
Childhood Lovers

"no no no. It couldn't be junhong could it? It couldn't right?"

I couldnt stop thinking about that boy. His flawless skin and cute face reminds me so much of Junhong. 

"kyaa~ i better take a nap before the plane lands to just forget about everything for now" 


We finally land in Seoul and I see Sehun guarded by security waiting for me surrounded by some girls who recognized him.


"Minnie-ah! I missed you my little girl" I ran up to him and he picked me up and spun me around in a circle before putting me back on the ground.

"I missed you too oppa but I'm not a little girl anymore" I pouted.

"haha, alright minji. Anyway lets go home and get some rest, you're starting school on monday"

"Already?! But that's in two days!Shouldn't I at least get a week break?" I whined.

"Sorry Minnie, omma's orders." 

"Fine." I pouted and we headed off.

"Aw minnie don't be so gloomy, Ji Eun's waiting for you in the car and you will attend the same school." 


"Yes minnie, come on lets go now." He took one of my suitcases and the security guard took the other. 


We headed towards the black SUV while being drowned in screams of "Oppa sehun!" What a headache, but at least hes living his dream, currently in the band EXO as a rapper which will debut soon. The car windows wind down and I see my uncle Kang Seokgu and Ji eun. 

"JIEUN-AH!" I scream amost deafening my uncle while onlookers and fangirls surrounding Sehun give me what-the-hell looks. 

"MINNIE-AH" She screams back while my ahjussi feels like he is definitely deaf. 

"omo" Seokgu manages to say while feeling dazed. 

"Sorry Ahjussi!" 

"haha... it's okay little min ji" 

I pouted at him. "Im not little anymore ahjussi" 

"arasso, arasso. Get in where going home." He starts up the car while Sehun and the security guard help me put my suitcases in the boot. We thank him and get in the car. 


"Minnie! I missed you my bestie!" She gave me a tight squeeze and only stopped when she realized I couldnt breathe.

"I missed you too Ji eun" And we start to giggle for no reason just like old time. 

"So how have you been?" 

"I've been great" I smile but the smile soon fades thinking about Jongup. 

"Minnie what's wrong?" She asked worried.

".... nothing" 

"...... okay"

We sit in silence for a moment.


*Ji eun's POV* 

I wonder what's on her mind, her smile suddenly faded. 

"Minnie what's wrong?'

*pause* ".....nothing" 

"...... ok" 

I decide not to push her for info just incase she doesn't want to talk about it, after all it is her first day back and I dont want her to be sad. I break the silence and start to ask her about anything she would like to do this weekend before we started school again for another week.

"Minnie, since it's your first day back is there anything you want to do this weekend before school starts? I'm sure you miss some of your favourite places."

"hmmm, I would like to go to our favourite ice-cream shop once again and do some shopping at the mall" 

"Arasso! I'll come pick you up later at 3pm sharp."

"neh, ji eun" She chimes, happy again. 

We sit in silence for a moment and I notice she looks tired and a bit jet lagged even though it was a short flight. 

"Minnie why don't you get some sleep, you look like you could use it" 

"Arasso, good night" *yawn* 

Hehe, oh minnie, it's good to have you back, I missed you so much. 

*End of POV* 


I'm woken up by Sehun as we arrive at home, home sweet lovely ho-mansion?!?! 

"Oppa you moved houses to this gigantic perfect mansion?!" 

"Yes Minnie, isn't it lovely" Sehun giggles. 

"OMO! So big and pretty an- Ohmygod a fountain?!" 

"Yes my little dongsaeng" 

"wow!" *Starstruck* 

Sehun and Seokgu ahjusshi carry my suitcases to the house where a maid opens the door for us. 

"You have a maid?" 

"oh yes, Minnie this is Yeo jin. Yeo jin this is my dongsaeng Min ji" 

"Annyeonghaseyo Min ji, nice too meet you" *bow* She smiles. She's so pretty, I'm guessing shes in her 20's. 

"Annyeong Yeo jin-ah, it's nice to meet you too and you may call me Minnie" *bow* I smile back. 

"Arasso Minnie, let me take you to your room" 

I follow her through the mansion and it's pretty confusing and may take a long time to get used to it but at least I'm back in Seoul. We head towards a big room with pretty floral wallpaper and a queen sized bed with a window seat and a balcony over viewing the city. There was LOTS of space, I even had my own walk-in closet. 

"Omo... So big and pretty!" 

*Smile* "Im glad you like it! I chose the interior myself" 

"Hehe, you have very good taste"

"Gomawo, Minnie" 

Sehun came in with my suitcases.

"I suggest you start to unpack and make yourself comfortable."

"Neh, oppa" 

I start to unpack with Yeo jin helping me decorate my room with my belongings and pictures of my friends, family and I. 


About half and hour passes and Yeo jin goes to make lunch for us. 

