Next Tuesday

Fiance in two weeks




Tao had his arms crossed in annoyance. Glaring at thin air, while thinking of ways to disobey orders he'd been given to earlier, Tao could only think of one thing. Kill a particular someone and then make a go for it, but not after burying the said person first. He had been sitting like that for almost fifteen minutes already and had yet to move from his position. Whoever came into the room was completely ignored and treated as thin air, because Tao just didn't feel like saying something. He was, after all, plotting ways to escape his current position.

"Tao... don't be angry. It's for your own good," Luhan sighed as he tried to reason with the current stubborn boy.

"If you guys would just let me stay at my home, then it's for my own good," Tao bit out through gritted teeth.

"It's only for a few days. Besides, there are maids who can serve you and treat you. Let someone take care of you,"

"I have a friend who can serve and treat me too,"

"That is different. I am sure your friend has other things to do instead of glueing to you 24/7,"

"Well, I've been doing things on my own way before I met you two," Tao bit out.

Why was he having this discussion with Luhan anyway? He could just force his way out of the house and take a taxi or something and go right back to his house. Although he secretly liked it they offered him this temporarily luxury to be treated by maids and what not, he just wasn't used to it and wasn't going to get used it any time soon. And frankly speaking, he wasn't supposed to be there in the first place. Tao wondered again how he actually ended up at the Wu mansion again.



Earlier that morning

"! Damn it! I am late!,"  Tao cursed angrily as he quickly shot out of bed and hurried to the bathroom. 

He'd been sleeping so peacefully, he didn't even hear his alarm clock singing like crazy. When it was close to eight AM, Tao then finally jolted awake by himself and realized he was going to be late for work. In all his haste, trying to put on his clothes, socks and shoes at the same time, he almost forgot to take his keys and cellphone. He was halfway down the street when he suddenly remembered his wallet and had to go back and get it (and almost forgot to lock the front door) before he could finally make his way to the coffeeshop.

Tao practically made a run for it, hoping he could catch a bus on time, but luck wasn't on his side that day. No bus was in sight and Tao almost wanted to shed his tears, because he was so going to be late and his boss didn't tolerate tardiness, not even once. He prayed and prayed, but his prayers were left unanswered and Tao decided it was best to take a cab for once.

But before the cab could stop in front of him, Tao was suddenly caught by surprise when something hard collided onto him. And the next thing he knew, he was blinking at the clear blue sky. Pain. That was the next thing that followed as he tried to get up from his lying position. It hadn't occured to him yet what had just happened to him. All he knew was, he was hurting very badly and he needed remedy.

"Oh my god! Tao! Are you alright? I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to...,"

Tao could hear someone saying something and murmurs could be heard here and there, but he wasn't sure who they were directed to. His mind went hazy and he tried so hard to get back his senses. Once he felt the throbbing pain subside a bit, Tao then realized he was surrounded by a crowd of worried looking people. What were those people doing there? What happened? And how did they know his name?

"Uhm.. what happened?," Tao managed to bring out.

"I... I am sorry... I kind of ran into you with my bicycle,"

Tao blinked at the info and finally looked around himself. The first thing he saw, was a pair of worried looking eyes belonging to a familiar person. Luhan. What was Luhan doing there? Then his eyes trailed to the fallen bicycle not too far from him. When he finally pieced out what had just happened to him, he finally turned to look at Luhan again. The poor lad looked as if he could break down any minute.

"Luhan... ge... what... are you doing here?," Tao asked.

"I'll tell you later. Let's get you to the hospital first," Luhan said hurriedly, trying to get Tao to get on his two feet.

Tao let himself get helped up by Luhan and immediately coiled in pain. He clutched his painful side and blinked away the tears forming in his eyes. Luhan held onto him, helping him and trying to call his driver over to take them to the hospital. Once the driver arrived, he was ordered to go to the nearest hospital and wait until they were finished. 


"Baekhyun ah... I think I am going to take the day off," Tao said through his phone.

