
Childhood Lovers

"Come on minne lets go take a walk in the park. I have a surprise for you!"

"Really?! What is it?" I act surprised and thankfully I'm a good actor, didn't want to disappoint him.

"Secret" *wink* We walk to a park near the school where we usually hang out.

"Close your eyes min ji" I close them and hear a few shuffles.

"Open your eyes" I slowly open them and there he is kneeling, in his hand is a beautiful silver ring engraved with 'J♡M' " oh min ji, promise me that we'll be together forever. Through the bad and the troublesome and someday when we are older we will get married."

"yes jongup, I promise" He smiles. I smile. I feel so happy like never before. He slides the precious silver onto my ring finger.

"Its beautiful!" I lift my hand up into the sun to get a better look at the engravings 

"im glad you like it" he smiles ever so widely. we spend the rest of the day laughing and playing in the playground being the teenagers with childish hearts. The sun starts to set and its getting dark.

"its getting late, I should be getting home."

" ill walk you"

"no its ok, ill be alright" I insist and waver my hands to shoo him away since it's pretty far for him to get home.

"no no no. I insist! after all its dangerous at night"

"okay, thankyou" He grabs my hand and intertwines mine with his. Soon we arrive at my house and we are greeted by my mother.

"min ji... miahnae.. this will be your last night here till you graduate highschool. You have a flight tomorrow morning at 7am to Seoul and you will stay with your  oppa and uncle."

My heart drops, I feel like the world just stopped spinning and everything I love and know just disappeared vanised into thin air. My world was crumbling down as I clasped Jongup's hand tightly.

"WHATTTTT! nooo omma, please tell me this is a joke. This can't be happening." I start to cry. 

"Minnie you have to pack now, or I will pack for you" She says in a monotone, calm but hiding her tears. 

"No! I-I will not leave! Y-You will not take me away from the one I love. Not a-again." 

"Jongup, please bring her inside."

Jongup picks me up and carries me bridal style to my room with me still bawling.

"What are you doing! Hajima! Let me go!!" I pound on his chest but he refused to let me go.

"Im sorry Minnie it's for your own good"

"Y-you.... knew about this?" 




"Tell me!"

"Im sorry, Minnie, im so so sorry" He frowns and looks down at the ground while still carrying me up the stairs. 

"That's a stupid answer" I scream at him. "Sorry? thats all you have to say? I thought you loved me? Together forever? I guess i was wrong." I escape his grasp and run up to my room slamming the door behind me. I lean against it and slide down whilst the tears keep dropping. Not again.


*Min ji's mother POV*

Minnie slammed the door. 

"I'm sorry Min ji, I really am" I heard Jongup whisper from upstairs.

"Im sorry you had to break her heart. I hope you understand it had to be done." 

"Yes ahjumma, i understand. But please tell her I love her"

"of course I will"

"thank you." He bowed and turned to go. As i watched him I saw him wiping his face. I'm so sorry that I had to do this again. 



I called Nara, Hyori and Eunnie and told them about what happened with Jongup and that I was leaving tomorrow and we all cried together especially Eunnie because MinUp was her favourite couple, she shipped us till death. 

"I cant believe he would do that to you!" Hyori said in disbelief.

"Im sure he didn't mean to.." Nara added to cheer me up as always.

"Yeah, im sure it was for a good reason. A very good reason at that." Eunnie said positively. 

"yeah.... i hope your right.. but I dont feel like talking about that now." I lay in bed with tissues surrounding me. 

"Okay hun, we wish you all the best in Seoul. Have a safe flight and STAY IN TOUCH AND CALL US EVERY NIGHT, OKAY?!" Eunnie insisted. 

'Of course! I would never forget you guys"

"Good" They chorused. 

"Bye my lovely's, I'll miss you all very much" I sniffled 

"Bye our sweet Minnie" They sniffled like telepathic aliens. 


I hung up and cried while packing and eventually fell asleep in a puddle of tears. 


The next day I had to wake up early to go to the airport. I hugged everything in my house and my room and headed for the airport. Oh how ill miss this place so much! I sigh. I arrive at the airport and hug omma and appa good bye. 

"Min ji-ah, before you go I just want you to know that we love you very much and Jongup does too." Appa says while omma nods in agreement.

"Yes Appa, i know" I smile trying not to let the tears come out. 

"well Min ji it's time to go. Don't want to miss your flight now do you" 


"well good bye darling" They give me one last hug.

"Bye omma, appa." I hug them back but then pull away and wave to them as I slowly walk again with tears starting to fill my eyes. 


On the way to boarding the plane a boy with handsome blonde hair riding his skateboard crashes into me. I fall onto the ground with a crash. 

"Hey! watch where your going" 

"Mianhae... I didn't see you." He gives me his hand and helps me up. 

"whatever its ok. But why on earth are you riding a skateboard at an airport huh?"

"Didn't want to walk." He smirks but begins to walk towards the plane and holds his skateboard in his hands. 

*Shock* That smirk. It couldn't be... Junhong?!?! 


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I've been fixing up my chapters (esp first few) so they are slightly different but not majorly so if you want you can re-read those(:


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Yoe_chan #1
Chapter 9: Sehunn...
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Chapter 2: im sorry.............
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