"Oh, please excuse me I have to prepare your lunch" She walks towards the kitchen. 


Yeo jin walks out and I'm left by myself in this gigantic room of mine filled with my treasured belonging but the things I miss the most here and cannot have are my friends and parents.... and...... jonguppie.. 

"No Minnie, you dont miss jongup!" *Face palm* "Not after what he did.... but what if it was for a good reason.. But he still broke his promise hmph." 


A few hours pasted and we had lunch. I had an hour to get ready till Ji Eun came to pick me up so i decided to choose an outfit. I started rummaging through my new walk-in closet and finally after throwing clothes around trying to find the perfect casual outfit I came  across this outift. (the blue one) 



Three o'clock came around and Ji Eun came in her cute blue convertible and this outfit 

"Kyaa~ Minnie you look so cute!" 

"Hehe gomawo, you too!" 

"Lets go!" She pulls me into the car while giggling and we wave goodbye to Sehun. "Shall we go to the ice-cream place first?" 

"Neh! I can't wait to finally taste the greatest icecream again" 

"Arasso. Mint choc chip with vanilla, mmmm yum" We both giggle at her dreamy food face and arrive at the ice-cream parlor. 

We go in and sadly there is a bit of a queue.

"Awww, why is it so long today? Minnie why dont you choose what you want and I'll go buy it while you wait at a table somewhere?"

"Neh. I would like a-" All of a sudden I catch a glimpse of a boy with blonde hair who looks like Junhong. "Junhong??" 

"You want a junhong?" Ji Eun asked confused. 

"Oh, sorry, I meant i would like a choc chip icecream with a wafer straw" *Smile* 

"Mmm sounds good. Wait here ok, I'll be back in a few minutes." 

I wait for Ji Eun at a table outside and decide to check my phone.


*3 new messages* 

New Message from Hyori

New Message from Hyori

New Message from Hyori


Hyori: Annyeong Minnie! How is Seoul? Hope your not missing us too much because we sure are and Eunnie is bawling her eyes out.. Text us back soon ok? 

Hyroi: Minnie!! It's Eunnie on Hyroi's phone. WE MISS YOU! 

Hyori: Miss you Minnie! It's Nara :) Call us ASAP. 


I texted Hyori back 

Minji: Awww I miss you guys! I'll call when I can but at the moment I'm with my old friend from Seoul, Ji Eun. I love you guys and I'll beg omma to at least let me have a week off to vis-

"ahh!" I shriek as a bug lands on my phone causing me to drop it. "Ugh, babo bug.." 

I bend down to pick up my phone when a boy with blonde hair picks up the phone for me.


"Gomawo" *Smile* I look up to see his face but it's not Junhong's. 

"Annyeong, I'm Himchan" *smile* 

"I'm Minji. Thanks for picking up my phone" 

"No problem. Maybe I'll see you around, but till then good bye."


I look at my phone and he seems to of added his number to my contacts, Cheeky. 


Ji Eun comes back with the two ice creams.

"I'm back! One choc chip ice cream with a wafer straw and one mint choc chip and vanilla, yum."

"Gomawo Ji Eun" 

"So who was that boy?" She asks while we eat the ice cream.

"Oh, just some guy named Himchan who picked up my phone when I dropped it. He even put in his number" 

"ohhhh, someones got an admirer" *Wink* 

"Hey! I do not!" I playfully slap her arm. 

"Hehe just kidding Minnie" 

We kept talking and laughing till we finished our ice creams and i headed off the throw some napkins in the bin. All of a sudden a blonde, tall boy on a skateboard crashes into me. 

"oww, too many blonde clumsy people" 


I look up to see his face.

*Shocked* "J-Junhong?!"



Yay Zelo! Sorry It took me a while to update and it might be really short and boring :c . I might not be able to update in a while since im going on holiday but I'll try :) Thank you for reading :D 











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I've been fixing up my chapters (esp first few) so they are slightly different but not majorly so if you want you can re-read those(:


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Yoe_chan #1
Chapter 9: Sehunn...
KimEunSeo #2
Chapter 8: Author!!!! PLS. UPDATE!!
Yoe_chan #3
Chapter 7: Update soon Author-nim....
I just want to know what Uppie's reason to leave her....
Yoe_chan #4
Chapter 5: Oh god...
I can't wait to see Minnie reaction ^^
Yoe_chan #6
Chapter 4: Good update author-nim....
It's okay i will wait for another update...^^
Yoe_chan #7
Chapter 3: Omo???!!
They already know each other????
Chapter 2: im sorry.............
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Chapter 2: TT.TT poor minnie.....
It's so sad....
Why she has to go to seoul even though she will meet Zelo......
Yoe_chan #10
Chapter 1: It's okay author-nim.... I just a little curious about zelo.... ^^