He was currently sitting in the waiting room at the nearest hospital, with Luhan on his side fuzzing over him. He had one arm clutching his side as he tried to juggle his cellphone on one side and trying to make Luhan stop worrying about him on the other side. Ever since Luhan had collided with him, that morning, the latter didn't do anything but worry about Tao and mothering him all the way to the hospital. Sure, Tao appreciated it, but what could Luhan do about it. They had to seek professional help or else things would get even worse and Tao couldn't afford that to happen.

Tao had just finished calling Chanyeol when he was called inside. It was his turn to see the doctor and Tao was glad that it was finally time he got nursed. He entered the room with the help of Luhan and was quickly treated. The doctor took barely a half hour to treat the wound and before Tao knew it, he was back on tracks with Luhan offering him a ride back home.

"Luhan ge... I really appreciate it... but I can really go back home myself. I am fine now. The doctor gave me medicine and I just have to do what he says and I'll be better before you know it," Tao tried to reassure the shorter lad, but Luhan wouldn't take no for an answer.

"No, I can't let you go alone with that wound of yours and I feel bad enough that I am the one who caused it. So, just let ge take you home," Luhan said, not letting go of Tao's arm.

"Well... you can treat me to ice cream whenever you are free. For now, I can go home by myself and don't need you to babysit me," Tao said, trying desperatedly to pull away from Luhan.

"No. I will not let you go. You will come with me this instance and no discussion now," Luhan demanded.

"Sheesh, you sound just like your brother. Do you two really like to order people around?," Tao frowned in distaste.

"It's our job,"

Luhan merely answered as he ushered Tao inside the car, which had been waiting for them since Tao was brought into the hospital. Luhan gave the driver the order to take Tao home, but not before making an important call. Tao ignored the other, still annoyed that he was forced to do something he didn't want. He was in no mood to talk to anyone to be honest. 

"Ok, I'll see you," Luhan finished off and ended the call.

He turned to look at a moping Tao and chuckled by himself. Tao was cute in his eyes and he was glad he met the other. He hoped they could develop a beautiful relationship together and maybe even more. Luhan smiled to himself before patting Tao's left thigh to get his attention.


"I hope you are not angry with me. Please, just accept this ride as a way of forgiveness," Luhan pleaded.

"I am not angry at you, ge," Tao sighed. He really wasn't. He was just... tired. It was as if all that happened earlier had taken a lot of his energy.


The rest of the ride went by in silence and soon enough, they reached Tao's home. Tao had just finished texting Sehun what had happened to him earlier before getting out of the car, when he was surprised by a familiar car parked in front of his house. Needless to say for Tao, it was no one other than Luhan's brother better known as Mr. Arrogant-ordering-tall-handsome-guy-Tao-should-stay-away-from, Wu Kris, waiting obviously, for both of them to arrive.

The moment Tao's right foot touched the ground, he was almost pulled into a bone crushing hug. But his cry of pain stopped the other right on time from putting pressure on the wound. Kris fired questions left and right asking him if he was alright and what happened etcetera, etcetera and Tao couldn't help but sigh in defeat. He'd yet to convince another person that he was alright. He tried, though, but failed miserably in the end.

Whenever he would say A, there was always a but and whenever he would say B, the other would think it wasn't a good idea. All in all, there was always something the other would say just so Tao's words could be overpowered. When he finally gave up, he was ready to make a go for it, into his house, but was kept back in place. Kris had a firm grip on his left wrist, preventing him from going anywhere. The other would just not understand and let him go.

"Look... I am fine," Tao performed the brightest smile he could muster to give his words meaning, but the other didn't fall for it.

There was a minute silence. Both Luhan and Kris looked at each other as if having a silent discussion with each other. And before Tao could even ask what was wrong with them, he was pushed into the direction of his house. His keys were plucked out of his fingers and shoved into the keyhole roughly and Tao found himself inside his house. He was still confused at what was going on. Why the sudden action? Tao was about to open his mouth and asked what they were up to, but Luhan beat him to it.

