what you tell him. That will surprise him and he’ll turn his head to see your expression. This is a critical moment, and you have to make sure you do it right. Make sure that when he turns, his face ends up inches away from yours. You’ll have instant eye contact. You break that eye contact and look at his lips. It’s a subtle way of letting him know you want it without telling him. If you’re lucky, he’ll also look at your lips. If he does look, start touching him more around his waist or shoulders. Eventually, he’ll get it and he’ll start leaning. As soon as he does it, you lean too before he has seconds thoughts. Then the magic will happen.”

“Wow,” Minhyun said, “that’s a lot to memorize.”

“It’ll happen so fast and it’ll come naturally, trust me. Just remember to make sure your faces are close when he turns, and to look at his lips.”

“And during the kiss, if it happens, I wouldn’t know what to do…”

“Don’t worry about it. Everything will come to you in the moment. Just do what feels right.”

“Okay. Thanks Sihyun. That was helpful.”

“I thought you were calling for tips,” Sihyun laughed.

“Me and Aron aren’t there yet,” Minhyun replied.

Sihyun was silent for a moment, and then said, “you said ‘yet.’”


“You said that you ‘aren’t there yet’ which implies that you think you will be there in the future. Minhyun you’re already visualizing a future with Aron and you don’t even realize it. Are you sure you don’t love him like that?”

Minhyun was silent.

“Think about it,” Sihyun said, “anyways, it was really nice to hear your voice again! I’ve been getting into NU’EST a lot lately. I bought all your albums and I’m loving your music.”

Minhyun smiled, “who’s your bias?”

“It used to be you but now I’ve changed my mind, no offense!” Sihyun said jokingly. “Do you think Baekho could ever be gay?” Sihyun asked bluntly.

Minhyun laughed. “I’ll ask him for you.”

“Seriously, do it! Anyways, I really have to go now, Minhyun. Let me know how your kiss goes!” Sihyun said.

“I will. Thanks!”

They hung up and Minhyun made a mental note to himself to see if Baekho could possibly be interested. He didn’t think so, but he owed it to Sihyun to at least try.

He then took out a notebook and began to write the steps again, just so that he wouldn’t forget.

  1. Hug him from behind.
  2. Talk to him for a bit.
  3. Tell him something that will surprise him. (“I’m happy that we’re together” or something like that)
  4. When he turns, make sure that our faces are inches apart.
  5. Lock eyes with him and then look at his lips.
  6. If he looks at my lips, I start touching him more.
  7. If he leans, I lean.
  8. Kiss.

Minhyun looked at the steps and tried to imagine it happening. It seemed so difficult and unlikely to happen exactly as planned. He sighed. He felt so stupid for telling Aron he was uncomfortable with kissing in the first place.

Just then, Aron entered the room, and Minhyun immediately hid the list he had written out under the covers.

“Hyung,” Minhyun said with a smile.

“We barely have time alone,” Aron taking a seat beside him on the bed, unfortunately exactly where Minhyun had hidden the piece of paper under his covers.

Minhyun cursed on his breath and hoped Aron wouldn’t notice it, but he did.

“What’s this?” Aron asked, taking out that piece of paper from under covers.

Minhyun snatched the paper before Aron could read it, “nothing,” Minhyun answered, folding the piece of paper and putting it in his pocket.

Aron raised his eyebrow, “come on, you're not supposed to hide anything from me.”

Minhyun closed his eyes, as if that would help this problem go away, “hyung, it’s so embarrassing. Please just ignore it for now. Please?”

“Show me. You know I won’t judge,” Aron said, making Minhyun want to just disappear.

He let out a deep breath and then took out the piece of paper. He was going to do it. He was going to let go of his pride and just tell Aron the truth. He handed Aron the piece of paper, and as he was reading it, Minhyun explained.

“I called Sihyun. I asked him for tips on how to get you to kiss me without letting you know specifically that I want you to kiss me. This is what he told me.”

Aron kept reading the list with a restrained smile on his lips. Minhyun looked at the floor, feeling embarrassed and ashamed.

Aron put the piece of paper to the side and held both of Minhyun’s hands.

“Minhyun,” Aron called softly, “look at me.”

Minhyun locked his eyes with Aron for a moment. Aron then looked at Minhyun’s lips and leaned in to finally kiss him.

Minhyun froze as Aron’s lips came into contact with his for the first time.

When Aron pulled away, he said, “I’ve been wanting to do that for the longest time, Minhyun.”

Minhyun was blushing too hard to say anything coherent. He just nodded, feeling like a helpless schoolgirl.

“Don’t hide things like this from me!” Aron said, “if you feel like you’re that much more comfortable with me that you’d want to kiss me, I need to know! I need to know that I’m doing it right with you. I’m always worried that you hate being with me and that you really just want to break up. You have no idea how happy this is making me, Minhyun…”

“You’re definitely doing it right, hyung,” Minhyun reassured. “Whatever it is.”

Aron smiled and then looked at Minhyun’s lips again. He kissed Minhyun again, but this time, Minhyun kissed him back.

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sorry its taking long to update!


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Coffee2s #1
Chapter 15: Cutest kiss scene ever!!!
Chapter 1: I'm just finding this today. I wish you would decide to do more of this story.
Chapter 16: WHAT?!! Are you seriously trying to end your story like this??!! No way! I want sequel where they tell about their relationship to other NU'EST members.
Chapter 13: Awwh that was adorable~ I can't wait for the next chapter~! ^^ what happened to the car by the way?? Are they gonna get it fixed??
Tbh I didn't liked this chapter- o.o idk it just didn't felt right-
Chapter 12: Awwh that's so cute xD lol
Chapter 11: -dies- -squeals- afgsjdkdhdksghs this is seriously gold o.o so awesome u.u hehe you always make me think that the things they answer are so realistic so it all could actually have happened o.o I mean in most stories Minhyun would just probably have fallen in love with Aron the second he confessed ( or well close-) but you make it so Minhyun actually seem like a real individual o.o because what he does could very well happen o.o you're awesoooooome ~~~~~

I am very happy they are a couple now, but what's gonna happen with them now? Even more, WHATS GONNA HAPPEN TO THE CAR?!
Chapter 11: Awww Minhyun is really cute ^^
I hope he'll eventually fall in love with Aron, despite the rather unconventional circumstances under which they've come to be boyfriends :D