She's an exception

the Shop around the Corner


"Uncertainty is the biggest torture in love,

you feel jealous yet you can't complain.

You can get hurt yet you can't show it.

You can love with your all yet you can't say it.

All you can do is watch, keep the pain, enjoy the smiles and laughter."


“If you love someone who doesn’t love you back...” Donghae whispered quietly, still kept his gaze fixed on Paris’s breathtakingly beautiful face. “You will die daily.”

Paris didn’t know what to say. She sat there silently and stared back at the handsome man in front of her.

“Are you calling yourself a murderer, Lee Donghae?” Paris finally decided to break the awkward silence between them.

“Me? A murderer?” Donghae widened his eyes and pointed a finger at him. “I believe beside a couple of ants and cockroaches I’ve killed in my kitchen, I’m clean.”

“Silly, I’m talking about your fans.” Paris smiled.

“What about my fans?” Donghae still didn’t understand.

“They love you and obviously you don’t or can’t love all of them back. According to your theory, they must have died daily then.” Paris explained.

“I love my fans. I just don’t love them that way.”

“But still.” Paris shrugged her shoulders.

Donghae sighed. He took a sip of tea and looked back at Paris. She was a mystery and the moment he met her had been an adventure. He knew, but he couldn’t help himself. He kept coming back for more.

“Can we talk about something else?” Donghae sighed.

“You decide.”

“Well.. I’m not sure. But we can talk about you, about me and about us.” Donghae blushed, looking down at his plate.

“What about us? We are friends right?” Paris smiled lightly.”

“Of course. We are friends.” Donghae forced a smiled. “Nothing more and nothing less.”

Donghae kept remind himself about his bright future, his band, his fame and his high status. He would never forgive himself for letting anything blocking his way. He couldn’t let a girl to step into his life and ruin his future.

But what if Paris is his future?

What if she is what he’s always wanted?


Donghae drove back to his dorm after took Paris home. They didn’t really say anything to each other after the “friend” talk. He clearly needed some advices and he needed them now.

“Ouch!” Donghae bumped into the religious man when he stepped out of the elevator, Choi Siwon.

Choi Siwon! Even the thought of him made me shiver. The man was very royalty in his own way. The way he knitted his eyebrows, the way he read bible in the morning, the way he waved at people with his infamous three fingers wave. Everything, every single thing about him made girls all went hype and insane.

“Hyung! Where have you been these days? I haven’t seen you around lately.” Siwon spoke loudly.

Donghae ignored Siwon’s questions. He suspiciously looked around then grabbed the poor guy’s tie and dragged him to the balcony.

 “Not the new Louis Vuittion tie hyung!” Siwon yelled in panic.

“Don’t you just hate it when you like someone and you shouldn’t like them?” Donghae sighed, looking at Siwon fixing his tie.

“Girls again?” Siwon knitted his infamous eyebrows.

“GIRL!” Donghae emphasized. “Remember the girl I told you? The bookstore girl.”

“Yeah! What’s about her? I thought you’re over her. It’s been 2 days already.”

“She’s different. She is an exception.”

“Does she like fish too?” Siwon asked curiously. “Oh! I know. She loves Eunhyuk hyung. Just like you.”

Donghae glared at Siwon. The religious man knew his position; he shut his mouth and shakingly took a step back.

“We are friends.” Donghae proudly announced.

Siwon rolled his eyes, he couldn’t take it anymore.

“Friends as in girl friend and boy friend?” Siwon asked, making sure.

“Nope. Friends as in friend friend. Just friends.”

“But you never made friends with random people on the street. Worse, this person is a girl.” Siwon cried.

“Her name is Paris.” Donghae corrected.

“Hyung, you’ve lost your mind.”



Sorry for the short chapter! Im too busy spazzing about their concert tomorrow so i couldn't concentrate. T_T

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m0zarts0nata-- #1
SO CUTE!!!!!!
ImAsujuELF #2
Lol, i will buy you hyuk 1 company of ice cream just give youre whole abs to me, haha, joking, i love your updates, all lily and hyuk moment, i lol when i read that she have a date at the bikini bottom cafe, spongebob? Haha,
OctoberSkies #3
it's sooo good~~~<br />
update soon!<br />
kyaa can't wait for lily and eunhyuk to get together!<br />
they're gonna be epic!<br />
OMG!<br />
I kinda hope Eunhyuk and Lily gets together ^^<br />
They're rlly adorable,<br />
in a DIFFERENT way! :D
choseoyoung #5
Kekekeke. I really love the 'couple fight' between Eunhyuk and lily!<br />
Update soooonnn...
ImAsujuELF #6
Haha, lilly remarks is so funny, lol, i love her, and i so love donghae saying "i cant promise i'll never hurt you but i can promise that i'll never mean to" *clapclapclap* aww so sweet, i love your update, =D
ryuuaegyofishy #7
lol i cant wait to see what eunhyuk and lilly say
ImAsujuELF #8
Wahahaha, lol, cant imagine hyuk and lily reaction, hahaha, and that is an amazing kiss, i really imagine it clearly haha, good chapter, good job (^.^)
ImAsujuELF #9
Wahahaha, lol, cant imagine hyuk and lily reaction, hahaha, and that is an amazing kiss, i really imagine it clearly haha, good chapter, good job (^.^)
nylsirhak #10
oh my goodness they kissed haha they just need to make it official already