"Where is your room?," 

He looked left and right, trying to guess which room was Tao's. Getting no immediate answer, Luhan decided to go room-hunting himself. It didn't take him too long to find the said room, because Tao's house wasn't particularly big and didn't have too many rooms, so Luhan could make out which one belonged to Tao quickly.

"Hey! Ge, with due respect... this is my house... and you are entering private zone!," Tao called out as he tried to pull away from the iron grip, but staggered back into a solid body. He smacked himself on the head. He'd totally forgotten about Kris.

"Let me go! What are you guys doing? Why is Luhan ge in my room?," Tao questioned while trying to pry those long fingers off his wrist and failed miserably.

Part of his question was answered when Luhan emerged in the living-room with a duffel bag. He stopped mid-way and signed for Kris that he'd forgotten something and would be back real quick. When Luhan finally re-emerged in the living-room, Luhan gave the taller lad a thumbsup, as if saying that he had everything he needed and was ready to go.

"Ok. Anything he needs, we can provide," Kris announced and Luhan nodded in agreement.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! What are you guys talking about? Let go of me of I'll bite you!," Tao threatened, but his threat fell into deaf ears.

Checking one last time for anything Tao might need, both brothers then hurried out of the house, but not forgetting to lock the doors first. Tao was pulled into the black Lamborghini as Luhan entered the other car.

"Wait! Are you guys actually kidnapping me?," Tao almost screamed out.

"No. We are taking you under our care, for the time being. When you have recovered, you can come back," Kris answered.

Tao gaped at the other. The other didn't even bat an eye when saying that. Tao couldn't believe what just happened to him. What in the world went into that pretty head of Kris? Did he fall and hit his head hard? Or was the latter suffering from mental disease? Tao didn't know. All he knew was, that man sitting next to him was saying some rubbish Tao didn't want to believe.


"Stop arguing with me or I'll stop the car and kiss you senseless right in front of the highway so people can video record us and put it on the internet. And if they want more show, I can go further and strip you down from everything until you are in front of everyone!," Kris snapped, glaring at the now shocked looking Tao.

That made Tao shut up immediately and for the rest of the ride, Tao bit his lower lip from saying anything to the meanie next to him. He was beyond furious. How dare the other threaten him with... with... that? He felt himself suddenly feeling warm and flustered. Trying to get back his normal temperature, he rubbed his right arm a few times, getting rid of the mental, image that had somehow seeped into his mind. Tao loathed himself for thinking the unthinkable. What was going on with him lately? He was really going crazy. And what made it worse was, everytime he thought of Kris, he'd eventually think of Sehun and he'd feel all guilty all over again. He really had to give back what belonged to his best friend or else he would lose the only person who had been with him practically his whole life.


Flashback ends


And thus, Tao found himself treated as a prisoner in a luxurious house. Once they reached the Wu mansion, Tao was dragged inside by Kris and directed here and there before he was settled in what seemed to be a guestroom. Tao didn't know and didn't want to know either, because he was going to run away as soon as he was left alone anyway. He only needed to remember which way to choose and get out of the house. He really didn't need to get lost in the big mansion.

But, his plans failed when a certain stubborn ge didn't want to leave him alone. Ever since they entered the house, Luhan had been talking his ear off about this and that (at which Tao didn't really pay attention to) and didn't even stop when Kris announced that he was going to get someone to get medicine for Tao.

"For the last time, ge. I don't need anyone to take care of me!," Tao huffed.


"Luhan... that is enough," a new, commanding voice interrupted.

Both Luhan and Tao turned to look at the door. Kris held a glass of water and what looked like medicine, in one hand while the other was holding onto a cellphone. He must have taken an important call on his way to the room and just hung up when he reached said room. He made his way over to the bed and held out the glass of water and medicine to Tao. A pause. Then he reached out to place the glass of water in Tao's hands.

"Take your medicine and go to sleep," Kris murmured.

