Chapter 8

Childhood Lovers

The next few days were more or less empty; Junhong and the rest of were rarely at school anymore, sadly. Something about 'tv show' and 'you'll see' so ji eun and I just hung out together. But every few days they would come to school and Junhong and I would go to the dance rooms and practice a dance that he had choregraphed himself. Although Jongup would always look sad every time I left with him and ji eun and yongguk would find themselves making eye contact every few seconds and start blushing. 

We would stay hours after school practicing, laughing and then heading off home before getting something to eat at the cafe. I never really knew the purpose of the dance but I enjoyed every moment we spent together perfecting it. 

Today was one of those few days I got to spend with Junhong, and Jongup of course trying to hid his sad face which wasn't turning out well. "Jongup... Are you alright? You always seem to make this lonely face?" 

"Y-yeah Minnie, I'm fine." 


But I knew deep inside he was hurting. I headed off with Junhong to the dance room but spun around to face Jongup again. "Actually, why don't you join us? It'll be fun"

"ok.. sure" 

The three of us walked to the dance rooms together talking out random things like if pigs could fly or if aliens from another planet landed on earth. They both chuckled at the idea. "Minnie-ah, why would aliens invade earth?" 

"To win our hearts of course" I grinned. 

Once we got to the dance rooms we immediately began to practice the dance Junhong and I perfected. I almost forgot that Jongup didn't know the steps and turned to my right to face him. 

To my surprise he was exactly in time swiftly dancing along with us. "Whoa, how do you know this dance as well?!" 

"We practice it together" Jongup just shrugged and kept in time. 

Practice together? But I've never seen them dance together.. do they live together or something?! No they couldn't, could they? I shook off the ridiculous idea and just continued to dance. 


After around 4 hours of practice it was around dinner time so we went to a korean bbq close by. The place was homely and warm unlike the cold winter outside. We took our seats and ordered some meat to cook. While waiting for the meat to finish cooking we decided to talk about old times. "so... Minnie, how are you finding Seoul now? Different that last time?" Junhong asked curiously. 

"Just as pretty as I rememeber" I responded while flipping the meat over. "And you Jongup? How is Mokpo?" 

"It was great, I met this amazing girl that I want to spend the rest of my life with but I'm not sure if she feels the same way" He looked down in dismay and I instantly felt guilty. He was talking about me. I was the girl. 

"Oh? really? What's her name?" He pondered curiously. "Her names Mi-"

"FOOD'S READY!" I cut him off feeling a slight blush creeping on my face. "Oh, yay!" he happily responded while jongup just stayed quiet. 

We enjoyed the meal and headed off respectfully in our own directions. I called Sehun and he told me to come to sm building as he wouldn't finish practice for another hour. So I walked to sm ent which took about 5 minutes since it was really close and took the elevator to find the some of the boys all sweaty dancing in perfect sync. I quietly watched them from the door imersed in how perfectly their moves were. 

Once the song had ended Luhan noticed me and greeted me waving his arms in the hair rapidly and I gave a small wave back. "Hey Minnie! How are you?" He gave an adorable smile. "Hey Luhan, Im good thanks. Where's Sehun?" 

"Oh, hes just practicing in another room. I'll take you there" He insisted and grabbed my hand taking me into the hallway before leading me into a room where I saw Sehun and Kai practing mama dance again. "Sehun-ah! Minnie's here" He stopped dancing and came to give me a big sweaty hug. 

"Hi dongsaeng" He grinned while I looked up at him in disgust. "eww! Why are you so sticky and disgusting, go take a shower" He smirked and walked off to the showers. 'Hi Minnie, I'm not sure if you remember me but I'm Kai" He said politely and bowed. I bowed back, "Hi Kai, and yes I remember you. Your dancing is very good. Actually no. More than good, it's amazing." I swooned and he just chuckled at me. 

"keke, thankyou" he smiled. "I hope you don't mind but I'm just going to take a shower" 

"alright" He left and Luhan and I just sat there in the room, alone. "Soo, Minnie do you dance?" he asked. "Hell yeah." 

We got up and Luhan taught me some of the moves from mama. He complimented me on my dancing telling me that I was amazing at it. I just blushed and continued to dance. 

After a good 10 minutes of dancing I had memorized the first part of the dance and we were all hot and sweaty. "wow minnie, you're even better than i am!" he exclaimed. I blushed and he just laughed. "You know what? You should audition for SM! It's in 2 weeks. I bet you'd ace it" 

"You think so?" 

"Oh I know so" He smiled and Sehun had just come back. "Well, see you around Minnie, you're always welcome to come practice with me again." He waved at me and I waved back until he left. 

"Should we go?" Sehun asked. "Yep" 

We headed off in his car and come home to find a black van just leaving as a blonde haired kid ducked his head under the car roof and it sped away. We entered inside the house confused and found my uncle grinning to himself. "Hey kids! My new group's first tv show is going to air in 5 days! How exciting!" 


Hey guys, long time no see. Im sorry I havent updated ive been busy with school T.T . And I'm not sure when ill be able to update again as I'm going on holiday next week for two weeks. But i hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will try to update more often after i come back on holiday :) 

Thanks for reading pls comment and subscribe (:



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I've been fixing up my chapters (esp first few) so they are slightly different but not majorly so if you want you can re-read those(:


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Yoe_chan #1
Chapter 9: Sehunn...
KimEunSeo #2
Chapter 8: Author!!!! PLS. UPDATE!!
Yoe_chan #3
Chapter 7: Update soon Author-nim....
I just want to know what Uppie's reason to leave her....
Yoe_chan #4
Chapter 5: Oh god...
I can't wait to see Minnie reaction ^^
Yoe_chan #6
Chapter 4: Good update author-nim....
It's okay i will wait for another update...^^
Yoe_chan #7
Chapter 3: Omo???!!
They already know each other????
Chapter 2: im sorry.............
Yoe_chan #9
Chapter 2: TT.TT poor minnie.....
It's so sad....
Why she has to go to seoul even though she will meet Zelo......
Yoe_chan #10
Chapter 1: It's okay author-nim.... I just a little curious about zelo.... ^^