Tao hesitated. It was the first time he'd seen Kris so sincere. Tao wasn't used to see this side of Kris. Maybe there was another side of the other, save from being an obnoxious and commanding slash ordering bastard. He didn't know what possessed him suddenly, but Tao actually found himself obeying the other's words. What has the world befallen to? Tao never liked to be ordered around and yet, whenever he was in front of this man, he actually followed whatever the man ordered him to.

"Good. Now take some rest and I'll wake you up for the second round of your medicine," Kris said, his voice not giving any room for further discussion whatsoever.

"Yeah... take some rest. You look like you really some extra sleep," Luhan said as he patted Tao's head.

Tao could only nod as he snuggled into the thick comforter. Maybe they were right. Maybe he really needed some extra sleep. He decided to do as they said and take a peaceful nap before worrying about other stuff. He promised himself, the next time he woke up, he'd make sure to get out of the Wu mansion.


The next time Tao woke up, he found himself in an unfamiliar room and temporarily questioned himself where he actually was. He was ready to get out of bed when a sudden pain shot through his ribcage. Clutching his side, Tao then remembered again what had happened. Rubbing the painful spot a few times to ease the pain, Tao looked around. Seemed like he was finally alone. 

"Finally," he muttered to himself as he got out of bed carefully.

He quietly tiptoed his way to the door and was halfway there when he was suddenly stopped in his tracks by an angry voice.

"Where the hell do you think you are going?!,"

Tao's eyes widened in horror. Oh no, the dragon had just awaken and Tao had no place to hide. He snapped his head to the side and found Kris sitting on a love seat, his laptop perched perfectly on his lap and a couple of folders stacked neatly next to him. Kris hadn't looked up from his screen yet, but the voice he had just used didn't promise anything beautiful for Tao.

"Ahem... I... err... needed... to go... washroom," Tao quickly lied.

A pause. Then he finally looked up. Angry, piercing eyes locked with dark, frightened ones. Tao gulped. He hoped the other fell for his lie, but Tao knew Kris wasn't that stupid, but it never hurt to try, right?

"Are you lying to me?," Kris demanded, not breaking eye contact.


Tao was slowly getting nervous. It was as if the other could see through his poor soul and Tao couldn't let the other man see how anxious the other was making him, just by looking at him like that. 

"In that case, I should show you then," Kris finally decided and he got up, after putting his laptop on the glassed table.

He grabbed Tao by the arm and led him to another door. There was a bathroom connected to the bedroom, which shouldn't be a surprise for Tao at all, but yet it did. Tao had no choice but to pretend to go to the bathroom now. His mission failed for the time being.

His day couldn't get any worse, he thought.








Yippie! An update! I hope I really can finish this story in two days' time. Fighting!

Thank you for reading this story of mine. <333

New readers and silent readers are always welcome to subscribe, comment and upvote for me! Thank you all for having patience with me.


ps. Please don't mind the typos or grammar mistakes. Thank you and enjoy!!


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Chapter 15: Its soooo cutttee!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Greyson #2
Chapter 15: Did you know? The word "SEQUEL" does exist.
So please!!! I-,, no... WE WANT A SEQUEL!!! This story is so cute and I effin' love it!! Flashback 2 and 3 made me squel like a retarded teenage girl!! Taoris feels~
Greyson #3
Chapter 14: OMG!! Finally! The KRIS who doesnt even believe in Love had finally said those 3 effin' words!!
Greyson #4
Chapter 7: Oh fudge! I wish i could have a boyfriend like Kris though his a bit scary but at the same time, sweet.



hippychick #6
Chapter 15: awesomeeee <3
Chapter 15: hay baby boooooo.. will you make any sequel???? i want to read about their marriage and after it.. it's gonna be fun.. the jealousy, overprotective, possessiveness and their growing love.. please consider it >< buing buing...
Chapter 15: reread it again, my taoris feels came back lOl
mifky91 #9
Chapter 15: Nice plot. :)

I hope kris would be more lenient with tao. And i also wonder about how luhan and sehun were betrothed to each other. There must be a behind story. Lol.

I enjoyed reading this very much ^_^